Open Office
Tue, 06/07/2011 - 2:39pm
15 years
Just wondering; how many of you guys (and gals) use Open Office instead of Excel or Notepad when using POI files. I just recently learned of Open Office and was wondering if it was any good at this sort of thing.
I use it along with office
I use it along with office 2000. At first I found open office very annoying with its auto correct & auto fill sorta features. Once you figure out how to make it stop it suddenly turns into a nice package. I've used it to edit csv's without any problem.
Open Office is fine
To my knowledge, Open Office Calc will do everything that Excel will do with the exception of the “ALT+ENTER” line break character required by some units. When editing line breaks in a CSV file, Open Office Calc currently will not handle this invisible control character, whereas Excel will.
Stay Safe, Sane, Sober & Solvent!
You can't also use some
You can't also use some custom code such as certain macros and such as well.
EPE vs Open Office
I've used both Open Office and Excel with .csv POI files in the past.
For a couple of years now I've used Extra POI Editor (EPE), a tool developed by Turboccc, a POI Factory member.
EPE allows you to view, create, convert and maintain POI files in multiple formats (CSV, GPX, OV2 and KML). It has a treasure chest of features for you to use - display/set POIs using Google Maps, geocoding, sorting, export to Excel and much more.
EDIT: Here are some links:
Nüvi 2595LMT
To my knowledge, Open Office Calc will do everything that Excel will do with the exception of the “ALT+ENTER” line break character required by some units. When editing line breaks in a CSV file, Open Office Calc currently will not handle this invisible control character, whereas Excel will.
I use Open Office Calc (version 3.1) on my .CSV files and the Ctrl-Enter key works fine for inserting the LF (ASCII 10) character in the description field for multiple lines.You have to position the cursor in the table itself, not in the top edit line, to insert the line feed character.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
I found Microsoft's Office 2003 viewer
When my neighbor asked me to print a Word file.
I'm still running XP and her Window 7 Word file was a .docx instead of .doc. Worked pretty good and it was FREE !
Thanks, alandb
To my knowledge, Open Office Calc will do everything that Excel will do with the exception of the “ALT+ENTER” line break character required by some units. When editing line breaks in a CSV file, Open Office Calc currently will not handle this invisible control character, whereas Excel will.
I use Open Office Calc (version 3.1) on my .CSV files and the Ctrl-Enter key works fine for inserting the LF (ASCII 10) character in the description field for multiple lines.You have to position the cursor in the table itself, not in the top edit line, to insert the line feed character.
Glad you pointed this out. Just to clarify, “CTL+ENTER” works fine for creating line breaks (“ALT+Enter” for Excel), but for the EDITING of line breaks, the “Find & Replace All” dialog in Open Office can’t be used. Like you say, line break edits must be made inside each cell, making large file edits very cumbersome.
Stay Safe, Sane, Sober & Solvent!
I use EPE exclusively for
I use EPE exclusively for making my POI files, first as GPX then save as CSV when done. I use Open Office for almost everything else.
All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush
I use EPE and Office 2007 in 'Compatibility Mode'. It works just fine.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK