Women's World Cup
Sun, 07/17/2011 - 6:24pm
13 years
Congrats to Japan for winning the women's world soccer cup - on penalty kicks, and to the USA for making it an exciting final.
13 years
Congrats to Japan for winning the women's world soccer cup - on penalty kicks, and to the USA for making it an exciting final.
Women's World Cup
Shoot out, can anyone say airball?
Congrats Japan!
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Yes congrats to Japan! Sure
Yes congrats to Japan! Sure to bad the US couldn't break thru with a victory. O well Japan has been thru a lot.
If you dont know where you're going, any road will get you there!!
Yes, they deserved it too
I wished that the US had one, but after all that Japan has had to go through recently, they deserve some glory! If any country deserved it more that the US, it was Japan!
Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.
Congrats to Japan. US played
Congrats to Japan.
US played better but messed up at the penalty kicks.
Had their chance
The girls had a chance to score in the first half as they had a flurry of shots, most of which were not on target. Those that were seemed to hit the post. They could not capitalize on their scoring opportunities when Japan did.
Team USA did not execute and finish their chances, Japan deserved the win and the Cup.
World Cup
Yeah, heartbreaking way to lose, but when you let it go to penalty kicks, it really is a throw of the dice.
Anyway, condolences to Team USA but hearty congratulations to Japan. They needed that! And congratulations to Team USA for getting so far, playing so well for most of the tournament, and showing such class when Japan won. You can tell these two teams really respected one another, unlike some of the other teams.
JMoo On