Chit Chat Thread For The Week Of January 13, 2014
Mon, 01/13/2014 - 11:13am
13 years
This is the place to talk about things that are not gps related.
Have fun...
This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.
Lights out in San Francisco…
The residents of San Francisco were advised they could turn off their lights, after the San Francisco 49’er-Carolina Panther football game. City officials determined there would be more than enough light, provided by the smiles, of the San Francisco 49’er fans.
Congratulations San Francisco 49’ers – 2 down and 2 to go…
Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!
Congrats to the Niners. It gets tough next week in the Pacific Northwet.
Hey, I've never posted this early in the Chit Chat thread!
near the
everyone have a great day
New Week
and it is still cold. Have an nice week.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
Happy Monday
Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM
Good morning.
Good morning.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
No Vegas to Phoenix commute
No commute today so I can't report on traffic or speed enforcement between the two locations.
Great weather is predicted here this morning and not having to go to work I will be certain to enjoy each minute.
Have a great week and drive safely.
another week
it's is going to be warm again this week
nuvi 2597LMT
Have a great
week everybody, stay safe!
Garmin Nuvi 650, Garmin eTrexLegend, Magellan 360
So far, so good
weatherwise in Charlotte.
Finally a sunny week.
Finally a sunny week.
Great week
Great week to all!
Nuvi 760
Good Day
Be safe out there, have a great week.
#15 says: Have a great week!
Have a great week all!
Garmin nüvi 3597LMTHD, 3760 LMT, & 255LMT, - "Those who wish for fairness without first protecting freedom will end up with neither freedom nor fairness." - Milton Friedman
Sunshine, 40 degrees ... to grab a piece of it.
have a great week
and or day.
Jim Jones
Good Morning
Have a great week
Garmin Drivesmart 61, Nuvi 52, Nuvi 1390
Not to bad out today
Not to bad out today
Hands free
I had observed that nearly every young woman had a phone to her ear while driving. Since Jan 1, I have not seen anyone driving while holding a phone.
Good job people.
1490LMT 1450LMT 295w
Wet here in Memphis this monday morning. Everyone have a good safe week.
Come to Maryland, DC or VA. Even though the all have laws requiring hands-free they are not enforced so driving with a phone up to your ear or txting with it in your lap are very prevalent.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
Good morning
Not too cold. YEA!!!
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
Super Bowl Teams
Denver Broncos vs San Francisco 49'ers!
Another great week! Hoooray!!!
Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!
Good Morning All...
This should be a great the end of last week our son and his wife presented us with our second Grandson!! All are well and Grandpa can't wait to start spoiling the lad!
Travel Safe!
Snows' Gone,
Temp. Yesterday was 61 degrees, false spring.
"As life runs on, the road grows strange with faces new - and near the end. The milestones into headstones change, Neath every one a friend." - James Russell Lowell Garmin StreetPilot C330, Garmin NUVI 765T, Garmin DriveSmart 60LMT
At least its above zero
How long will it last?
Have a great week everyone
Have a great week everyone
have a great week!
b safe!
New Week
More cold fronts heading towards Florida later this week. Probably thanks to the polar votex.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
Me too
Both games were good yesterday. Glad to see the 49rs move one. Would like to see them in the SB.
I would love to see the Niners make it to the Super Bowl. They are going to have a tough time against the Seahawks, however.
I hope the Broncos finish off the Pats this weekend.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday!
quiet week
nothing new here in the high Sonoran desert
seems NFL took honors for excitement
followed by our RINO US senator being censured
and so it goes
Safe and pleasant week ahead to all
Golf,whenever and wherever you can ... Always swing hard, just in case you hit it ..... If you can reach it,you can hole it, SEE IT FEEL IT DO IT !
Happy week, y'all...
raining here, dreary Monday. . .
Nuvi 660
Have a good week
Good Week.
Have a..
Great week everyone!
Garmin Nüvi 265W
Another Monday....
.... and a new semester. The students will be making my life a little more miserable today.
The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe(')
Checking in.
Checking in.
USN Recon Heavy Attack Squadron 1, Smoking Tigers. --- Zumo 550 mounted on Harley handlebars.
Missed the Boat
Mind is going as I totally missed it being Monday AM.
Have a great week all. Supposed to be some sun this week.
My new year's resolution
.... Is to have a happy new year....
Top of the Year
Greetings to all. Have a good one.
NUVI 2595 & 2599
Have a great week
Have a great week everyone here at the poi-factory .
Garmin nuvi,750
Have a Safe and Great Week!
warmer today.
Good Afternoon
It is a beautiful day here in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. I hope everyone is well.
David Cross Garmin TravelSmart 86 Day after day as I try to remember, I find my forgetter working better and better.
Mid January
Have a Great Week
Have a great week and stay safe.
still raining here
but the weather is supposed to clear up tonight start getting a little colder and sun shine for the next 3 - 4 days yea I can scrape the mold off everything and maybe get rid of some moss although if I kill it all my yard wont be green anymore lol
Las Vegas says hi
Denver Broncos vs San Francisco 49'ers!
Jan. 19 3:30 p.m.
San Francisco
at Seattle
Favorite SEA
Point spread -3