Chit Chat Thread For The Week Of August 16, 2021


This is the place to talk about things that are not GPS related.

This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.


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Wishing all a great week.


Nice day here in Memphis, I hope we are starting to cool down here a little. Everyone have a good safe week.

Enjoy the week

Enjoy the week

Good Evening

May start to get out a little more now …. Finally out of my immobilizer after having a shoulder replaced. Shoulder is still sore and I’m only half way through my PT ….. but the worst is behind me!

Travel Safe!


Enjoy your week and be safe.


Happy Monday, everyone. Stay safe.

Garmin Nuvi 2450

Cars are like babies ...

...they don't take care of themselves, you need to look after them.

That's what I told my niece earlier this year when she got her first car, a used Honda Accord. Well, she almost had to learn the hard way, as her car overheated due to her not keeping an eye on the coolant.

So, just a reminder to all of us, in these hot summer months it's especially important to check your oil and coolant levels.

hope everyone had a great

hope everyone had a great start to the week

Hope for clear air week

Xing my fingers and hope for the best


fun this week!

TomTom built in and Garmin Nuvi 1490T. Eastern Iowa, formerly Southern California "You can check out any time you like...but you can never leave."

Dodged 'Em Both

Fred's now ashore and headed into oblivion and Grace doesn't look like she'll head anywhere in the U.S.

Have a great


Have a great week.

Have a great week.




Hi Everyone.

Nuvi 760



Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.



Hello all

Summer is almost over....


Have a good week

Stay safe and drive safely!



enjoying it while it lasts

Happy Tuesday

Have a great week.

A trick to use

BSideTheCSide wrote:

...they don't take care of themselves, you need to look after them.
Well, she almost had to learn the hard way, as her car overheated due to her not keeping an eye on the coolant.

A trick to use if your car is starting to overheat turn on your heater, you may be uncomfortable but the coolant temperature should go down.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

Windmill post.

Windmill post.



Enough Already!

The tropical storm, Fred, passed directly over metro Atlanta and so far I have received about 5-inches of rain. The radar rain pinwheel may soon move past my location in the next couple of hours but I'm impatiently waiting for the rain to end in order to drop my outgoing mail in my mailbox at the street and take my daily two-mile walk in my neighborhood. The problem is the rain won't stop. Jeez, it been raining for about the past twelve hours. It's been a really wet year and I'd like to move some of this rain and share it with the people on the West coast that badly need it. mrgreen

Happy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday


Have a great week, everyone.

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It's too hot in Toronto!

It seems too hot weather in Toronto!

Garmin DS55 with Traffic

Yeah !!!! Spartan Factory Service

After 37 days, 19 hours labor, lots of $$$$, and failed repair of our RV, we took it to Spartan Chassis Factory Service in Michigan and the solved the problem in less than an hour.

Incompetence runs rampant in Pacific, Missouri

FYI: Spartan makes the Chassis for fire trucks, Newmar motorhomes and a few other high quality Class A Diesel Pusher Motorhomes.


Have a nice day.

Have a nice day.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


We finally got some well needed rain last night. Sure helped with the fires burning.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T


Melaqueman wrote:
BSideTheCSide wrote:

...they don't take care of themselves, you need to look after them.
Well, she almost had to learn the hard way, as her car overheated due to her not keeping an eye on the coolant.

A trick to use if your car is starting to overheat turn on your heater, you may be uncomfortable but the coolant temperature should go down.

Good advice, that tip does work. I had to use that method many years ago during a southern California summer while driving my '85 Toyota 4-Runner to get back home to safety. (Great vehicle by the way, I eventually sold it with almost 300,000 miles on it).

Late checking in this week




N.E. Ohio, Garmin 2598 Garmin Drivesmart 65



Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


and it is raining again, now causing some flooding in places ,plus worry about mud slides in burnt areas.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Enjoy the summer all

Enjoy the summer all

RNS-510 OEM VW Navi

Wow, late

this week. Enjoying the heat in FL.

Have a GREAT Week!

Have a GREAT Week!

Prayers for the Fire Victims

Prayers for all who have lost a loved one or property because of the fires in California. Hopefully, your lives will get to a place where you can see the sun shine through the smoke and live a "normal" life. May God bless each and every one of you.

Have the best week you can have and, please, take care of each other.

with everything

being cut and supply chain issues getting worse, some things are still hard to accept. Now we have cars that cost $110k, but have a 3 year/36k warranty? I'm so sorry but that price level is premium to me, it should have a 4/50 warranty, in my mind lol I get that in reality it's 3/36





Good morning.

Good morning.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Everyone have good day.

Nice Day

It has been nice today after three days of rain,

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Have a great weekend

Have a great weekend


Still have smokey air!! sigh... Have a great weekend


Finally some blue sky after days of rain.

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