Windows 10 'Fall Creators Update' Coming Soon


For people with a PC using Windows 10 the big 'Fall Creators Update' (Version 1709 OS Build 163xx) is schedule to be released in about 2 weeks.

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...
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Au Contraire

koot wrote:

For people with a PC using Windows 10 the big 'Fall Creators Update' (Version 1709 OS Build 163xx) is schedule to be released in about 2 weeks.

As Michael J. Fox so eloquently said in an episode of "Family Ties," au contraire, koot. (He didn't actually say koot.) I woke up yesterday morning only to find that version of Win 10 had been installed on my laptop overnight. When I rebooted, as directed, it took at least 20 minutes for the update to install itself. The installation included 2 reboots before it was completely installed. It was all automatic, of course, and it actually made a couple of irritations less irritating.


"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."


That happened on my wife's Win 10 laptop a couple of days ago. Nothing new on my machines as yet.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Is this a big update?

Does it say what major update is all about?


Here's the list

emercado wrote:

Does it say what major update is all about?

Here's the list of what's coming

Garmin Nuvi 2450


Thank you for posting that. Looks like mostly changes which probably won't affect the way I use W10 much, but nice nonetheless.

I'll be looking for it and

I'll be looking for it and then waiting 6 months before installing to check reviews.

Thanks for the "update"!

Thanks for the "update"!

Maps -> Wife -> Garmin 12XL -> StreetPilot 2610 -> Nuvi 660 (blown speaker) -> Nuvi 3790LMT

window updates

Does anyone use the website The reason I ask cause for the past week now the website as change as a follow:

A lot of people have concern about this and microsoft does not offer a good valid answer. what does this ?pc=EUPP mean ? One more way for Microsoft to spy on us?

I have done some research and the best I come with it that this is a change for only window 10..
How this could be when I only use window 7 professional.

It is possible that Microsoft as give me some wrong window update, made for window 10, when Actualy I only use window 7 ?

2 major updates a year

GARYLAP wrote:

I'll be looking for it and then waiting 6 months before installing to check reviews.

If you wait 6 months, by that time the Spring update will be coming out, since they are planning 2 major releases a year.

Garmin Nuvi 2450

Second Tuesday

Is it coming on the normal update day (second Tuesday of every month) or are we going to have both in October?

Those long update times can be annoying!

Hopefully I won't be using my computer for anything too important when the update starts or it'll at least let me delay the update.

Thanks, but I'll wait. The

Thanks, but I'll wait. The first Creator's update is installed and running well, but I had to roll it back the first time. Had driver problems and other issues - end result - waited several months and updated again and it worked. So I will wait and let others work the bugs out this time.

To see which version you have...

The first major update to Windows 10 was the 'Anniversary Update' (Version 1607 OS Build 14393).

The most current major update is the 'Creators Update' (Version 1703 OS Build 15063.632).

The upcoming major update will be the 'Fall Creators Update' (Version 1709 OS Build 16299.15), which will be released in about 2 weeks.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To see which version you have:
Type 'winver' in the search box (Cortana), then press the Enter key.
A small window will appear that provides the Windows 10 Version you are currently running.

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

The 'Fall Creators Update'

The 'Fall Creators Update' arrived for downloading and installing yesterday right on schedule. It takes a while to download and also to install. This new version on my PC is: Version 1709 OS Build 16299.19

I have not gone through all the new or changed features, but it's obvious from the get-go that changes were made.

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...


My laptop updated yesterday. No real issues other than it reset my touchpad option to be disabled whenever a mouse is present. I did update a friends Garmin Nuvi 1350 with Garmin Express after the new map update with no issues.

My desktop is updating right now.

Garmin Nuvi 2450

Yes indeed

koot wrote:

The 'Fall Creators Update' arrived for downloading and installing yesterday right on schedule. It takes a while to download and also to install. This new version on my PC is: Version 1709 OS Build 16299.19

I have not gone through all the new or changed features, but it's obvious from the get-go that changes were made.

