Continuing Very Slow Downloads


Download speeds for POI's continue to be at a snails pace. I just downloaded the Walmart POI (gpx) at an unbelievable 6 KB/sec & it took more than 10 minutes.

There must be some kind of problem since I was not experiencing this last week at all.

Has Jon made any headway in identifying the problem?



FZbar wrote:

Download speeds for POI's continue to be at a snails pace. I just downloaded the Walmart POI (gpx) at an unbelievable 6 KB/sec & it took more than 10 minutes.

There must be some kind of problem since I was not experiencing this last week at all.

Has Jon made any headway in identifying the problem?


My internet slowed down to almost nothing about 30 minutes ago. Now fine.

NUVI40 Kingsport TN

39 KB/S?

Just DL'd one of my Faves, and that's what the speed was.

This must be a shared drive on the server, with multiple URL's on it. It sucks for speed.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK


Could be demands for bandwidth to stream events.

Illiterate? Write for free help.


Highly unlikely, I'd say. Other sites work fine, and load quickly.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Slow downloads

I have to agree with user comments. Download speed seems to be slower than before. I just downloaded the Big 5 Sporting Goods poi files and they did seem slow. Wonder if they are having network issues.

performance across the Internet

End-to-end performance across the Internet can be tricky to troubleshoot.

When I worked at a larger company, we used distributed monitoring tools (like Gomez or Keynote) to measure performance from dozens of different locations around the internet. They're very expensive, though, so I don't have access to them for POI Factory.

Box Car's comment might be on the mark for some cases. Here's an article from Keynote that talks about the impact of streaming video from Olympic events:

Websites that are hosted at different spots on the Internet will have traffic that takes different paths to reach the same end-user, so performance can vary from site-to-site.

Also, sites with more resources often use Content Delivery Networks to distribute and serve content from multiple points on the internet, so traffic is usually able to come from a network that is nearby and avoid areas of congestion.

I'll continue to watch things from the server side, but so far I'm not finding anything out of the norm. sad


Thanks Jon

Thanks Jon. Appreciate the reply.

Really weird. The problem is that this is only happening on this site & is happening on my 3 different computers which are running different operating systems.

This morning I'm getting about 23 KB/sec. I hope it's the Olympics & streaming.



I am finding the same problem but it is with all sites, expeicalyy when in yahoo. Some time it takese minutes to download a message. sad

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Just downloaded...

two updated POI files and averaged 14 KB/sec. That's much slower than I typically get on this site. Downloads appeared to stall like there was a load issue. Hope this helps you troubleshoot any issues.

some additional data points

For the downloads I tested last night and this morning from my home (Qwest/Century Link DSL in Idaho), Firefox has been reporting roughly 250 - 350 KB/sec at the end of the transfer. The whole walmart.gpx file finishes in just 5 or 6 seconds.



3.5 seconds download just now on my not fast DSL connection

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

I just did a Pingplotter

I just did a 10 min PingPlotter test to this site...
Whereas last week I saw packet loss, it's fine today, but slow-ness still remains...

I think it's something to do with site, as opposed to connections to it....

occasional 10% loss from

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

ping / packet loss

JanJ wrote:

I just did a 10 min PingPlotter test to this site...
Whereas last week I saw packet loss, it's fine today, but slow-ness still remains...

I think it's something to do with site, as opposed to connections to it....

occasional 10% loss from

Packet loss happens in the network between your computer and the server.


That's one of the hosting company's network routers, so it looks like they may be experiencing some congestion in their data center, and I'll need to keep an eye on that.

Do you recall which router(s) were showing packet loss last week?

On the server, load average and CPU useage look good. Average idle share has been 67.83% over the last day and 65.26% over the last hour.


Monday evening, I'll fire up

Monday evening, I'll fire up PingPlotter and if I see packet loss, I'll break that loss out to a separate log.... It will be date, time, and loss graphed.... and I can save jpeg's of the files showing all logs....

I see multiple oneandone and onlinehome as the final destinations.... right ??

Once I get a good log, I'll post, and you can email my secondary email address I posted on the other thread, and I'll reply with the pics...

Located in Skokie, Illinois Northern Suburb of Chicago...

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

I'm doing a log now with 3

I'm doing a log now with 3 oneandone and one onlinehome breakouts....

I've got a 10 min long log saved as a jpeg picture.

I'll use this as a reference, and Monday PM do another... For comparison...


A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

final destination

Thanks JanJ.

>I see multiple oneandone and onlinehome as the final destinations.... right ??

onlinehome is the server (at the very end of the tracerout list). It's the final destination. All of the and other entries are for network routers along the way.


If you have a way of

If you have a way of emailing me. do so and I'll show you the path I take to get to you...

It isn't as bad as what I saw last week, and that's why I said I'd keep it, and use it as a reference for later...

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


JanJ wrote:

If you have a way of emailing me. do so and I'll show you the path I take to get to you...

Thanks. Will do.


It's summertime, it's hot all over ...

It's summertime, it's hot all over. So what would you expect people to be doing now ... I'd say were are all getting quite a deal here on this forum. wink

(come to think of it, I really should change that avatar I am using for the rest of this season)

What is it?

350Zee wrote:

(come to think of it, I really should change that avatar I am using for the rest of this season)


This smiley is supposed to be a question mark. It becomes whatever that is.

NUVI40 Kingsport TN