Chit Chat Thread For The Week Of December 23, 2013
Mon, 12/23/2013 - 11:24am
12 years
This is the place to talk about things that are not gps related.
Have fun...
This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.
Voting For 2013 Contributors Of The Year
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014
#1 today
Nuvi 2595LMT
Almost There
Only four more days and we leave for our Florida Home.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody.
Wanted -Woman with GPS -send picture of GPS
Have a Merry Christmas week.
Have a Merry Christmas week.
Early posting on this thread this week.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
Merry Chritstmas
Hope that everyone has a very safe and Merry Christmas!!
Travel Safe!
Only two days left. Merry Christmas to all.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
Another Earthquake today
Our area has been having lots of earthquakes.
Azle, Texas area...
Bedroom door shook...
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
Nice weather here in Las Vegas
We are in the 60s here today with little or no precipitation unlike other parts of the US.
Have a great week everyone. Drive safely and Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Merry Christmas
Have a happy and safe holiday week!
Garmin Drivesmart 61, Nuvi 52, Nuvi 1390
Xmas Week
Snow!! Yes we had some last week but is almost all disappeared now.
Looks like another Xmas without snow here.
You all have a good one !!
Merry Xmas all!!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all!
Garmin nüvi 3597LMTHD, 3760 LMT, & 255LMT, - "Those who wish for fairness without first protecting freedom will end up with neither freedom nor fairness." - Milton Friedman
merry xmas
happy holidays to all
Golf,whenever and wherever you can ... Always swing hard, just in case you hit it ..... If you can reach it,you can hole it, SEE IT FEEL IT DO IT !
Safe Holiday
To all!
Expect nothing!, appreciate benignity!
Good Day
Merry Christmas, all the Best for 2014 please be safe out there.
Merry Christmas
Garmin Nuvi 650, Garmin eTrexLegend, Magellan 360
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Wishing everyone a safe Christmas and New Year
Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM
Have a good Week Everyone
Have a good Week Everyone
Grandkids arrive tonight!
Grandkids arrive tonight!
have a Merry Christmas!
May Santa bring everyone a new gps!
Merry Christmas...
y'all. Be safe!
Nuvi 660
Everybody have a great
Everybody have a great Christmas and New Year. I'm just hoping Hydro One is correct and my power is back on tonight.
All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush
#24...Merry Christmas to all.
#24...Merry Christmas to all.
MC & HNY all
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday!
Merry Christmas to All!!!
Have a great week.
Winter, what Winter?
Should reach the mid-70's every day this week in Palm Desert, CA
page #1 for the first time
Merry Christmas
Hope Santa is good to everyone this week!!
61 years as Mayor?
I came across this today while researching RLC locations.
While the article is pertinent because it’s discussing RLC, I was most surprised to read the mayor there has been in office since 1971 and has served 61 years in total, thus far.
That’s difficult for me to fathom.
10 below zero today!
Got my long johns on.
Garmin 205, 260W, 1450LMT, 2460LMT, HEREwego for iPhone ... all still mapping strong.
Merry X'mas
Have a great week!
DriveLuxe 50, 2460LMT, 680 x 2, 3597LMTHD & 765T stolen
merry Christmas
and happy new year, may the new year be better than the last
Monday before Christmas
All is well?
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!
Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!
Merry Christmas
To all!
Garmin Nüvi 265W
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas & Happy New
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Good Afternoon
Almost forgot it is Monday. Hope everyone travels safely this week and have a very Merry Christmas.
David Cross Garmin TravelSmart 86 Day after day as I try to remember, I find my forgetter working better and better.
happy n' safe
whatever you celibrate
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
Merry Christmas to all my
Merry Christmas to all my fellow GPSers.
Garmin nuvi 855, nuvi 1450, and DriveDeluxe 50
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Garmin 2555lmt
yo yo yo
non-native nutmegger
Strange Feeling
Our area has been having lots of earthquakes.
Azle, Texas area...
Bedroom door shook...
When I lived in Nicaragua in the late 60's we had tremors on a fairly regular basis and never could get comfy with the ground moving like that. Just not mormal.
(formerly known as condump) RV 770 LMT-S, Nuvi2797LMT, Nuvi765T
Snow is mostly gone here but
Snow is mostly gone here but a little white on top of the green grass.
One more day of work, a day at home possibly with a fire (in the fireplace of course), 2 days of work, and then a short trip to see my sister and nephew for a deferred Christmas holiday over the weekend.
Really getting old
I was just reading the comments, then I realized it's Monday...........better post something
nuvi 2597LMT
Merry Christmas
a good Week Everyone,and happy holidays.
garmin nuvi,750 ***3ʇǝʞɔɐɾpǝɹ*** garmin nuvi,855 garmin nuvi,1490t
Merry Christmas
wishing you a great 2104 also
Jeff...... Nuvi 2460, Nuvi 2595
Have a safe week
Merry Christmas everyone.
Are we there yet?