Springing Forward to Daylight Saving Time


If you don't have atomic /radio controlled clocks remember to set your clocks an hour forward tonight before going to bed.

Replacing the batteries in your smoke & carbon monoxide detectors should also be a must for everyone smile

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk


What's this "spring forward" of which you speak, said the non-Native American in Arizona? wink

Actually, I do have to change one clock. I have one "atomic" radio-controlled alarm clock that doesn't have the option to ignore DST so twice a year I'm forced to switch from MT to PT or back again to fool it into displaying correct time in the summer. Dumb clock. My other watches and clocks are also radio-controlled and each forced me initially to find the setting to permanently ignore DST.


In Mexico where I spend the winter this DST does not happen yet, Mexico follows the OLD change over time.
I have an eastern based satellite program here.
It means that if a program starts at 20:00 Eastern time, I will now have to watch at 18:00 my local time. The 23:00 news will be on at 21:00 here. A PIA!

But it still beats freezing my assets off at home. Saw on the news that the Great Lakes are full frozen over and so is Niagara Falls. Brrrrrrrrrr!

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.


Seems like not that long ago I moved them all back an hour. confused

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

Any news

About keeping DST all the time? ... don't know many people against the idea .....

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)


I have a mixture of three scenarios. Some do nothing, some change according to the present change date automatically, and some change automatically according to the old schedule. sad


Time Change

Knows of a woman that was against daylight savings because she said the extra hour of sunlight would burn her lawn.
Not much of a Mensa candidate.

Under no circumstances whatsoever, will logic and common sense be tolerated.

new standard

We spend most of the year on DST, so now it is the new "standard" time.


And to think it was illegal in 1923-24 or so:


Standard Time Getting Shorter

Standard time is certainly getting shorter and shorter every year. I wonder when they will finally start calling daylight savings time standard time?

spring forward


Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

No DST in AZ

Interesting read on why Arizona doesn't observe daylight savings time:


A recent bill in the state legislature to change this was withdrawn:



i think my microwave oven is the only clock that needs updating. Everything else is automatic

my wish...

Is to completely eradicate this nonsense of adjusting the clock forward or backward. It causes lots of confusion every year. Companies using computer systems that utilize daylight savings functions must provide additional code to defeat the lunacy of the idiots that initially implemented it.

For many years, I've wondered how many other cultures laugh their A@@'s off at those foolish enough to believe they can extend the amount of light in a 24 hour period.

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!


imho if you are salaried, it has no effect on when you arrive, or leave work.

Having clocks that are set to "the atomic clock" is James Bond stuff.

What does replacing batteries in smoke and CO detectors have with the time of day?

serves a two-fold purpose

johnnatash4 wrote:

What does replacing batteries in smoke and CO detectors have with the time of day?

One, it reminds people of at least thinking about their smoke detectors and secondly, it drives 9 volt battery sales.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Old clocks

I unfortunately have an old digital clock that has DST start and end times pre-programmed but didn't take into account the change a few years ago and can't be changed, so I need to change and then change again. I know, time for a new clock


...trying to get back that hour of sleep that I lost Saturday night.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022


Way too many clocks to have to move forward (and backward). rolleyes

nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area


Done... wonder what economic or other benefits if any, really emanate from this twice yearly adjustment?

Spring Forward

Set the clocks up and it warmed up Simply magic I say. Simply Magic!


i hate spring forward

i hate spring forward sad lost 1 hour of sleep sad

DriveSmart 50, DriveSmart 60, nuvi 2595, nuvi 3760,

Even T-Mobile can't handle..

chimchim12 wrote:

I unfortunately have an old digital clock that has DST start and end times pre-programmed but didn't take into account the change a few years ago and can't be changed, so I need to change and then change again. I know, time for a new clock

Don't feel too bad about an old clock. Even T-Mobile network can't handle it right and send the proper time zone to Arizona (who doesn't change!!)

Lost Hour

The hour I lost was the hour I was going to go to the gym.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)

@ johnnatash4

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

Time change....

I've got a wonderful rant from a number of years ago in my files, printed in an Aussie newspaper.

The writer complains in impeccable logic that the sun dries things out, and daylight savings time is an hour more sun, so therefore....

daylight savings time is causing the drought, and those bloody politicians better get rid of it fast! It's all their fault!

Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows

Time change....

I've got a wonderful rant from a number of years ago in my files, printed in an Aussie newspaper.

The writer complains in impeccable logic that the sun dries things out, and daylight savings time is an hour more sun, so therefore....

daylight savings time is causing the drought, and those bloody politicians better get rid of it fast! It's all their fault!

Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows

East Coast News still 11 p.m.

Oh man, I was hoping that Daylight Savings time would mean the late news started at 10 p.m. instead of 11 p.m.

Nope. No such luck. How in the world do folks living in this time zone stay up to watch the news????

We're just visiting for the winter .... but I'm ready to return to the good old Central Time Zone where news starts at 10.

Garmin 205, 260W, 1450LMT, 2460LMT, HEREwego for iPhone ... all still mapping strong.

So nice to live in most

So nice to live in most parts of Arizona so we don't have to remember to change anything. And for part of the year, we're on the same time as California and Nevada so we don't need to change our watches when we travel there.