Suggestion for New Forum


Miss POI - I would like to suggest a new forum called "Smartphone Talk". We currently have dedicated forums for Garmin & TomTom, but I would think that in a very short time the number of members with smartphones will eclipse those with dedicated gps devices. So it would make sense to have a dedicated forum for us to discuss smartphone issues without being "attacked" by Garmin/TomTom fanboys.

Update - Miss POI has created the new forum

it is worth a look

it is worth a look

Makes Sense

Makes sense to me too. The new phones are certainly another breed of cat.

.. And the plus for the Garmin/TomTom 'fanboys' is they get a break from hearing how outdated & old school their purchase was, how they're disappearing like polar bears, and how poorly they function.

It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.

It makes sense if you can

It makes sense if you can load POI's or other database info on them. If not, what's the point?


There are places for Smart Phone Talk

Howard Forums... truly, anything you would need to ever know will be there... why re-invent the wheel?

I for one would not mind a phone forum here limited to the discussions of GPS functions. I don't think the world needs another place for all the "fanbois" of various flavors to out-insult one another. There's enough of those.

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

Smartphones are the new PND

With the iPhone, Android, and Windows Mobile phones all supporting turn by turn GPS navigation it seems to only make sense to have a separate forum for those devices. There are issues with which software to use, additional hardware for charging and speakers, and differences with stand-alone PNDs that warrant a forum.

I agree that it must be clear that it is only for smartphone GPS issues.

Brent - DriveLuxe 51 LMT-S

great idea...

GadgetGuy2008 wrote:

Miss POI - I would like to suggest a new forum called "Smartphone Talk". We currently have dedicated forums for Garmin & TomTom, but I would think that in a very short time the number of members with smartphones will eclipse those with dedicated gps devices. So it would make sense to have a dedicated forum for us to discuss smartphone issues without being "attacked" by Garmin/TomTom fanboys.

I think it's great idea, because some fanboys of dedicated GPS have tendency not to accept new reality...


any smartphone at this time capable of loading custom POI's?

FZbar wrote:

It makes sense if you can load POI's or other database info on them. If not, what's the point?


I agree, it does not make a lot of sense if they do not relate to what this site is really all about which is custom POI's and related hardware and software.

I'm not aware that any smartphone at this time is capable of loading custom POI's that are found on this site. If they are not capable of doing that it seems strange to have a forum for an item that cannot use the files that are the real reason behind this forum site.

I'm sure that there are tons of smartphone forums already in existence to handle that talk and discussion already.

Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps


vk55 wrote:

I think it's great idea, because some fanboys of dedicated GPS have tendency not to accept new reality...

To each their own, friend.

But, I do agree it's a great idea to add another forum. It would very much complement the site. And who knows, some may be convinced that the smart phone GPS is truly the way to go.

Personally, I have a secret lust boiling for the Galaxy S Tab, but was very disappointed it did not have the phone function enabled here in North America.

A 7" tablet phone with Android 2.2 (for now), would make for a great device. And, if the GPS works as well as some here tout, what more could you ask for? A 7" GPS screen? Sweet!

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Smartphone Capable Of Loading Custom POI's?

rjrsw wrote:
FZbar wrote:

It makes sense if you can load POI's or other database info on them. If not, what's the point?


.....I'm not aware that any smartphone at this time is capable of loading custom POI's that are found on this site.....

I bought my oldest son a second hand Garminfone and I downloaded a number of POIs from here to his phone just last night.

During 2011, look for smartphones with the Garmin Android application installed on them.


rjrsw wrote:

I'm not aware that any smartphone at this time is capable of loading custom POI's that are found on this site. If they are not capable of doing that it seems strange to have a forum for an item that cannot use the files that are the real reason behind this forum site.

Thanks rjrsw. You've proven to everyone why we need a separate forum topic for smartphones. Because certain smartphones can indeed load custom POI's. I have a Droid Incredible and purchased the android CoPilot app which allows you to load custom POIs. And I've seen threads on other sites with instructions for loading custom POIs into google maps.

So rather than folks having to figure this stuff out on their own, wouldn't it make sense for this site to be the #1 source of smartphone/POI information?. Think of all the new traffic to the site considering that 300,000 android phones are being activated EVERY day. (That's no typo, 300,000 every day)

The simple fact is that smartphones now outnumber PND devices. If Miss Poi wants to keep this site relevant for years to come, she must embrace the smartphone.


GadgetGuy2008 wrote:
rjrsw wrote:

I'm not aware that any smartphone at this time is capable of loading custom POI's that are found on this site. If they are not capable of doing that it seems strange to have a forum for an item that cannot use the files that are the real reason behind this forum site.

Thanks rjrsw. You've proven to everyone why we need a separate forum topic for smartphones. Because certain smartphones can indeed load custom POI's. I have a Droid Incredible and purchased the android CoPilot app which allows you to load custom POIs. And I've seen threads on other sites with instructions for loading custom POIs into google maps.

