Iowa's Large Scale Wind Farms

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Last updated 05/31/2007

Raw file: IAwindfarms.csv (924 bytes)

Includes 9 locations in the following area:

  • United States: IA

Locations of Iowa's 9 largest Windfarms. The name field of each site conatins the site name - number of turbines - name of the company that owns the site; and the description field contains address as specific as I could get them. Some will be near a particular town, as that is as specific as I could get without going to each site, and since the farms cover a fairly large area, and the trubines are rather big - the 'near' locations should do.

5/13/07: Updated 'Top of Iowa' POI with corrected coordinates
5/14/07: Updated two more with corrected coordinates from actual site visits - Cerro Gordo & Hancock Co. sites.
5/31/2007: Updated coordinates for MidAmerican's Century farm from site visit. It's an intersection near the middle of 'em all.