23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks
Fri, 04/21/2017 - 4:26pm
13 years
The genetic-testing company's real goal is to hoard your personal data
By Charles Seife on November 27, 2013
Charles Seife
Charles Seife is a professor of journalism at New York University and author of Virtual Unreality: The New Era of Digital Deception (Penguin Books, 2014).
Credit: Nick Higgins
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If you read the article via the link, (yes it does have a reference to Google) think about what Windows 10 might be doing in the same vein...
Can you say any of the following?
Oh My!
think of ANCESTRY, getting peoples DNA to help with their genealogy
Count Me As Being...
think of ANCESTRY, getting peoples DNA to help with their genealogy
Some 30 years ago, I worked for a large "technology" company. They offered a "free DNA" test using the ruse it would help to fill out the "Human Genome."
This was presented to the lot of us in an auditorium we were bused to for another reason but this was "tossed in as a {Side Benefit}" for everyone in the company, not just our division.
Of course, I asked what else the data was going to be used for and the conversation became very quiet.
We were all "ENCOURAGED" to actively participate in this scientific experiment!
When they handed out the collection data devices, I took it home, swabbed the dog's mouth and sent it back. Oh, I put my CEO's name on the paperwork!
I always wondered if they told him he had worms and he should refrain from eating jalapeno peppers as they caused the dog to create farts that melted the paint off the walls!
A few years later, they offered the same thing for everyone in my family, grandparents, parents, spouse, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, nephews, nieces...
I just laid the collection kits on my desk, left them there, never handed them in, finally just threw them away... oh well...
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!