So rather than folks having to figure this stuff out on their own, wouldn't it make sense for this site to be the #1 source of smartphone/POI information?. Think of all the new traffic to the site considering that 300,000 android phones are being activated EVERY day. (That's no typo, 300,000 every day)

The simple fact is that smartphones now outnumber PND devices. If Miss Poi wants to keep this site relevant for years to come, she must embrace the smartphone.

or fortunately you have pointed out how much tunnel vision there is. A separate forum is a great idea.

"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

I agree that a separate

I agree that a separate forum is needed for smart phones.

Jon and I have a lot on our plate right now and it might be a few days or weeks before we can get this up.

Miss POI

Fortunately, Miss POI has weighed in

So the question and issue has been resolved. Enjoy.

Just speaking for myself however, I found the comments that led up to the decision a bit disconcerting. That is, I come here for what Miss POI has tried to get across many, many times: that this is a community of users. Those that use terms that I take to be derogatory in their intent (eg, fanboys, tunnel vision, implied luddites), leaves me thinking thank goodness the phone nav guys will go off and discuss their interests separately.

As a social media researcher, I do stay on top of the trends and have often been accused of being on the "bleeding edge" of technology that I use professionally and personally. So just because I find my purpose built GPSr perfectly acceptable for how I use it, I don't think that makes me any less interested in advancing the state of the art; it's just in a different way.

NEOhioGuy - Garmin 2639, MIO Knight Rider, TomTom (in Subaru Legacy), Nuvi 55, DriveSmart 51, Apple CarPlay maps

The better smartphone tools do allow POI additions.

FZbar wrote:

It makes sense if you can load POI's or other database info on them. If not, what's the point?


Actually, I can confirm CoPilot 8 (for Android and iPhone among other platforms) and iGO 8 (for Windows Mobile) DO have the ability to load POIs and other database info.

CoPilot 8 takes standard TomTom .OV2 files (which you can convert from CSVs or GPX's if there's not an .ov2 version already available for download here) and (in my playing around with the function today) does very nicely at it. It's not documented by ALK itself, but there's plenty of info around on how to do it (and if folks are interested, I'd be glad to give a tutorial post).

iGO 8 (at least 8.3 and above) uses KML files, the same as Google Earth; these can be simply copied into a custom POI folder (in the main data directory). These tend to require conversion from formats here, though.

So yes, GPS tools do exist for at least the major smartphone platforms (other than Blackberry, to my knowledge) that will happily accept custom POIs and speed camera data. grin

(And if it's not already obvious, count me in for a smartphone forum! grin)

POI-friendly smartphone GPS tools

rjrsw wrote:

I agree, it does not make a lot of sense if they do not relate to what this site is really all about which is custom POI's and related hardware and software.

I'm not aware that any smartphone at this time is capable of loading custom POI's that are found on this site. If they are not capable of doing that it seems strange to have a forum for an item that cannot use the files that are the real reason behind this forum site.

I'm sure that there are tons of smartphone forums already in existence to handle that talk and discussion already.

In the case of smartphones, POI functionality is based on program. There are in fact no less than five separate programs I'm aware of that will happily accept custom POIs:

1) CoPilot 8 (available for multiple smartphones including Android and iPhone; an undocumented feature allows import of TomTom .ov2 files for custom POIs)

2) iGO 8 (available for Windows Mobile, iPhone, and has been shipped with some Android phones as an OEM install; uses KML files for custom POIs)

3) Navigon (available for Android, iPhone, and Windows Mobile; does allow POI import in .asc format; conversion tools exist such as Extra_POI_Editor, POI Edit, and ITNconv; unlike other tools requires specialised program (POIWarner) to import/export POIs)

4) Google Earth (!) (port exists for Android, accepts KMLs just like the Windows and Linux versions for custom POIs)

5) Garmin for Android (presently shipped as OEM install with the Garminphone and planned for future Android devices; uses Garmin .gpx/.csv/.gpi files for custom POIs)

(And I'm not even counting completely open-source tools that use their own POI format... yes, an OpenMaps client called OSMAnd exists that uses ITS own (open source and documented) POI format. grin)

So yes, they are out there, and there IS a lot of discussion on these in smartphone forums--but I do think a smartphone-specific forum would be helpful (say, for someone who just got a Garminphone or who picked up CoPilot 8 off the Android Market/Apple Store and wants to know how to load all these POIs into their smartphone).

There ARE differences between GPS with a standalone device (like a TomTom or Garmin standalone "car GPS") and GPS with a smartphone (which is capable of loading multiple specialised types of GPS tools)--mostly in that there are more options out there for smartphones. (Yes, your standalone GPS is likely either a Windows CE machine or running an embedded version of Linux, unless it's one of those handheld GPS's that are really meant primarily for hiking or geocaching...and those tend not to take custom POIs either. grin)

Thanks much

miss poi wrote:

I agree that a separate forum is needed for smart phones.

