Ohio House Votes to Ban Red Light Cameras


A bill effectively banning camera enforcement passes in Ohio state House of Representatives.

The Ohio House of Representatives voted 72-23 to approve a bill by state Representative Jim Raussen (R-Springdale) today that would effectively prohibit the use of red light cameras and speed cameras in the state. Raussen's legislation would only allow the devices to be used when a police officer is present to witness the offense and issue the citation to the driver.

The House also voted 92-4 to add a provision standardizing yellow signal timing to the ITE recommendations. The amendment's sponsor, Rep. Shawn Webster, cited the Texas Transportation Institute study showing longer yellow times decreased accidents.

Raussen argued that the photo enforcement represented, "a program that at best has questionable results." He cited cases in Ohio where individuals had improperly received tickets for offenses they did not commit as well as studies which show red light camera use actually increased the number of accidents where they were used.

Rep. Peter Ujvagi (D-Toledo) agreed that some abuses have happened, but "we should not punish those communities that are doing the right thing." He cited evidence from the Toledo police showing a reduction in violations where the cameras were used.

The cities of Dayton, Middletown, Northwood, Sylvania Township, and Toledo currently use red light cameras. Northwood also uses speed cameras.

Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck


That's a step in the right direction, I think. Almost got rear-ended the other day. I was able to stop in time, but I moved further out into the intersection... as I heard the brake locking up on the car behind me.

Perhaps a new Trend?

Lets hope this starts a trend across America!

My Toys: MacBook Pro Unibody, Nuvi 2589

Good News

I wonder if this will this prompt the remioval of the cameras or if they will keep them in place for when a police officer is present. Very good news for sure.