Speed limit reduced on MD 410 (East-West Hwy) in Hyattsville


I appears that the speed limit has been reduced on MD 410 in Hyattsville near Prince Georges Plaza. Speed limit was 40MPH westbound, now there is a 35MPH speed limit sign in the median at the location of the speed camera. The 40MPH speed limit sign is still in place (located just before Queens Chapel Road). A quick trip with Google Earth confirms the previous 40MPH speed limit at the camera location (38.96655N 76.95122W).

look at the back

baumback wrote:

I appears that the speed limit has been reduced on MD 410 in Hyattsville near Prince Georges Plaza. Speed limit was 40MPH westbound, now there is a 35MPH speed limit sign in the median at the location of the speed camera. The 40MPH speed limit sign is still in place (located just before Queens Chapel Road). A quick trip with Google Earth confirms the previous 40MPH speed limit at the camera location (38.96655N 76.95122W).

As MD410 is a state highway, the 35 MPH speed limit sign will REQUIRE a yellow sticker from the state on the back of the sign. No sticker, no speed limit change and the sign is then illegal.

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