Older Kenwood DNX-8120 showing "double" the custom POIs (Resolved)


So, I do not like the new "style" of the current models of the Kenwood/Garmin units and have continued to use my 8120 since new. Recently, I went to update my custom POIs (about 80k of them) and when I do, the Garmin is showing "double" entries for each category. For example, if I have a dozen POI categories, it shows all of them and then repeats it again. This is using a brand new, low level formatted SD card, verified that there is only one .gpi file on it, etc. Even if I just do a single category, I get two entries for it on my 8120 when I go to "Where to" > "Extras" > "Custom POI" menu.

I have even erased all of the existing custom POIs in the system before I install the SD card (an 8GB card that has worked before) and still get this. This is the exact same configuration I was using previously. The only possible difference is the version of POILoader I am using (2.7.3). I don't recall what was used last year when I updated this this last time.

Any suggestions? Is there a way to set the Garmin back to the "default" values? Reset on the radio only affects the settings on the radio side.

Any help is appreciated,



Just a guess on. my part.
If you remove the SD card do the POI's still show?
Could it be that you have the POI's on the GPS itself as well as on the SD card.
Could that possibly cause double showings?
Maybe a "temp.gpx" file needs to be deleted to actually remove the POI's from the GPS. Hopefully some more knowledgable people will jump in.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

The unit does copy the POIs

The unit does copy the POIs into internal memory, like it is supposed to. So, when I remove the card, the double entries are still there. It has me baffled. And since it is under the hood of the Kenwood system, I'm not sure I can get to the Garmin side and look at the directory structure.

I am using the latest POI Loader to convert the GPX files to the correct format and create the xxx.gpi POI file that the unit needs to load the custom POIs and am wondering if maybe something is up with that? I can't seem to find a 2.5.x version anywhere.

POI Loader finds all POI files

Are you running POI Loader on a Windows PC or a Mac?

POI Loader will find all the POI files in the folder you browse to. All versions of POI Loader do this. If there are two sets of POI files on the computer, POI Loader loads both. For example, a backup copy or an older version forgotten in a different folder could also be loaded.

dobs108 smile

Kenwood Settings?

hannahsdad wrote:

The unit does copy the POIs into internal memory, like it is supposed to. So, when I remove the card, the double entries are still there...

After the card is removed try to reboot the Kenwood - not just sleep mode. If the POIs are still in the Kenwood without the card there must be a way to delete them in the Kenwood settings. I agree with Melaqueman.

dobs108 smile

What did you name the GPI files?

If you ran an old version of POI Loader, it did not have a field to enter the name of the .gpi file which is the output of POI Loader. The name of that original file defaults to poi.gpi

With v2.7.3 of POI Loader, it has a field to enter a name. You entered a name which most likely is not poi.gpi

If you entered xyz, the filename comes out as xyz.gpi

So you have two .gpi files on the Kenwood containing much of the same information. If the older poi.gpi file cannot be deleted through Kenwood settings, load a bogus file containing one POI and choose the name poi in order to overwrite the original poi.gpi

Load all files in the future using the same name you used for the second POI Loader session. Never change the name or you will again create duplicates.

dobs108 smile

Default values

hannahsdad wrote:

...Is there a way to set the Garmin back to the "default" values? Reset on the radio only affects the settings on the radio side...

Nuvis of that period of time can be reset. It is possible this could be done on the Kenwood. The unit would be reset to default values, but I don't know if any .gpi files would be deleted. A 2009 post here by DorkusNimrod says custom POIs are retained in a hard reset:

DorkusNimrod says -

First make a full backup of the nuvi and favorites (saved places).

Hard Reset Procedure: (All except the 8x0/8x5/37xx series units):
1. Power the unit off.
2. Press and hold (and continue to hold) the bottom-right corner of the screen while powering the unit on.
3. Continue to hold the screen until the "Do you want to erase all user data?" prompt appears.
4. Press "yes" and the unit will reboot.

dobs108 smile

Access internal files on kenwood

See these links on how to access the GPS section of the Kenwood:





Disclaimer: If you hack into the Kenwood using the backdoor mini-USB connector there is the possibility of bricking the unit. shock

dobs108 smile

Thanks for the responses

Thanks for the responses. I have always named the poi file poi.gpi, even with 2.7.3, so I don't think that is it. I may try to plug into the rear USB, but that may come at a price higher than I am willing to pay, if I brick the unit. It is odd that I can remove the card and they are still doubled up. If I go to tools > my data and erase the existing POIs, then check for them, there are none. If I reinsert the SD card, it reloads them in double form again. Very strange behavior. Does anyone know where I can get an older version of POI loader (like 2.5.x)? I would like to see if it is the loader messing up.

i would

hannahsdad wrote:

Thanks for the responses. I have always named the poi file poi.gpi, even with 2.7.3, so I don't think that is it.

