Does anyone know how much data a Ring doorbell camera uses


I have seen anywhere from 30 to 50 gigs a month. Does that sound about right?

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

a lot?

50-300 GB /month
The Ring app—Android and iOS—has several options to help reduce the amount of data usage from your Ring Doorbell. Depending on your device, several personalization options affect data

the title of my autiobiography "Mistakes have been made"

Dependent on the device

John from PA


The manual that came with my Nest camera says "under 200MB/Mo". In reality, for me, set on medium resolution, it varies between 150 and 180MB/Mo.

As previously mentioned, it depends on the individual product and the resolution setting.

Thanks for all of the input

I think that I will steer clear of the Ring system and maybe look at the Nest.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

That's the problem with all

That's the problem with all of these cloud devices. ISP's and device usage is not yet in alignment.

Around here (chicago), there's 2 options for unlimited internet. An overseller cable co called RCN and att fiber. The former offers reasonable speeds but does have issues depending on the level of overselling in a given neighborhood. Not to mention, if you saturate your upload then download suffers. Comcast also offers service but does implement monthly usage caps.

I believe it was about a year ago that fiber became unlimited on all tiers. Most recent bill just got, 3.7TB used in the last month. This is a bit higher than normal, but I have been beta testing a network device for a major brand network mfg.

If I ever implement a camera system, I think I will try to stick to something closed circuit and hide the recording drive somewhere in the house, not next to the rest of the network equipment. I suppose this is good enough unless they decide to burn the house down.

I'm actually partway there already. I don't use google/ms cloud storage. Instead I run nextcloud locally within a vm on a server. It's proven quite reliable with no issues since implementing it back in 2018. With gigabit upload, speeds are quite impressive. More importantly I don't have to worry about google analyzing any of my files or extracting private information.

Well boys and girls..

It's not the amount of data that we should be concerned with.. well.. okay, if you're on a data?restricted phone / internet system, maybe be concerned... but it's what happens wit that data. Whos got access to it (think places like your ISP, GOOGLE, LAW ENFORCEMENT and other GOVERNMENT AGENCIES.)

For the 'benefits' they offer I'm not sure I like the idea of being observed within my own property.

It's bad enough we're tracked with our cell phones, some car systems, some credit card systems, every traffic camera on most intersections with traffic lights, external cameras on banking facilities ( ATM's and just outside( along with every other business... )

And some think we live in the "land of the free"...

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!

^^But it's so convenient!!!!

^^But it's so convenient!!!!

Thanks for the info

Thanks for the info

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT


Is there a Fee to use those door bell camera's


Steve620 wrote:

Is there a Fee to use those door bell camera's

Usually, yes. These fees can be avoided though by buying a camera system that uses on site storage rather than the cloud. You pay up front for these systems though since they are generally more expensive than a subscription camera.

I have four Nest cameras and the annual fee is $137. I could reduce this down to $40 per year if I choose a plan with no long term video storage.