Red Light Camera Intersections with tricky pedestrian signals


The other day, I came across an RLC intersection. As I approach, the pedestrian signal turned and started counting down...5,4,3,2,1. I slowed down and stopped at the intersection. The light stayed GREEN, the pedestrian signal turned to "don't walk". After a slight wait, I continued on driving across the intersection. Luckily I was alone and no other cars were behind me. I will have to find that intersection and maybe park and watch the signal again. I didn't want to incur a $100 ticket but at the same time, that could have easily caused an accident, either for myself or others.

Anyone else see similar in their cities?

quite common around here

It's quite common around here. There are no rules on countdown timers and they do not have to be tied to the light cycle as they aren't warnings for drivers but the peds.

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It's very common around

It's very common around here, especially in high pedestrian traffic areas such as downtown, the areas around the stadiums, or the campus area. The purpose is to give pedestrians some time to cross at the beginning of the signal, and then hold them so cars turning can proceed through the intersection. Otherwise, you would only be able to get one or two vehicles which are turning through the light per green.


That's the way they do it in the Chicago area also. Pedestrian walk light always go red before the lights turn to give the folks time to scurry across without getting trapped in the middle of the street when the light turns.