Yes, indeed the process took a while both to download and install. To be sure all was installed, once you think it's completed, go back to Settings/Updates and Check for updates again. You may well find even more.

I think I will load it

I think I will load it tonight.

John B - Garmin 765T

not impressed

koot wrote:

For people with a PC using Windows 10 the big 'Fall Creators Update' (Version 1709 OS Build 163xx) is schedule to be released in about 2 weeks.

Seems like a poor product to me...

Garmin Drive Smart 61 NA LMT-S

What prompted you to say that?

Garmin Gal wrote:
koot wrote:

For people with a PC using Windows 10 the big 'Fall Creators Update' (Version 1709 OS Build 163xx) is schedule to be released in about 2 weeks.

Seems like a poor product to me...

Okay... Why would you make such a negative comment without saying anything at all about why you believe the update is a poor product?

What prompted you to say that? Have you actually installed the update and found multiple things not to your liking? If so, what?

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...


I'm installing it on 2 laptops right now. Be warned that this takes forever. Started updating at 6pm and 3.5 hrs later it's at "Preparing to install updates 92%" The other one is at 86%.

Fall Creators Update ... but it isn't

Well a couple of days ago, out of the blue, I got the blue screen of death. When I rebooted, it started a very long update (an hour?) with a reboot or two thrown in. But then it finished the update, and everything seems peachy. However, because of this thread I checked my current version of Windows 10 Pro, and it said I was on version 1703, build 15063.674, not the new version, 1707. So I wonder what it was just doing, if not bringing me up to the current update.

Same deal

milspec wrote:

Well a couple of days ago, out of the blue, I got the blue screen of death. When I rebooted, it started a very long update (an hour?) with a reboot or two thrown in. But then it finished the update, and everything seems peachy. However, because of this thread I checked my current version of Windows 10 Pro, and it said I was on version 1703, build 15063.674, not the new version, 1707. So I wonder what it was just doing, if not bringing me up to the current update.

About a week ago the same scenario played out for me. I didn't get the blue screen of death like you did, but everything else was was exactly as you described it.


"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."

Smooth sailing

Installed on two laptops without issues, brings build to 16299.19.
Many new changes,boots faster and appears to run smoother.

Some good advice, ALWAYS use the MCT to install the update rather than relying on Windows Updates and then create a bootable ISO of the OS for future reference.

Nuvi 2595LMT, Nuvi 40, GPSMAP 62s, TomTom One XL -Change what you can, manage what you can't.

lost my ability to use both GPUs for distributed computing

I support the Einstein@home distributed computing applications using two GPUs each on three different systems. I happened to check for updates yesterday on one of those systems and wound up installing the fall creators update quite shortly after it was rolled out.

Ever since I installed the update, the BOINC software which supervises most distributed computing projects including both SETI and Einstein no longer sees one of my two GPUs on that system.

I imagine this is some sort of mutual compatibility among the BOINC software, the current Nvidia driver, and the revised OS, but have made no progress on resolving the issue.

personal GPS user since 1992


koot wrote:

For people with a PC using Windows 10 the big 'Fall Creators Update' (Version 1709 OS Build 163xx) is schedule to be released in about 2 weeks.

Mine ended up being Version 1709 (OS Build 16299.19)

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

created a littel mess

I got the fall creators update not to happy with some of it ! first it removed my Startisback program ! I had to reinstall it! then I had to redo my desk top colors and background it also added a people icon on the task bar! when I pull up the task manager to see what's going on in the background I have new routines running I have never seen before and for some reason Cortana is running 2x instead 1 ! also my hosts file was set at read only by me and was reset with the creators update so I had to redo it ! all in all it will take a little adjusting to make it comfortable to use again and like other releases some will like it some Dred it .

