Two Baltimore Speed Cameras Set on Fire


I didn't even know Baltimore had mobile cameras

"There are eight mobile speed cameras around the City, mainly around school zones. They rotate between 65 different locations."

These suckers are screwed into the sidewalk at ground level

"Police describe the suspect as an adult male 5’5″ tall. For a complete list of speed camera locations in the City, click here."

The click here link doesn't work. I would like to know where they rotate these suckers !

Burnt British Cameras

In Britain, burning speed cameras appears to be a national pastime:

American will follow....

EV Driver wrote:

In Britain, burning speed cameras appears to be a national pastime:

In this economy, more and more people will get upset when they got tickets by these money ripping camera and we'll hear more and more burning down camera in the states.

Two Baltimore Speed Cameras Set on Fire

Poor little cameras. Can we set up a fund for them?

Burning Red Light Cameras

I against all crime, but is this a crime. The cameras in NYC are high and seem to be all metal. Oh well.

Alan-Garmin c340

Brings a tear to me eye >>>

a tear of joy smile

"You can't get there from here"

link works for me

More Effective

It would be far more effective to get rid of the politicians who put them in place than get angry at the camera.

On the other hand, if it costs the companies that put them in place - so be it.


Do they change driving habits?

Seems the real question is "Do they change drivers' habits?" Someone exceeding the speed limit by 12 mph is clearly driving illegally, and should be "encouraged" to slow down. None-the-less speed cameras are a real nuisance.

Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav

it's happening

EV Driver wrote:

In Britain, burning speed cameras appears to be a national pastime:

It's not only there. It's happening everywhere if cameras are installed. from time to time makes compilation of this type of accidents from all over the world. Few examples:

Speed Cameras

In my little small town in Maryland, the first eight months of four speed cameras issued 38,000 tickets. And they give you ten mph. Most of these are people passing through town. That is a real problem. I have been passed on this stretch of road, 35 mph and double solid lines. Speeding, red-light running and ignoring STOP signs is a real problem that needs to be dealt with.

You would think...

EV Driver wrote:

In Britain, burning speed cameras appears to be a national pastime:

the buggers would get the hint, wouldn't you?

"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."


I never thought of hanging a 'tyre' over the thing, filling it with petrol and flaming it... Those guys have too much free time (and anger issues) on their hands... wink

Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.

Two Baltimore Speed Cameras Set on Fire

Keep up the good work.

Ban Them

It would be far better to ban the cameras through legal means, but when politicians do not follow the will of the people, I guess this is what you get.

Laser based

I've noticed a lot of these speed cameras are using laser. I've found the best solution to be a set of laser shifters installed on the car, then they are not able to determine your speed as you drive past. Never received a ticket from the cameras regardless of the speed I'm traveling smile

Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT

Maybe this is the reason

for the vandalism in Baltimore.

If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. - Yogi Berra

Speed Camera Burning

I drive thru Baltimore frequently abd the Yellow light on the traffic signals is virtually non-existant.

The one story shows how much the citizens have been getting ripped off with these revenue generators.

They make the fine just small enough that you don't want to take a day off of work to go to court... so you just pay the fine even though you KNOW the ticket is bogus.

Way to go Baltimore

Last Mrk wrote:

for the vandalism in Baltimore.

Cops can't determine which officer reviewed the ticket.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

Speedcamera Lottery

Maybe this will cut down on Speedcamera vandalism and lower the speed at which people drive.

Garmin Nüvi 660 & 3490LMT with ecoRoute HD, Nüvi 855 gone to GPS heaven

Speed Cameras afire

Is everyone sure that these speed cameras are not just spontaneously bursting into flame because they are going too fast.


spontaneous flames

Dudlee wrote:

Is everyone sure that these speed cameras are not just spontaneously bursting into flame because they are going too fast.

yeah that is probably many flashes that they just went up in very sad. smile

The city knows exactly who reviewed it, they just aren't saying

spokybob wrote:
Last Mrk wrote:

for the vandalism in Baltimore.

Cops can't determine which officer reviewed the ticket.

They know exactly who reviewed the ticket. He is required to appear in court if the ticket is challenged. If they don't have a list of who reviews them, anyone could challenge any ticket and they would have to dismiss it because they don't know what officer to send to court. If they send just any officer they would be lying in court.

Live every day like it's your last. Some day you'll be right - Benny Hill

Two Baltimore Speed Cameras Set on Fire

Someone put a couple of slugs in one of Santa Fe's speed cameras last summer.


Need more coffee this morning...

ChefDon16 wrote:

Someone put a couple of slugs in one of Santa Fe's speed cameras last summer.

I read this and pictured slugs (like Banana slugs) in a camera, and thought to myself, "Why would somebody do that?!".


Need more coffee, stat!
