Honor Flight


My father (turns 92 in a month) is in Washington DC today, VE Day, as part of the Northern Colorado Honor Flight. Reports are that today's events start at the White House with an appearance from the VP. His army infantry service was in Italy during WWII where he was awarded the purple heart. He also is the first of our extended family to appear in a non-family YouTube Channel (video 1 at 1min 20 sec), his four seconds of fame. wink



Very good

Good going for your dad, hopefully many more years to come.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

God bless..

God bless all those who have, will and do put there lives on the line for God, there family, me and country!


I first read the time mark as 1 min and 1 sec, so I was impressed that your dad could still ride at almost 92!


Still, nice picture. He looks pretty happy to be there!



Very nice. Thanks for posting.

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

Northern Colorado Honor Flight

Thank you for your service, sir. I hope you enjoy the day!

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Congrat's and Thanks!

Congrat's and Thanks to your Dad for his service. The number of remaining WW II vets is diminishing so rapidly and we need to appreciate them and take care of them. I had 5 uncles in WW II ... all gone now.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


It's so good of you to share his triumphs with us so we can celebrate and homer him with you!

Give him our thanks!

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!


GlobeTurtle wrote:

I first read the time mark as 1 min and 1 sec, so I was impressed that your dad could still ride at almost 92!


Still, nice picture. He looks pretty happy to be there!


Ha, I'm going to have to share this with my family. I wonder which of the bikers at 1:01 you thought he was. I hope the volume setting didn't scare any of you.

Hmm, how many GPS units were on the bikes, patrol cars & buses, do you think? wink

Update: I don't know if the White House visit is part of all Honor Flights but I'm sure meeting with the VP is rare. Given all the honor flights, I wonder if the WH/VP visit was offered because today is the VE Day anniversary. My dad did get to shake hands with VP Pence and I've heard that Sean Spicer mentioned the visit in the daily briefing.

For any of you who are vets or have relatives who served, please suggest that they check on a local honor flight. Besides WWII vets, many or maybe most Honor Flights now also accept Korean Conflict vets and Viet Nam vets. My dad's Northern Colorado Honor Flight has one guardian for every two vets so it is definitely not necessary to think the vet will be on his/her own throughout the trip. More info:


Thanks to all who have responded to my post.

Congrats to your Dad

My dad was in WWII also. I lost him about 12 years ago. We need to appreciate our WWII vets. They were indeed the greatest generation. I, myself, am a vet of Vietnam. I have the greatest admiration for the vets of WWII and Korea. The Korea vets do not get the credit they deserve. When I was in 'Nam it was hot. I could contend with that. But, in Korea, in the winter-time, I don't see how they could cope with all of the cold weather. I will take heat anytime. Cold? I try to keep away from it at all costs. Again, give your dad my best wishes.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

That's Awesome and Thanks

My Pop is a Korean War Vet. I've covered these Honor Flights as a photojournalist and I'm trying to get him on one here in Florida soon. Congrats to your Pop and thank him from me for his service!

Honor Flights

Our regional grocery chain (Hy Vee) sponsors honor flights for WW II and Vietnam veterans. It is one of the reasons I shop there.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

WWII vets are dwindling in

WWII vets are dwindling in numbers. When you see one, thank them for their sacrifice and service. They are great! Didn't grow up speaking and only knowing German.

A Well-deserved Honor for Both of You!

Your Dad deserves this honor Craig, as do all who served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Most of us alive today have no idea what the world would be like without the dedication, service and sacrifice of all our veterans.

My dad was a Navy Captain and to the day he died, never spoke of his experience during the war. Over the years, I’ve known many vets like that. Early in my working career, I became friendly with an older coworker who was a WWII vet. One day I asked why he never spoke of the war. He looked down and after a minute said ”Son, there is no way you could understand. Most is best forgotten.” It was obvious he was truly moved by the thought.

I will never forget that and it has changed the way I think about all veterans. May God bless those that are still with us and especially those that are not.


A Great Honor for a Great Man
Thank you for your Great service and sacrifices

Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM

CraigW wrote: My father

CraigW wrote:

My father (turns 92 in a month) is in Washington DC today, VE Day, as part of the Northern Colorado Honor Flight. Reports are that today's events start at the White House with an appearance from the VP. His army infantry service was in Italy during WWII where he was awarded the purple heart. He also is the first of our extended family to appear in a non-family YouTube Channel (video 1 at 1min 20 sec), his four seconds of fame. wink



Great story and thank you for sharing!

My father WWII Vet-- My brother Vietnam Vet 4 purple heart

My fathere was a WWII Vet--- My brother was a Vietnam, 4 time Purple Heart, Vet.

My father is not living but my brother is.

My father was a mechanic on Bell Experimental helicopters. My brother piloted Bell helicopters.

My father worked at Bell Helicopter on helicopters while my brother piloted helicopters in Vietnam.

BELL honored them both on a pay envelope while my brother was in Vietnam.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)


Happy for your Father Craig. My Dad was a WWII vet also. He died in 2003. He didn't talk much about it, at least not with me, but he would light up and bring his "hands out of the barn" when he would meet old squadron mates.

Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go