Jon and I have a lot on our plate right now and it might be a few days or weeks before we can get this up.

Miss POI

All good--take what time you need (keeping the site up and running has got to be a handful--I would dare say this is definitely the most up-to-date POI site I've seen online).

Once the forums are up, do let folks know if you need people to post things like tutorials on how to get POIs into specific smartphone GPS tools...

A social media researcher

NEOhioGuy wrote:

So the question and issue has been resolved. Enjoy.

Just speaking for myself however, I found the comments that led up to the decision a bit disconcerting. That is, I come here for what Miss POI has tried to get across many, many times: that this is a community of users. Those that use terms that I take to be derogatory in their intent (eg, fanboys, tunnel vision, implied luddites), leaves me thinking thank goodness the phone nav guys will go off and discuss their interests separately.

As a social media researcher, I do stay on top of the trends and have often been accused of being on the "bleeding edge" of technology that I use professionally and personally. So just because I find my purpose built GPSr perfectly acceptable for how I use it, I don't think that makes me any less interested in advancing the state of the art; it's just in a different way.

And I will wager a shilling or two that you vote a straight socialist party line. How obnoxious and arrogant you are to express displeasure because some forum members use perfectly acceptable language for even a "G" rated audience, such as
"fanboys, tunnel vision, implied luddites"

If that language offends you, it is you that has the problem, not those that use it.

"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

A social media researcher

Double Tap wrote:
NEOhioGuy wrote:

So the question and issue has been resolved. Enjoy.

Just speaking for myself however, I found the comments that led up to the decision a bit disconcerting. That is, I come here for what Miss POI has tried to get across many, many times: that this is a community of users. Those that use terms that I take to be derogatory in their intent (eg, fanboys, tunnel vision, implied luddites), leaves me thinking thank goodness the phone nav guys will go off and discuss their interests separately.

As a social media researcher, I do stay on top of the trends and have often been accused of being on the "bleeding edge" of technology that I use professionally and personally. So just because I find my purpose built GPSr perfectly acceptable for how I use it, I don't think that makes me any less interested in advancing the state of the art; it's just in a different way.

And I will wager a shilling or two that you vote a straight socialist party line. How obnoxious and arrogant you are to express displeasure because some forum members use perfectly acceptable language for even a "G" rated audience, such as
"fanboys, tunnel vision, implied luddites"

If that language offends you, it is you that has the problem, not those that use it.

I agree with you. If he doesn't like he reads than find somewhere else to go. Just like TV. if you don't like what you are watching channel or turn it off. I don't believe in polical incorrectness.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD

Of course you're right

rthibodaux wrote:
Double Tap wrote:

And I will wager a shilling or two that you vote a straight socialist party line. How obnoxious and arrogant you are to express displeasure because some forum members use perfectly acceptable language for even a "G" rated audience, such as
"fanboys, tunnel vision, implied luddites"

If that language offends you, it is you that has the problem, not those that use it.

I agree with you. If he doesn't like he reads than find somewhere else to go. Just like TV. if you don't like what you are watching channel or turn it off. I don't believe in polical incorrectness

The downward spiral of lost civility and increased personal attacks in a forum that shouldn't have either just surprises me.

So taking your advice and checking out. Enjoy.

NEOhioGuy - Garmin 2639, MIO Knight Rider, TomTom (in Subaru Legacy), Nuvi 55, DriveSmart 51, Apple CarPlay maps

Laptop GPS

I use Copilot Version 8 Laptop. Same program used on the Android and others. I have downloaded maybe 5 or 6 POIs now in the Tom Tom format, no problem. I feel that I am the only one on here that is using a laptop for my GPS. But that is OK. I am still learning and this a great place to learn.

I do agree that Miss POI does need to expand to more then the devices that stick on the window. Please do not take that wrong. I just don't know how else to state it. smile

1997 Triple E Empress, Freightliner CAT 3126B, Allison MD-3060, 6 Speed 2001 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, Blue Ox tow bar And I am loving it. God -> Men -> Government. Proud member of the Tea Party. “In God We Trust;” in Liberty we thrive.

Laptop GPS

I use my 660 and MSS&T and have found answere for both here on this site. I think it will expands as new members or old get new equiptment.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Goog Idea ... but,

GadgetGuy2008 wrote:

Miss POI - I would like to suggest a new forum called "Smartphone Talk". We currently have dedicated forums for Garmin & TomTom, but I would think that in a very short time the number of members with smartphones will eclipse those with dedicated gps devices. So it would make sense to have a dedicated forum for us to discuss smartphone issues without being "attacked" by Garmin/TomTom fanboys.

