More Interesting Pronounciations
Wed, 05/23/2007 - 6:07pm
18 years
I was traveling through Mississippi this week and Karen (Aussie English voice) had to tell me to turn on a state route. She said "Turn right on manuscript 30."
My other favorite is right near the house when I have to turn left on Pearl St. N. Karen tells me to "turn left on Pearl saint north."
One I encountered recently
For the abbreviation for Business Loop-(BL)..."turn right onto I35 'bull'..."
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
I'm traveling through Ireland and the major roads are called R10 or N50 for example. The nuvi seems to have some pronunciation problems with these, as N20 sounds like "wet wendy." It seems like every day, we get another laugh as we hear the next word botched. Pronunciation aside, the Nuvi is amazing. We're new to the country and driving around like we've lived here for 20 years. I'd recommend one of these to anyone.
Which Nuvi are you using?
Which Nuvi are you using?
In northern Virginia, state route 7100 is the "Fairfax County Parkway." My Nuvi always pronounces it "Failfax County Parkway." Perhaps our local county govt has a "fail"ing reputation.
Will they ever upgrade voices in the future? I hope as they improve on computer voice systhesis they will share the complaints now though. Jake
My French pronunciation leaves something to be desired
...but American Jill mangles Bastogne to a new height with an Americanization, along the lines of Bastogee. (It's a road at Ft. Bragg, home to the 82nd Airborne and one of its famous battles).
Nuvi 350, GPS Map 76CX
Tom Tom's voices
As much as I dislike many things about the Tom Tom, one I do like is the availability of some great voices. There's John Cleese (of Monty Python) which has some quite funny lines. There is the sultry, sexy female, "oooh, don't stop yet..."
and even Ozzy Ozborne.
and quite a few others. I wish our Garmins had this feature of celebrity voices.
Gerrydrake - I'm using the
Gerrydrake -
I'm using the Nuvi 370. It's the same as the 350 but it has Europe maps included in the basemap package.
famous voices
As much as I dislike many things about the Tom Tom, one I do like is the availability of some great voices. There's John Cleese (of Monty Python) which has some quite funny lines. There is the sultry, sexy female, "oooh, don't stop yet..."
and even Ozzy Ozborne.
and quite a few others. I wish our Garmins had this feature of celebrity voices.
But those voices do not speak street names so they are more limited then text-to-speech. Also some are not the real voices and sound crappy.
As much as I dislike many things about the Tom Tom, one I do like is the availability of some great voices. There's John Cleese (of Monty Python) which has some quite funny lines. There is the sultry, sexy female, "oooh, don't stop yet..."
and even Ozzy Ozborne.
and quite a few others. I wish our Garmins had this feature of celebrity voices.
But those voices do not speak street names so they are more limited then text-to-speech. Also some are not the real voices and sound crappy.
but many of them don't sound crappy, and can help break the monotony of the same English speaking voices we have available.