Chit Chat Thread For The Week Of February 17, 2014


This is the place to talk about things that are not gps related.

Have fun...

This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.


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Have A Great Week

Nuvi 2595LMT

Morning too all

Good morning

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Congratulations US Olympic hockey team…

Thank you for the thrills and chills and keep up the good work!

Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!


Hope everyone has a great week.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Good Morning

Have a great week

Garmin Drivesmart 61, Nuvi 52, Nuvi 1390


Happy Monday

Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM


Another rainy day and perhaps all week.
Hurry up Spring.
Have a good week all.


Good Day

Be safe out there.

Super Day

Hi everybody, it is just a great day here in Florida. Sunny and going up to mid 80's.


Wanted -Woman with GPS -send picture of GPS


Nice day today in Santa Fe, Spring is trying to appear. Really dry though. Need Rain!


Have a Great Week

Have a great week and stay safe.


Icy here This Morning,

but 45 degrees expected by this afternoon.

"As life runs on, the road grows strange with faces new - and near the end. The milestones into headstones change, Neath every one a friend." - James Russell Lowell Garmin StreetPilot C330, Garmin NUVI 765T, Garmin DriveSmart 60LMT

Almost lunch time

Have a good week.

Have a great week

Hope everyone has a great week stay safe. grin

Garmin nuvi,750

The sun is out today

The sun is out today


Another nice day shaping up as the overcast burns off.

Nice day in Texas

Looking at cars today... We look a long time before we buy... Can't find what we want (or what we both can agree on) grin

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

Happy week, y'all...

Stay safe and warm!

Nuvi 660


#19... mrgreen

Good Monday Morning.

Enjoy the holiday.

David Cross Garmin TravelSmart 86 Day after day as I try to remember, I find my forgetter working better and better.

Heat wave tis week, here.

Heat wave tis week, here.

Best Lookin' Monday In Awhile

. . . and the rest of the week ain't bad, either!



Not over yet. ...

... not by a long shot. wink

Have a

great week, everybody, stay safe!



Garmin Nuvi 650, Garmin eTrexLegend, Magellan 360

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday!

Heat wave

It's Monday again and a 'heat wave' is on its way!

Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!

Have a good Week Everyone

Have a good Week Everyone

some here are so full of chit

I haven't bashed anyone today

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV


I wish it would go///MELT....MELT....MELT...



nuvi 200 | lifetime maps

Will it ever get warm?

Have a great week, everyone!


numero uno

Have a good week everybody

Have a good week everybody

Spring is here

But need more rain.

nuvi 1390 LT, nuvi 1450 LMT, Win 10

Hail to the Chief

Happy Presidents Day

Have A Great Week

Have A Great Week

Happy Presidents Day!

May I have the day off for this holiday!???!!!!


Overcast here today in Memphis. Hope everyone has a great presidents day.

Happy Presidents' Day! Or

Happy Presidents' Day! Or Washington's Birthday as that's the official name. Which is weird, since his birth day isn't today.

my requirements

mgarledge wrote:

Looking at cars today... We look a long time before we buy... Can't find what we want (or what we both can agree on) grin

Begin with it has to have at least 4 wheels. From there it gets simpler.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Everybody have a great week.

Everybody have a great week.

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush

First post


Have a

Great Week, Everyone!

DriveLuxe 50, 2460LMT, 680 x 2, 3597LMTHD & 765T stolen

Forgot again

I guess it is Monday again........hard to tell when you don't do anything but hang out

nuvi 2597LMT

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

And enjoy your week.

Really nice here

Record breaking temps here an five inches of snow in Dubuque. Love this weather.

NUVI 660, Late 2012 iMac, Macbook 2.1 Fall 2008, iPhone6 , Nuvi 3790, iPad2

Page 1?

Yep.... Hope all have a great week.

Randy C530, Nuvi 52

Chit chat

Have a great week and next.



over yet

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