This is a good idea but the forums are mainly related to the specific units regarding custom POIs - (POI Factory), Yes there are help and support topics, but mainly POIs. I have a BB with AT&T navigation and the Google maps free navigation and none of them use custom POIs. IMO until they can support custom POIs it is not for this site.

JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic


jrozsnaki wrote:

I have a BB with AT&T navigation and the Google maps free navigation and none of them use custom POIs. IMO until they can support custom POIs it is not for this site.

Yet another perfect example of why this site needs a dedicated smartphone forum. So we can educate folks like jrozsnaki.

jroz - there are ways to use custom POIs with google maps.


Not where to go but rather how to use CoPilot. Their website is useless unless I'm missing something and the learning curve is very steep. So far I don't see any advantage over my 660.

NUVI 660, Late 2012 iMac, Macbook 2.1 Fall 2008, iPhone6 , Nuvi 3790, iPad2

User Manual

1997 Triple E Empress, Freightliner CAT 3126B, Allison MD-3060, 6 Speed 2001 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, Blue Ox tow bar And I am loving it. God -> Men -> Government. Proud member of the Tea Party. “In God We Trust;” in Liberty we thrive.

Not Really

GadgetGuy2008 wrote:
jrozsnaki wrote:

I have a BB with AT&T navigation and the Google maps free navigation and none of them use custom POIs. IMO until they can support custom POIs it is not for this site.

Yet another perfect example of why this site needs a dedicated smartphone forum. So we can educate folks like jrozsnaki.

jroz - there are ways to use custom POIs with google maps.

Not really - can you post a demo and are they true custom POIs?

JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic

Even Blackberries have POIable tools

jrozsnaki wrote:
GadgetGuy2008 wrote:

Miss POI - I would like to suggest a new forum called "Smartphone Talk". We currently have dedicated forums for Garmin & TomTom, but I would think that in a very short time the number of members with smartphones will eclipse those with dedicated gps devices. So it would make sense to have a dedicated forum for us to discuss smartphone issues without being "attacked" by Garmin/TomTom fanboys.

This is a good idea but the forums are mainly related to the specific units regarding custom POIs - (POI Factory), Yes there are help and support topics, but mainly POIs. I have a BB with AT&T navigation and the Google maps free navigation and none of them use custom POIs. IMO until they can support custom POIs it is not for this site.

Google Maps *can* support custom POIs, but it has to be done via the PC--there are instructions on how to get it to work on sites. It does require a bit of work though.

That said, even for Blackberries (which are (IMHO) the true spiritual successor of PalmOS) there are quite a lot of POIable tools still being developed for Blackberry (a few being here).

Unfortunately, some of the better POIable Blackberry apps (such as the Blackberry version of CoPilot) are discontinued; Blackberries are still in fairly wide use in businesses, but the platform is slowly becoming a "zombie platform" (much as WinMo is becoming a zombie, and much as PalmOS eventually became one)--the big thing keeping RIM around IS the fact that Blackberries were heavily used in businesses, and a lot of the former Blackberry (and WinMo) development has gone to Android and iPhone.

There are still tools out there for Blackberries that can use the POIs here with some massaging, though (Navigon being among 'em)--actually, one of the hopes I do have re the smartphone forum is that we CAN share our favourite programs that are POIable and info on how to set 'em up. smile


GadgetGuy2008 wrote:

Miss POI - I would like to suggest a new forum called "Smartphone Talk". We currently have dedicated forums for Garmin & TomTom, but I would think that in a very short time the number of members with smartphones will eclipse those with dedicated gps devices. So it would make sense to have a dedicated forum for us to discuss smartphone issues without being "attacked" by Garmin/TomTom fanboys.

I just want to keep this at the top so no one forgets that there is a need for Gadgetguys suggestion. smile

1997 Triple E Empress, Freightliner CAT 3126B, Allison MD-3060, 6 Speed 2001 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, Blue Ox tow bar And I am loving it. God -> Men -> Government. Proud member of the Tea Party. “In God We Trust;” in Liberty we thrive.

POI loading

I loaded 186,000 poi's on my iPhone. Bigfoot poi, red light cameras, and loads of others. The capability is there.
I am also a Nuvi fan, I load vehicles, poi's, and enjoy it. I also enjoy the iPhone. I accept the Nuvi is old and outdated. It's still fun to use and abuse.
You'll get no "attack" from me, and I look forward to seeing what comes up next.

Garmin app for iPhone coming?

My daughter, an avid iPhone user, tells me Garmin has an app coming for the iPhone. Anyone heard this rumor?

NUVI 660, Late 2012 iMac, Macbook 2.1 Fall 2008, iPhone6 , Nuvi 3790, iPad2

Garmin app

geochapman wrote:

My daughter, an avid iPhone user, tells me Garmin has an app coming for the iPhone. Anyone heard this rumor?


Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.