DriveAssist Real Vision - Does it work?


Does anyone have real world experience with Garmin Real Vision feature? Garmin said may only work where applicable. I'm sure mileage may vary. Looks very cool in the Ad you have argument map on destination address.

I believed feature only applied to DriveAssist 50 and 51.


I know what RV is. and how it works

I just want to know if real people have used it in the real world and how it performed instead of Garmin Advertising. Thanks


donnyy123 wrote:

I just want to know if real people have used it in the real world and how it performed instead of Garmin Advertising. Thanks

Sorry, I was unfamiliar with the feature and figured several others here with older devices may have the same issue so I offered the link. The link was not intended as an answer to your post.

Thanks CraigW

CraigW wrote:
donnyy123 wrote:

I just want to know if real people have used it in the real world and how it performed instead of Garmin Advertising. Thanks

Sorry, I was unfamiliar with the feature and figured several others here with older devices may have the same issue so I offered the link. The link was not intended as an answer to your post.

I just saw a post with RV on it and wondered what the RV was for.
Thanks for the link.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

It Works on my DriveAssist 50

Real Vision works on some destinations... I'm not sure how Garmin figures out whether to display or not display the dashcam when arriving at the destination.

Nüvi 2595LMT


Would you say it works 50% of the time or less based on your experience.

Point addressing?

I wonder if it has something to do with the "Door to door" or "Point addressing" feature Garmin introduced several years ago. In other words, if your destination is an address that has an exact position because of point addressing, maybe the Real Vision is enabled, but if your destination does not have point addressing, the Real Vision is not used.

I don't really know as I don't have a DriveAssist … it is just my guess for a possible explanation.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

Not familar with it, but

Not familar with it, but according to the link, can't show POI's. Kinda strange.

Seldom get Real Vision for destinations

I'll keep an eye on it and report back, but it's not often that I get the dashcam view on reaching my destinations.

Interesting thought alandb. If I recall correctly, I get Real Vision for destinations where the address is somewhat uncertain. So is that opposite to your theory?

Nüvi 2595LMT

Another question

Another question is whether this feature will add locations over time as was done earlier when speed limits were first added to map updates, then school zones, etc.
If additions do occur, would they be added through map updates or would they require software updates?

My 2 cents

Personally I believe it would be software not map because it is device specific feature unlike maps. However, I wonder if RealVision does trigger by map point or lack there of as WAASup pointed out. Does it make a difference on types of destinations (Parks, Business, Residential, communities, etc) ?

Real Vision triggers

So far it seems Real Vision gets triggered on arriving at an address in an industrial area (not door to door?) or a favourite which is set to the middle of a road (e.g. "Home" which is near home, but imprecise if GPS is stolen)

Nüvi 2595LMT

Funny and Useful (sarcasm)

So basically, Real Vision is one of those "cool feature" that doesn't really provide "real world values". In your opinion which I valued very much, Garmin tried to make a feature that has real world value but not very successful. May be DriveAssist51 does a better job. May be the newer GPS will do a better job? Thank you and it has been a good discussion / discovery.

Real Vision

CraigW wrote:

Info on what RV is...

Thanks for the link. I had no idea what Real Vision was. Sound cool if it works. Does this feature work only on specific GSP models.

From reading the description...

CraigW wrote:

Info on what RV is...

...on the website, it sounds like it still needs a lot of work to make it a feature that I would be interested in paying money for. It may be worth me going out and buying a new unit in 3 or 4 years if Garmin continues improving this function, and, if, they are still producing in-car units at that time. (Which is still an unknown at this time.)

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022