Oh, a number of things....
11 years
I was just given a Nuvi 750. Tried hooking it up to the computer and got a message that it wanted to be near or attached ro an ANT. Antenna? Still need to download the manual if Garmin still has it. BRW battery was dead, am charging it.
With my Nuvi 205, does anyone know how to put the main map(s?), POI's and whatever else is needed on the SD card and then put the POI's from here on the internal memory?
Thirdly, I was trying to update (and hopefully post here) the file with all the US AM radio stations. I ended up almost knocking out my 205 and had to do a hard reset to get it to work. Is there a tutorial or somesucch on how to expand on someone elses work?
Hope I;m not asking too much. Thanks!!!
Be Well, Eric
I've never had that error message attaching my 750 to a computer. Odd.
Quick Start Manual:
Owners Manual:
AM radio--a start here:
Welcome to the site.
There is a "Learn" button in the upper right of this page next to "red light cameras" that takes you to a Getting Started page. It is worthwhile visiting this page.
To make navigation easy, most browsers provide the following option. When you want to follow a link - but still keep your current page open - you can hold down the "Ctrl" key as you left-click on a link. That action will open a new "Tab" in your browser up on the "Tab" bar. When you then left-click on that new "Tab", you will follow the link - leaving the "Tab" you are now reading open and available to click on and return here.
So, using the "Learn" link, you might try the "Ctrl" - left-click sequence and then return here. You can return by either "X-ing" out of the "Getting Started" page (using the "X" on the "Tab" itself) or just left-clicking on the "Tab" for the page you are on right now.
Since you are new here, I encourage you to go through a couple of the Tutorials.
The first link makes sure the settings on your computer are such that you can do more advanced POI loading.
The next link helps you make a backup of your GPS by attaching it to your computer. (NEVER do anything to your GPS until you have a backup). It also assures that you put your (newer) unit into a state where you can see all of the folders there.