Garmin Nuvi 50 lm


Hi, does anyone have any idea why the speed indicator won't turn red when i go above the posted speed limit on a brand new Garmin Nuvi 50 lm? Thanks for any and all answers.

I can't help because the one

I can't help because the one I just bought works fine and the speed indicator on mine turns red when I go over.

I bought mine at WalMart.

Maybe you can take it back?

Scott in Florida


Thanks, that is what i will probably do tomorrow

Update FW, and maps?

Have you yet? It may be the cause.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Garmin, nuvi 50 LM

Thanks for the information. I got all the updates and now everything is working great. Again, thanks to all who offered information.

Tell us how you like it

Now that you have made all the updates and everything is working fine, tell us how you like the unit and would you recommend it as a buy. Is this the unit with only lower USA maps?

Wanted -Woman with GPS -send picture of GPS

Nuvi 50LM

I like it fine, and it is the one with only the US 49 States. I have not used it enough to really give any kind of review, but i will as soon as a get some time on it. Let me hold off recommending it as buy just yet. In the next few weeks i should get lots of us out of it.

US and Canada

alrom45 wrote:

Now that you have made all the updates and everything is working fine, tell us how you like the unit and would you recommend it as a buy. Is this the unit with only lower USA maps?

There is a 50LM with the US and Canada as well, though you may have to shop online to get it. I found it on Amazon.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams