New member can't see POI files
Mon, 07/28/2014 - 7:39pm
16 years
I created a list of VW TDI (diesel) mechanics ( and put this link in a TDI forum on another site. The folks over there claim they can't see the POI file on this site. Looks like you need to be registered/logged into this site to see files. However, one person did register and still can't see the files associated with this link. Any clues? The link works fine for me on the other site.
I can see the download link
I can see the download link just fine when I click on your link above.
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
me too. I can see it.
When I go to the other site. select the last page (where the link to poi-factory is) and click on it, I see the poi-factory page.
5 out of 9
I created a list of VW TDI (diesel) mechanics ( and put this link in a TDI forum on another site. The folks over there claim they can't see the POI file on this site. Looks like you need to be registered/logged into this site to see files. However, one person did register and still can't see the files associated with this link. Any clues? The link works fine for me on the other site.
If I remember correctly, you have to be active (add posts) for 5 out of 9 weeks. If you see a windmill beside your name on a post - then you can D/L POIs.
Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA
no problem
i Dont know what the problem is but i clicked on your link and it took me right to it. May have to send a note to admin to check into your problem.
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.
No, not true
I created a list of VW TDI (diesel) mechanics ( and put this link in a TDI forum on another site. The folks over there claim they can't see the POI file on this site. Looks like you need to be registered/logged into this site to see files. However, one person did register and still can't see the files associated with this link. Any clues? The link works fine for me on the other site.
If I remember correctly, you have to be active (add posts) for 5 out of 9 weeks. If you see a windmill beside your name on a post - then you can D/L POIs.
It's only the speed and red light camera files that require an active membership to download for free. All other files are available with registration and with the payment of a fee, you can D/L the camera files without being active.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
but you don't
If I remember correctly, you have to be active....
No, you don't remember correctly. The downloading restriction is only for the red light and speed camera files, and even then it is for at least 3 weeks out of the last 5. Maybe there is some strange restriction about being registered (it has been too long since I registered to remember and it could have changed since then anyway), but you don't need to be "active".
You have to Login or Register
I went to another browser and put in the
It tells me
Login or register to download files
Yes, I know you need to be logged in to download files. I tried that myself.
Glad the link from the TDI forum is working for others.