Mapsource/basecamp map background color


Example, IL is in yellow, WI is grey when zoomed in at 20/50 mi (basecamp/mapsource respectively) or closer.

Why are they in different colors?

Not on my Mac. All are the

Not on my Mac. All are the faded yellow.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267


Did you do a search for the

Did you do a search for the State?

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Negative. Pic is from when

Negative. Pic is from when the program is first opened. No searches, no open files, nothing.

How does one even search for a state?

Dunno, zx. I couldn't make a

Dunno, zx. I couldn't make a state search work.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

I suppose it doesn't matter.

I suppose it doesn't matter. I did the route, all 540 miles of it. No issues at all even with the parts in WI.

In My Case

All of New England plus PA and CT are in grey tint on my PC using both Mapsource and Basecamp. The only other grey tint shows up in populated areas when zoomed in.

Most of the work I do with these programs is in this area as is my home location. When I close the programs, the screen is usually left centered somewhere within this area. Perhaps the programs remember this over time and color the screen accordingly?

Just a guess but it's an interesting feature I never noticed before.


On a Mac and seeing the grey for WI and the northeast from PA/NJ and on up.

No idea why.

When you are dead, you don’t know that you are dead. It is only difficult for the others. It is the same when you are stupid.

@bdhsfz6 I haven't done a


I haven't done a trip in WI in years. Everything has been west, south, or east. Ridden too many miles in WI in years past. Eventually got bored.

We'll see what it looks like in the next update.