Windows 10 start menu
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 12 years
If you are like myself, I do not like the start menu used in Windows 8 or 10.
I found two different start menus to replace the Windows one.
Try either one, but I find the Classic start menu is more like Windows versions from the past because it can be customized easily.
1.) Classic start menu which is free to use.
Some of it's features:
Highly customizable start menu with multiple styles and skins
Quick access to recent, frequently-used, or pinned programs
Find programs, settings, files and documents
Start button for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
Toolbar and status bar for Windows Explorer
Caption and status bar for Internet Explorer
2.) This is StartMenu10_Setup_6_11_PRO and it is Freeware
Even on their download page they still call it Start Menu 8
But when it is downloaded it is v.10
Yep ...
I've been using the Classic start menu on my laptop ever since I installed Win10 and it's excellent. It allows my Win7 desktop and Win10 laptop to behave almost identically
Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20
Mee too
I've been using the classic menu too.
I'll Try It
I've been using the classic menu too.
Sounds like a better way.
Windows 10
Funny you should bring up Windows 10 i got it the first day it was free and just dumped it friday. Went back to Windows 7. 7 is supported at least until 2020. Never liked Microsoft putting so much stuff (spyware) on our computer and telling us if you go thru security and turn all these things off we still may turn it back on. 7 is still the most popular OS out there. Bought a solid state drive and installed it there
Funny you should bring up Windows 10 i got it the first day it was free and just dumped it friday. Went back to Windows 7. 7 is supported at least until 2020. Never liked Microsoft putting so much stuff (spyware) on our computer and telling us if you go thru security and turn all these things off we still may turn it back on. 7 is still the most popular OS out there. Bought a solid state drive and installed it there
Big brother OS. I spent over an hour shutting things off like Cortana, searches, etc and have not checked it since but after your comment, I am going back to check although I haven't done updates in awhile so maybe it's still in the "last state".
Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX
Change, it's inevitable. Just like the first pc that came out. You get so attached to wires and cords, everyone freaked out when this started going wireless.
Windows 10 Updates
Funny you should bring up Windows 10 i got it the first day it was free and just dumped it friday. Went back to Windows 7. 7 is supported at least until 2020. Never liked Microsoft putting so much stuff (spyware) on our computer and telling us if you go thru security and turn all these things off we still may turn it back on. 7 is still the most popular OS out there. Bought a solid state drive and installed it there
Big brother OS. I spent over an hour shutting things off like Cortana, searches, etc and have not checked it since but after your comment, I am going back to check although I haven't done updates in awhile so maybe it's still in the "last state".
Not over yet they say another update in October.
Funny you should bring up Windows 10 i got it the first day it was free and just dumped it friday. Went back to Windows 7. 7 is supported at least until 2020. Never liked Microsoft putting so much stuff (spyware) on our computer and telling us if you go thru security and turn all these things off we still may turn it back on. 7 is still the most popular OS out there. Bought a solid state drive and installed it there
Big brother OS. I spent over an hour shutting things off like Cortana, searches, etc and have not checked it since but after your comment, I am going back to check although I haven't done updates in awhile so maybe it's still in the "last state".
Not over yet they say another update in October.
Thanks for that info.
Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX
All I can say is that if it would have been up to the old APPLE/MAC system many people would not be using a computer now. Windows opened up the computer world to everyone. PC clones of a million flavors could be bought inexpensively. Inexpensive monitors could be bought. Hundreds if not thousands of programs were available for the PC vs a few handfuls for the Apple/MAC system.
Back in the day, Apple/MAC only once licenced one or two computer manufacturers for 2-3 years and then pulled the licemces. There were only a few compatible and very expensive monitors available.
I dare say there are many in these forums who would not be using a computer if it weren't for the Windows OS.
As for myself I got started back in the old MS-DOS 5.0 system which occasionally still is a handy thing to know.
Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.
I run a virtual, DOS 3.31 for a particular device
the title of my autiobiography "Mistakes have been made"
windows 10
I have used startisback for a couple of years now never did care for the windows 10 start screen it was a little to confusing . right now you cant tell the difference between windows 10 and windows 7 on my computer I have it set up to boot straight to the desk top with out asking you to sign on , I have icons and folders on my desktop no funny looking squares . I'm finally using the edge browser as it has improved a little , as far as spying goes banks, retail store's, credit card company's , medical services , online business all sell your information to each other and credit rating co's . and unwittingly you ok it it's in the fine print when you sign up for something ! did you just read about a credit rating company getting hacked and millions of people had the personal information stolen unless you live in a cave with out electricity your info was just hacked .
Thanks for the
Thanks for the information,
I too am not so thrilled with the Windows 10 start menu!
Maps -> Wife -> Garmin 12XL -> StreetPilot 2610 -> Nuvi 660 (blown speaker) -> Nuvi 3790LMT
The Past
All I can say is that if it would have been up to the old APPLE/MAC system many people would not be using a computer now. Windows opened up the computer world to everyone. PC clones of a million flavors could be bought inexpensively. Inexpensive monitors could be bought. Hundreds if not thousands of programs were available for the PC vs a few handfuls for the Apple/MAC system.
Back in the day, Apple/MAC only once licenced one or two computer manufacturers for 2-3 years and then pulled the licemces. There were only a few compatible and very expensive monitors available.
I dare say there are many in these forums who would not be using a computer if it weren't for the Windows OS.
As for myself I got started back in the old MS-DOS 5.0 system which occasionally still is a handy thing to know.
Punch cards for me (ahem) 1975.
Timex Sinclair - VIC20 - Atari800 - PC/XT 8088 and then on from there. I still use some old DOS commands myself.
Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX
I run a virtual, DOS 3.31 for a particular device
The 3's were good. 5 and 6 were good. The addition of deltree was wonderful. DOS 4 sucked. I used (actually still use) a Gateway Anykey keyboard. I had a dedicated *.* key as well as various mini batch files programmed into other keys.
It took me a long time to move to Windows. The only reason I actually did move over was because Netscape came along. The difference between graphical Internet access and text-based Unix Internet access was just way to much for me to ignore.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
Windows 10 start menu
Yes, Classic Shell is our last hope. Been using it since Windows 7.
Why can't they leave simple and functional alone...
Wife's HP Omen Laptop with
Wife's HP Omen Laptop with W10PRO has a desktop that looks to me like W7... We use that one, and we only go to the start menu to shut it off
A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!
Thanks for the heads up
Thanks for the heads up
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Good to know
Good tips, thanks.
Not All Changed
Yes, Classic Shell is our last hope. Been using it since Windows 7.
Why can't they leave simple and functional alone...
I've noticed that they seem to re-skin the main pages of Windows products but as you dive down deeper into other screens, some of the dialog boxes are still the same. For example Device Manager or things of that nature. They don't really re-tool the whole product. The main page gives this illusion that they have revamped the whole thing but they haven't really.
Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX