Logging out


I wonder if others have this issue.

Several months ago, I began to logout from The POI Factory after visiting the site rather than staying logged on continuously except for the every week or two re-logon.

Maybe 10-20% of the time, when I return the next time, I see that I'm still logged in. Does anyone else see this and can anyone suggest why this happens to me? If important, I use the Chrome browser on my PC.

I always have to sign in. I

I always have to sign in.
I clear browser history and cookies when I close the browser.

I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.

I have found

that this applies to me sometimes when I log in on my IPhone. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I always log out. (Maybe, I am not hitting the Logout button correctly.) confused

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022


I never log out but here and there i need to login again like this morning. Not sure if this happens once a month or when, but it hasn't bothered me.

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

Clear your browser cache or

Clear your browser cache or temporary files.

I login only once a week, on Mondays. I don't log out manually. I stay logged in and I access this site everyday until Friday. I don't access this site on the weekends. I get kicked out automatically (session expired) and have to login again on Monday. That's how it works on my PC.

Logging in sets a cookie.

Logging in sets a cookie. that cookie has an expiration time. checking in resets that time delay. I have no idea what the time is, the expiration seems random, to me.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267


phranc wrote:

I have no idea what the time is, the expiration seems random, to me.

I agree, seems random here as well.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Jonathan wrote an

Jonathan wrote an explanation, awhile back. But it's not annoying enough to make me go search for it. smile

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

My Browser

CraigW wrote:

I wonder if others have this issue.
Several months ago, I began to logout from The POI Factory after visiting the site rather than staying logged on continuously except for the every week or two re-logon.
Maybe 10-20% of the time, when I return the next time, I see that I'm still logged in. Does anyone else see this and can anyone suggest why this happens to me? If important, I use the Chrome browser on my PC.

is Mozilla Firefox and when I sign in at a site it will ask me if I want to save this login. It saves it until I do a complete scan with my AV program, then I have to resign in at almost all websites.

POIfactory I just hit the login at the top right and all my info is entered for me which to me indicates the info is stored with POIfactory.

But this won't be the 1st time I'm wrong though.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

My System Behaves As Expected

I log out each time I leave here, and always have to log on the next time I visit.

I also have my browser (Opera) configured to remove all cookies when I shut it down, so I would expect POI Factory to require a log in even if I had not logged out the previous time.

- Tom -

XXL540, GO LIVE 1535, GO 620


Melaqueman wrote:

POIfactory I just hit the login at the top right and all my info is entered for me which to me indicates the info is stored with POIfactory.

But this won't be the 1st time I'm wrong though.

Well no, the factory knows your signin of course, but the factory does not autofill the login box.

I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.

Cookie-deleting AV

Melaqueman wrote:
CraigW wrote:

My browser is Mozilla Firefox and when I sign in at a site it will ask me if I want to save this login. It saves it until I do a complete scan with my AV program, then I have to resign in at almost all websites.

POIfactory I just hit the login at the top right and all my info is entered for me which to me indicates the info is stored with POIfactory.

But this won't be the 1st time I'm wrong though.

Your AV program is probably being "helpful" and clearing all cookies for you. There is probably a way in the AV settings menu to turn this feature off or to leave it on (because it's a good idea to clear out cookies from time-to-time) but whitelist certain cookies you want preserved, like POI's.

"141 could draw faster than he, but Irving was looking for 143..."

More trouble

than it's worth. My AV program doesn't give me an option to select certain cookies. Takes no time to re-sign in when needed.

But having said that there are a couple of websites where I do not have to re-enter log-in info. I just have to click the log=in and the info is entered automatically and it obviously does not come from any cookies..

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

You browser stores the

You browser stores the passwords and isn't dependent on cookies for some of the logins.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Here's a bit more

Here's what I see when trying to log out. When logged in, my regular way to view and the only way to post, the upper right corner offers Unread and Logout.

When all works well which is most of the time, clicking Logout refreshes the page and the upper right changes to Log In and Sign Up. I'm pretty sure that in my next return to The Factory, I'll have to log in again as expected.

But maybe 5-10% of the time, clicking Logout refreshes the page but the upper right remains Unread and Logout. Even odder, reclicking Logout on this refreshed page takes me to an Access Denied page implying, I think, that I really am logged out. But again, I think that when either these two things arise, the next time I return to The Factory, I sometimes find myself still logged in.