Same here.

milspec wrote:

Well a couple of days ago, out of the blue, I got the blue screen of death. When I rebooted, it started a very long update (an hour?) with a reboot or two thrown in. But then it finished the update, and everything seems peachy. However, because of this thread I checked my current version of Windows 10 Pro, and it said I was on version 1703, build 15063.674, not the new version, 1707. So I wonder what it was just doing, if not bringing me up to the current update.

Similar experience here a week ago but it was indeed the regular October 1703 update. Still waiting for the Fall thingy.

Turbulent water

jale wrote:
milspec wrote:

Well a couple of days ago, out of the blue, I got the blue screen of death. When I rebooted, it started a very long update (an hour?) with a reboot or two thrown in. But then it finished the update, and everything seems peachy. However, because of this thread I checked my current version of Windows 10 Pro, and it said I was on version 1703, build 15063.674, not the new version, 1707. So I wonder what it was just doing, if not bringing me up to the current update.

Similar experience here a week ago but it was indeed the regular October 1703 update. Still waiting for the Fall thingy.

To some it is being released as two updates, the second one bringing you up to 1709 (OS build 16299.19)

Nuvi 2595LMT, Nuvi 40, GPSMAP 62s, TomTom One XL -Change what you can, manage what you can't.

Downloaded the Fall update...

...last night. The whole process took about 2 1/2 hours but everything went well and seems to be working fine.

I'm 3+ hours into it... On

I'm 3+ hours into it... On HP I7 2.6Ghz laptop with HT enabled, and it's still not yet fully through with the "Preparing to Install" Phase!!!!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

5+ hours in, and am at 2nd

5+ hours in, and am at 2nd re-boot....
Screen came up indicating it's continuing on... and will re-boot 'Several' more times!!!

And here I thought I had IOS V11.x Upgrade issues!!!
This is NUTS!!!

It better work when it's done!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Hmmm ...

Updated and now my integral DVD player doesn't work!

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

I have a friend who's laptop

I have a friend who's laptop went into a continuous boot/reboot cycle until it finally faulted after 2 days at "Can't Repair". It won't boot from install media or flash drive. It's a repair facility as we speak.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

W10 update

Did the update yesterday. I am sure a lot of changes, but the way I use Windows, I doubt I will even notice a difference. Made the jump after creating an image of my current setup. Wanted the computer to have all the latest security updates. After using it for 2 days, don't really notice any difference at all.


The Same

Dudlee wrote:

Did the update yesterday. I am sure a lot of changes, but the way I use Windows, I doubt I will even notice a difference. Made the jump after creating an image of my current setup. Wanted the computer to have all the latest security updates. After using it for 2 days, don't really notice any difference at all.

I have the same opinion.

Fall Creators Update download and install

Windows downloaded this update without prompting at some point and of course started up with the "too chummy" nagging re-start prompts. I finally gave in on Sunday and re-started. Same scenario as others have posted here: Lot's of flashing, "getting ready... preparing to download... preparing to install, don't shut off your computer.... this could take a while..." (No kidding!) Restart and restart again... Over and over again this went on for about two hours. Glad I didn't have anything better to do and my on-call phone didn't ring. Note: Not that it matters perhaps since the download had happened earlier, but the system was directly cabled (Fios) during all this, NOT using Wi-Fi. It would have probably gone at least another hour otherwise. When it finally completed and I signed back in, all I noticed different was the little "stick figure" people symbol in the task bar. It looks the same, boots the same, (too slow IMO and gets worse with every update) same icons on the start screen. All I can say is whatever is "New and Improved!" must be buried way down deep.

