Turning off AutoZoom on the StreetPilot c340


I just purchased a c340. I'm quite sure that it did not autozoom the two days I had it. But now, everytime I make a turn it zooms out to .5 to 1 mile. It zooms back in as I get closer to the next turn but it's annoying. Is there anyway to change this behavior? Does anyone else have this problem?

Auto zoom

Check your Manual that come with the Street Pilot C340 it will tell you how to change your settings if you didnt get a manual go to garmin and download the manual its in PDF

Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck

Manual doesn't say anything

The manual is pretty basic. I've read it several times but there isn't anything in it about an automatic zoom.

I think they all do

I think that is a feature of Garmin. The units zoom in as you get closer to your upcoming turn. I know my c530 does and I have read reviews where other Garmin models do also. I do not know of any way to turn it off. I found it a bit strange at first but now I don't even notice it.

Garmin Nuvi 750 & c530 with RT's vol. mod., Vulcan Nomad

My C330 does the same thing

I also find it pretty annoying especially sitting a red light waiting for the left turn. I want to look ahead to what is coming up after the light, but can't get it to zoom out until after I make the turn.

I also have not found it way to stop it from happening.

Packman wrote: I'm quite

Packman wrote:

I'm quite sure that it did not autozoom the two days I had it.

I saw this same behavior myself. The first few days I had it...no zoom. Then all of the sudden, it zoomed out when I started to drive at highway speed. It zoomed back in as I got closer to turns, etc.

I can't find any options to change the zoom feature, but I have grown accustomed to it.


Garmin handbook & zoom issue

The pdf Garmin handbook for the C340 is 39 pages long.

It's worth downloading and printing.

For your zoom issue, if it wasn't happening before you might just need to hit the "restore to original settings" button.

Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member. http://kitchentoysmakecookingfun.blogspot.com/