None of this is a big deal since in the past, I kept myself logged in when leaving The Factory and that would result in my having to log in on my next visit to The Factory only about once every week or two, but I am curious if I'm the only one seeing this after trying to logout. confused

More info if this offers someone a clue...When I go to The Factory to read/reply/download/etc., I am logged in. To read new messages, I click Unread Messages. I then read and respond to the fraction of new unread messages I see presented to me. When the only unread messages are uninteresting to me, I click "Mark topics in ALL FORUMS as read,"* then Confirm the request. This is the point at which I'm ready to logout and therefore click the Logout in the upper right corner.

*I find that the easiest way to be presented only with mostly unread messages of interest to me is to be sure that on my immediate previous visit to The Factory, I always Mark topics in ALL FORUMS as read when I'm ready to logout and this prevents previous unread messages not of interest to me not to be re-offered when I return. This technique, plus Hiding the Forums I choose not to read (Rand McNally talk/Mac topics/Magellan talk/TomTom talk) is most effective at letting me see what's new without offering messages I don't plan to read. There, clear as mud? razz


phranc wrote:

You browser stores the passwords and isn't dependent on cookies for some of the logins.

I don't let my browser store or offer to fill or auto-fill any site's username or password. I do, however, use LastPass for usernames and passwords and it's a Chrome Extension on my browser.

I use 1Password. However,

I use 1Password. However, the version I use won't work on the coming Mac OS upgrade and I refuse spend the big bucks for the new version that is heavy on Network, mutilple users, multiple computers. I'm a single user on one computer, and It looks as if that support was only added as an after thought.

Too bad. But the MAC Keypass function has equaled 1Password's functionality and I will be reverting back to that.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Just a different name

CraigW wrote:

I don't let my browser store or offer to fill or auto-fill any site's username or password. I do, however, use LastPass for usernames and passwords and it's a Chrome Extension on my browser.

Not being a CHROME user I think that is the same as my Mozilla Firefox filling user ID's and PW's for me. I think you're just using a different name (Last Pass) for the same function.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.


CraigW wrote:

But maybe 5-10% of the time, clicking Logout refreshes the page but the upper right remains Unread and Logout. Even odder, reclicking Logout on this refreshed page takes me to an Access Denied page implying, I think, that I really am logged out.

I experienced that behavior sometime ago. I click logout once but nothing changes on my display. The Log out link is still there. Clicking it the second time, it tells me Access Denied (because I'm already logged out on the 1st click). I just tested that a minute ago but couldn't reproduce that same behavior.


Melaqueman wrote:
CraigW wrote:

I don't let my browser store or offer to fill or auto-fill any site's username or password. I do, however, use LastPass for usernames and passwords and it's a Chrome Extension on my browser.

Not being a CHROME user I think that is the same as my Mozilla Firefox filling user ID's and PW's for me. I think you're just using a different name (Last Pass) for the same function.

That's incorrect.

You're using Firefox default feature that saves username/password. No add-on is needed. Chrome browser can save username/password by default too (without add-on). LastPass is password management service.

You can use LastPass add-on on Firefox if you want to:



Have to log in each visit if opening new tab.

Not me

perpster wrote:

Have to log in each visit if opening new tab.

Obviously I'm on your message right now and for a test I opened a second and then a third Factory tab and the new sessions brought me exactly here. So all three sessions are right here right now. Maybe you have a setting set that deletes your cookies when you log out?


"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."

I am generally always logged in on.

But for whatever reason I get logged out. It could be 3 to 4 weeks or more. It is so infrequent that it's a minor inconvenience.

Nuvi 2460LMT.

That's because the cookie

That's because the cookie that's set to keep you logged in expires. Then you have to relog in to reset the cookie.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Multiple Tabs..

I log out every time I want to exit POIF, and find my problems are, more often than not, associated with having more than one tab open in Chrome. If I sign out on one tab and have others open, I will get an error message that tells me I'm not authorized to enter that part of the site if I try to sign out again.

If you use multiple tabs, as I do, you might consider that as the culprit.

multiple tabs

Having multiple tabs should not make a difference. Logging off on one of them shall prevent any other tab form being logged on. Error about denied access is proper behavior when you are trying to use one of other tabs.

I guess that problems with login out will be associated with some problems existing with browser itself. Maybe it can't properly close connection with server? Did you try to reinstall browser and try how it will behave then?