csv files load fine on nuvi 350 but gpx files wont load


Hello all- new to POI's and have a couple questions: I can load the cvs files fine however the gpx is not recognized. am I doing something wrong? Also the cvs files open in excel but I read that you shouldnt open these cvs files in excel- is this correct? I open them in microsoft word and they seem to load fine on my gps

lastly- can you intregate the custom poi files with the garmin files? so when you search for cracker barrel it will also search the custom poi files.

any help is appreciated

More details please.

How are you creating the .gpx files? Do you receive an error message when you try to load the .gpx files, or does the loader simply not see them at all?
I have found that if my .csv file contains any '&', '(', ')', or '"' characters, I will have problems with the .gpx file.

Zumo 450, C530, Quest, Quest, GPS III+

only the ampersand

redbarber wrote:

...if my .csv file contains any '&', '(', ')', or '"' characters, I will have problems with the .gpx file.

That may be true when you're using an application to convert from CSV to GPX. However, the ampersand (&) is the only one you cannot use in any XML document as it is a reserved character. You can use left/right paranthesis, single quotes as long as the schema that defines each element allows it.
Double quote can also be used in element value but not in the attribute (e.g. lat and lon are attributes of an element wpt) since attribute values must be enclosed in double quotes.

Garmin nüvi® 660, iPhone 8gb (Technology is not the solution. It's only a tool to help you achieve it.)

Even the Ampersand

theTraveler wrote:

However, the ampersand (&) is the only one you cannot use in any XML document as it is a reserved character.

You can even use an ampersand, but you have to manually edit the GPX file and change the '&' to " &" in order for the XML to realize that you want the display character of an ampersand and that it is not signalling special content.

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