I would look to see if you have multiple files ending with GPI on the SD card. That will definitely cause your problem.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Older POI Loader

hannahsdad wrote:

Does anyone know where I can get an older version of POI loader (like 2.5.x)? I would like to see if it is the loader messing up.

Older versions of POI Loader can be found at:


The site also has older version of many Garmin files:


Note that depending on how far back you go, the early POI Loader program was loaded to a different computer folder than what is now used and you could end up with two functional versions of POI Loader on your computer. With two versions available, you need to look to see which version is running. Also, if using a PC and having sox.exe placed in the program folder to allow wav audio alerts, if the sox.exe is in the folder with the POI Loader you're not using, voice alerts won't be loaded.

Have the same issue on a 2595

Hi Criag, I have this problem with my 2595 as well, but always assumed it was some Garmin firmware or map update that caused this. I notice it mostly with the Rest Area icons. I have the redlight and speed cam pois loaded but have neither in my state presently. I do have a couple of test ones loaded though, and they also show a double (custom) icon I have set up. Occasionally I do update all of them and use the POI loader. I always remove the old ones first with that option in the POI loaded.

Do I have some phantom files out there that I should look for and delete?

I also noted another change at some point: the alerts volume (custom voices) is lower than the volume set for the Nuvi itself...enough that it is quite noticeable. Any thoughts on this one? Again, all was fine and then one day the volume was much lower for the alert.


CraigW wrote:
hannahsdad wrote:

Does anyone know where I can get an older version of POI loader (like 2.5.x)? I would like to see if it is the loader messing up.

Older versions of POI Loader can be found at:


The site also has older version of many Garmin files:


Note that depending on how far back you go, the early POI Loader program was loaded to a different computer folder than what is now used and you could end up with two functional versions of POI Loader on your computer. With two versions available, you need to look to see which version is running. Also, if using a PC and having sox.exe placed in the program folder to allow wav audio alerts, if the sox.exe is in the folder with the POI Loader you're not using, voice alerts won't be loaded.

"Primum Non Nocere" 2595LMT Clear Channel and Navteq Traffic

One thought

williston wrote:

I also noted another change at some point: the alerts volume (custom voices) is lower than the volume set for the Nuvi itself...enough that it is quite noticeable. Any thoughts on this one? Again, all was fine and then one day the volume was much lower for the alert.


If some audio is at a different volume level that other audio, it may be a Mixer issue. See page 4 of your owners manual:


Page 5 also discusses automatic volume adjustments.

Thanks, hadn't thought about

Thanks, hadn't thought about the mixer. I check it out and default it and see if that works.

"Primum Non Nocere" 2595LMT Clear Channel and Navteq Traffic

Issue resolved

I plugged my laptop into the rear mini USB connector of the head unit and when I looked at the file structure, there were two poi.gpi files listed. When I deleted both of them and reloaded the POIs from the SDHC card, it showed the correct POIs. For whatever reason, the unit just got confused. Thanks to all for the assistance!


as an FYI

hannahsdad wrote:

I plugged my laptop into the rear mini USB connector of the head unit and when I looked at the file structure, there were two poi.gpi files listed. Scott

Thanks for the update, we're glad to know you found your problem.

As an FYI, you can have multiple files all ending with GPI and they will show in your unit. POI.GPI and POI(1).GPI are just examples. Many here build separate files for Food, Lodging, Shopping or whatever and run POI Loader to create different GPI files. They end up with one GPI file for each category where others use the sub-folder method where we put the different files into separate folders under a main folder to create different categories.

Illiterate? Write for free help.


Thanks for getting back to us. It is good to hear the problem is solved.

dobs108 smile