Uploading POI to 2013 Honda Accord
Mon, 06/26/2017 - 8:39am
14 years
I was able to successfully upload a .KML file to my Honda based on instructions found on this site but I don't know where it stored the POIs. They are not in the address book. Has anyone uploaded POIs to a Honda and if so, where were they located?
USB input..
How did you upload the file? USB etc.?
Yes I uploaded it via USB.
Yes I uploaded it via USB. It would not upload a .CSV file, I had to use the .KML. Is showed the upload progress (small file, took only a few seconds) and then said upload successful but gives no indication where the data is stored.
I worked with the voice input today and because you have to wait until all the options are given, it's not really much faster than the manual input.
Downloaded POIs 2014 Accord
More Search Methods
Download POI
This is where the 2014 Accords are.
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
2013 Honda POI's
Which Honda do you have?
I have a 2013 Accord Touring and would like to learn to load my own POI's.
I have the 2014 V6 Accord
Which Honda do you have?
I have a 2013 Accord Touring and would like to learn to load my own POI's.
I forget the name but it is the 2014 V6 Accord and it is one just under the Touring. The Navigation system is the same as the Touring on the 2014 and 2013.
The post below is mine. I worked out how to load the POIs. Try the post but be sure and read it all as some of the menus are in two spots and you have to pick the right spot. Also, be sure if I have file listed to not mistake it for folder. Each item has to be done as stated below for it to work. I have the cameras in mine and a lot more. You have to make sure the file is not too large. In large files I pulled out only the states I would be going to to make my file smaller. Most of my files worked as were but the Cameras and files like WalMart have to be downsized.
Hope this helps.
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
I am thinking that based on the new Camry, maybe at some point I would get the new Accord, that would be nice to be able to upload POIs.
Overall i would prefer Toyota to Honda (although I have never owned either one), but the latter is turbocharged which I think makes more sense nowadays.