Now begins the six months of bug-release fixes for this new and improved W10 release. Some things never change at Microsoft. rolleyes

(FWIW, two+ hours for this process to complete isn't because I have an ancient weakling of a system that is on its way to the grave. Quick specs: two years young brand name laptop (kind of), Intel Core I7 (not sure what flavor...I think it has some "sevens" in it), 12GB Ram, 1TB/8GB Hybrid Drive by Tesla (?) wink , Nvidia dedicated graphics card (dunno the flavor of this one either but live TV and games work pretty good), Quattro AWD, blah blah blah. Microsoft keeps this up we're all gonna need a CRAY.) shock

"Primum Non Nocere" 2595LMT Clear Channel and Navteq Traffic


jale wrote:

Is it coming on the normal update day (second Tuesday of every month) or are we going to have both in October?

AFAIK, the official release is scheduled on November 17.

Michael (Nuvi 2639LMT)

Official Release

Windows began pushing it out on October 17th. Windows Key + V and enter "winver" confirms it for my system.

1709, or Build 16299.15

"Primum Non Nocere" 2595LMT Clear Channel and Navteq Traffic

Nice. Not

This is why I use Linux. Windows has gotten to the point long ago, where it is not a runner in my world for a daily driver.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Display Windows Version: Correction

williston wrote:

Windows began pushing it out on October 17th. Windows Key + V and enter "winver" confirms it for my system.

1709, or Build 16299.15

Correction to above: Windows Key + R > winver

Provides current version.

My build showing: Version 1709 (OS Build 16299.19)

"Primum Non Nocere" 2595LMT Clear Channel and Navteq Traffic


williston wrote:

Correction to above: Windows Key + R > winver

Thanks. I tried the other, and when it did not work for me wondered what setting I had maladjusted.

personal GPS user since 1992

mine shows

( Version 1709 (OS Build 16299.19)
all went well except for the removal of a couple programs it said wouldn't run on the update and my screen colors were a bit wacked my orange and red colored icons and any weather programs showing the sun yellow, but I adjusted the colors and reinstalled the deleted programs also with updates and it looks ok so far ! as far as speed goes I didn't notice any increase and I will delete the windows.old file after a bit it has 25.6 gigs of old windows ruminants files soon as I see if I want to roll back or not ! also another note: Cortana instead of having 1 background file running it has 2 or 3 and the edge browser at this time has 9 running when to check it in the task manager ?

I already have the earlier

I already have the earlier creator's update. I jumped the gun then and had to rollback. It updated automatically a couple month's later and the bugs that plagued me were gone. BUT. . . I am still going to wait.


geo334 wrote:

( Version 1709 (OS Build 16299.19)
all went well except for the removal of a couple programs it said wouldn't run on the update and my screen colors were a bit wacked my orange and red colored icons and any weather programs showing the sun yellow, but I adjusted the colors...

If your colors were a bit warm while you were viewing it at night, you may have the Display Settings Night Light turned on.

I'm so excited!

I'm so excited!


Fall Creators Upgrade


I'd rather wait if the initial installs seem so flaky!

Flaky Installs? What do you guys do to your equipment?

Two laptops, an 18" desktop tablet, and a netbook. All these devices are at least six years old. One laptop (Dell XPS 15) received the update through Windows Update. The other three devices all were updated using a USB stick. No issues with the update on the other laptop (Dell Inspiron N5010) and tablet (Dell XPS 18).

The netbook (Dell Mini 10V) I chose to clean install, and it had no issues either. However, the Atom processor in the netbook does not like live tiles. Not a great loss as I only use the Netbook for audio cassette digitizing anyway.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

time to clean up now

after the creators up date I had a few issues my windows.old file it was about 25 gigs so I deleted it after I adjusted some colors and reinstalled a couple of programs, but I also did a full backup before I deleted it. 25 gig of extra garbage on a ssd drive I don't need !
I think the edge browser needs more improvement so does Cortana I don't care for the fact that there running more background routines and using more memory and performance hasn't improved much .

I did the install, it worked

I did the install, it worked well upon installation, but as soon as I shut down the PC and turned back on later in the day, I noticed the start menu not working, settings panel totally blank, apps worked ok but the OS apps were messed up. Had to revert back to previous OS and now I will wait till they get these bugs corrected

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
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