How to remove only 1 POI from my Garmin using POI loader
Fri, 05/08/2015 - 9:35pm
11 years
How can I remove only one custom POI from my Garmin and retain all other custom POI's
11 years
How can I remove only one custom POI from my Garmin and retain all other custom POI's
An answer is going to depend on what you mean by "only one custom POI".
Let's assume that you have Walmart, Rest Areas and McDonalds loaded as "Custom POI".
Are you asking if you can remove "one" McDonald (perhaps because it has moved)? Or, are you asking if you can remove all of the McDonalds?
The answer to the first one is no.
The answer to the second is that it depends on how you loaded them with POI Loader. On the off chance that you did three (in this example's case) separate runs of POI Loader, then it is possible to go into the device's POI folder and delete mcdonalds.gpi.
I have a custom POI called
I have a custom POI called REST AREAS and I want to remove it and retain my other custom POI's (McDonalds, etc)
You triggered my mind and we
You triggered my mind and we were able to accomplish what I was trying to do. Thank you
mikekey, did you load
all custom POIs as one file or did you do each one separate? I too got zapped and will have to rethink how I do the loading of custom POIs.
nuvi 1390 LT, nuvi 1450 LMT, Win 10
I load all my pois separately
In other words, I use folders. It is more of a pain to it that way, but not all of the pois I use are updated (or need to be) on a regular basis.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
For others to consider
[I load all my POIs separately] In other words, I use folders. It is more of a pain to it that way, but not all of the pois I use are updated (or need to be) on a regular basis.
pwohlrab has probably learned over time (as I have) that each person needs to think through - based on the POIs he/she uses - ways to make the process easier.
Once POI Loader gave us the opportunity to "name" the 'gpi file it is about to create, we no longer had do workarounds to load POI files separately (ie. do a run and then go into the device and rename the just created "poi.gpi" file to something else, like "restareas.gpi").
Whatever technique one uses needs to consider whether or not you desire that your Custom POIs appear on the device in some particular order, because otherwise the Custom POIs will appear in alphabetical order within "timestamp" order (of the POI Loader run)
How to remove only 1 POI from my Garmin using POI loader
In other words, I use folders. It is more of a pain to it that way, but not all of the pois I use are updated (or need to be) on a regular basis.
We created one folder on our computer and saved each custom POI file separately in this folder which allows us to load only those that are updated and delete only those we no longer want.
There are many ways to load pois
I use a main folder with sub folders.
I load the sub folders separately. More of a pain, but works for me. Each sub folder has its own files. A sub folder could be "motels", "food", "rest areas", "camping", etc.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
But you might want to consider
We created one folder on our computer and saved each custom POI file separately in this folder which allows us to load only those that are updated and delete only those we no longer want.
If you find that you would like to arrange how Custom POIs appear on your device, you might want to read
Advanced Techniques For Arranging Custom POIs
This FAQ gives tips on how to make the Custom POIs screen more useful.
But you might want to consider
If you find that you would like to arrange how Custom POIs appear on your device, you might want to read
Advanced Techniques For Arranging Custom POIs
This FAQ gives tips on how to make the Custom POIs screen more useful.
Thanks jgermann for the tip.
The simple answer is...
Delete the entire POI file, or, edit the POI file to remove the offending location(s).
Then, reload with POI Loader. Profit.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Yes this is the simple way and I use it
Delete the entire POI file, or, edit the POI file to remove the offending location(s).
Then, reload with POI Loader. Profit.
I keep a POI file with separate folders in it on my computer. I keep this up to date as needed.
As Juggernaut, I also just run POI loader and delete all POIs then run POI loader again to install my POI file. This is very simple and easy to keep up with what is on your unit by keeping your file on the computer up to date. (and Juggernaut was probably one of the ones who told me to do it this way many years ago)
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
no need
I keep a POI file with separate folders in it on my computer. I keep this up to date as needed.
As Juggernaut, I also just run POI loader and delete all POIs then run POI loader again to install my POI file.
No need to run POI Loader to remove POI unless you have multiple GPI files you want (or need) to delete. If you are always loading the same folder name, the new load will overwrite the older version.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
Box Car
I keep a POI file with separate folders in it on my computer. I keep this up to date as needed.
As Juggernaut, I also just run POI loader and delete all POIs then run POI loader again to install my POI file.
No need to run POI Loader to remove POI unless you have multiple GPI files you want (or need) to delete. If you are always loading the same folder name, the new load will overwrite the older version.
Thanks, my folders are all under a mail folder called My POIs and I run it each time. So only one GPI file. That will save the extra step.
Thanks, Mary
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)