Position comparison - Magellan Meridium vs Garmin 2720


Someone was talking earlier about the lat/long position provided by various units that they owned, and, how they were rather different.

I compared my Magellan Meridium Gold to my Garmin 2720.

xx 00.440 N
yyy 41.375 W

xx 00.442 N
yyy 41.376 W

The difference in position between the two units is 13.2ft. That's not much of a difference, from my perspective!

___________________ Garmin 2455, 855, Oregon 550t

That's great!

I've sought out JM's help on this matter, and his 4 units were giving very comparable readings too. My 2 units were off by 0.3 miles. A tad more than I was comfortable with, and so I'm returning the defective unit for a replacement.


Nuvi 350, GPS Map 76CX

comparing position

To get a good comparison, you should let the GPS units sit undisturbed for several minutes so they all have plenty of chance to acquire signals from the available satellites. This is especially true for older models that often take longer to lock onto signals.