Combining POI Files-All States
Fri, 05/18/2007 - 11:57am
17 years
Thanks to the person who combined the Offbeat Tourist Attractions files into one easy to use ALL STATES FILE. If I knew how to do it myself, I would have but instead I never bothered downloading each individual file. I just wish that the REST AREA FILES were combined in the same way so that I could use them for all states instead of jamming up my GPS custom Points list with 50 different files. I think anyone who can, when listing seperate state POI's should also list a combined file for those wishing to make use of all of them easily. JUST A THOUGHT......
Combined Rest Areas for You
I just wish that the REST AREA FILES were combined in the same way so that I could use them for all states instead of jamming up my GPS custom Points list with 50 different files.......
I combined all of the rest areas posted on this website into one file for you. There are several duplicate entries you'll have to clean up. I also noticed several rest areas at different mile markers with the same coordinates that will need correcting.
If you want to send me an email via my contact link, I'll send it to you as an attachment.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Thanks RT...I sent you an e-mail via your contact link...I really appreciate your time.
PS. Love your RV...
It is on its way.
The file is on its way.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Combined file
Please post the file for the rest of us. Thanks
Combined File Posted-37 States
Please post the file for the rest of us. Thanks :)
I uploaded the combined file. It's located at Combined Rest Area File.
I combined these individual state files, cleaned up some duplicates, and corrected several incorrect coordinates. The credit for these individual Rest Area files goes to their respective authors. I can only vouch for the Iowa File. This one I verified the coordinates against the locations in MapSource when I created it.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Sorry RT,
That was one of the balls that got dropped this week;)
Miss Poi
Thanks RT
Thank you. It was your Iowa file that got the ball rolling and the rest followed. I will find this very valuable in my travels.
Thank You RT
Thanks for cleaning up and correcting the combined rest area files...It will come in handy for myself and I'm sure for others.
Thanks again,