Speed Alerts
Thu, 11/08/2012 - 7:19pm
17 years
I just received a refurbished nuvi 350 for one that quit working correctly....I cannot get it to stop doing the speed alerts....I have gone into the proximity settings and unclicked them but it continues to do it......
My other thing is I have 26 catagories of poi's, (restaurants, gas stations, etc) when I try to load them it tells me that only 32 entrys per category but it does not load all the catagorys.......so when I touch the custom poi's it only shows about 1/2 of the 26......
I sent the other one back because it would freeze up this one does the same thing....
Get rid of the numbers in the filenames
Check all the filenames of your POI files. One or more of them must have a number as part of the filename. If so, POI Loader loads it as an (unwanted) speed alert.
For example, motel8.csv will load as an 8 mph speed alert. Rename it to moteleight.csv and run POI Loader again.
Check all your icons. They cannot be larger than 24 x 24 pixels, if I remember the size correctly. Every time an icon larger than this is to appear on the screen, the nuvi will lock up.
Try removing all the POIs and see if the nuvi stops locking up. Since both nuvis do the same thing, the cause should be obvious.