Reprogrammed Phrases: What have you changed??
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![]() ![]() 16 years
In other threads people have posted that they have changed some of the pre-programmed phrases in their Garmin GPS' using the neat program TTS Voice Editor by TurboCCC.
Nearly everyone who makes changes nearly always changes that one most annoying phrase "Recalculating". That was the first one I changed too.
So far I have changed three.
#57 "Ready to Navigate" to "OK. I'm ready to go."
#68 "Recalculating" to "OK. Let me try this again."
#70 "Lost satellite reception" to "I can't see the satellites."
In the various threads of changes I've seen, some people have input clever phrases, some are funny, some have their GPS voice say something insulting, while some just turn phrases off entirely.
I haven't seen a thread devoted to just reprogrammed phrases, so here it is.
What have you reprogrammed your GPSr to say?
Recalculating has
Recalculating has become:
OK, your way, master.
Phrases on 265W
I don't seem to have the "voice alerts" turned on for my 265W. I have the custom POI voice alerts turned on, so when I approach one of them I get my custom voice command, but can't seem to figure out why the pre-programmed phrases to work?!
Anyone have any thoughts?
Are you saying that your 265 does not provide you with voice prompts while navigating? "Turn right on Main Street."
Drivesmart 66, Nuvi 2595LMT (Died), Nuvi 1490T (Died), Nuvi 260 (Died), GPSMAP 195
ia also turned off, but "She" says, "I'm sorry, I messed up" and the other I can't post here.
"If there's a new way I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time!"
Recalculating... updating route, please standby.
All voices call me by name before saying... please drive to highlighted route.
"Destination Eternity" Garmin 765T, & Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
I've gamerised mine, using quips that sound more Bladrunner/Animeish
lost satellite reception -> smog to thick to receive
recalculating -> altering flightpath
Roleplaying Canuck Gamer with: Nuvi 760 & 2595 LMT (Map Ver.: 2019.30) 2012 RAM 1500 4x4 Big Horn Quad
lost satellite
take the bag off my head!
etrex vista, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 750(3)
really bad
Recalculating, wife made me clean it up,
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.
Tickles my wife
Recal to "Pay attention, now I have to find another way."
Lost sat. to "Oh Crap, now we're really lost!"
Follow the highlight route to "Follow the magenta-brick road."
Turn Left/Right to "You gotta go left/right."
I had to change a few, the wife didn't like that really nice sounding Australian gal calling me "honey" or "sweetheart".
No, my Garmin gives me directions and also notifies when approaching custom POIs based on my custom audio, but it does not "say" the pre-programmed phrases like recalculating, etc.
I'm playing with it in SIM mode right now trying to prompt some of those messages, but any insight would be appreciated.
dirty bird...
"recalculating" became "Have it your way."
Others dealing with low power and losing sats are changed to get my attention... "WHAT did that thing just say?"
Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows
"recalculating" is now "and where do you think you are going."
John Nuvi 750 765T Winnipeg, MB
No, my Garmin gives me directions and also notifies when approaching custom POIs based on my custom audio, but it does not "say" the pre-programmed phrases like recalculating, etc.
I'm playing with it in SIM mode right now trying to prompt some of those messages, but any insight would be appreciated.
I have no idea. You should probably start a new thread about that so you can get proper attention for your problem.
Drivesmart 66, Nuvi 2595LMT (Died), Nuvi 1490T (Died), Nuvi 260 (Died), GPSMAP 195
Changed Phrase
My "recalculating" now says "Who's the navigation expert here? I am!".
"Are you Lost Again? Can't you follow instructions?"
"Amazing!! You Made it!"
"Try and stay on the route this time, OKAY?
A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!
I have so many changes
it would be difficult to list them all.
Some of them include "I've put a magenta line on the map. Can you find it?" "Did I tell you to go there?", "get on the boat" and "get off the boat". Probably my favorites are about U-Turns - "Let's do the hokey-pokey and turn ourselves about" and "turn yourself about."
Oh, if I loose satellite coverage, "Hey, I'm lost here. Better get out the paper maps,"
Illiterate? Write for free help.
I haven't tried this yet but will now as the reprogrammed phrases are great. Threads like this are the reason I keep comming back to the POIFactory.
Nuvi 750 and 755T
Gotta try this one soon !
But first I need to find French voices - I wouldn't want to keep all the fun for myself...
In the meantime I'll start looking for nice answers
Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)
Gives me an evil idea, to do
Gives me an evil idea, to do with my GF's GPS.
Updating Route
Simply changed recalculating to updating route
After finding this wonderful editor, Karen now tells me, "Oh no, we are so lost!". Got wonderful comments when driving guests around recently.
"It's on my To Do list, awright?" - Shrek
Limits on Substitutions?
This has given me an idea or three, but do the substitutions need to be "dictionary" words or will other spellings work phonetically?
Oh No Todd!
Instead of recalculating, Karen says "Oh no, Todd, Oh no!"
I have no idea who Todd is, but it's better than "recalculating."
Ok, ok ... Todd is my name. Try TurboCC's tool to have your GPS say your name.
I've changed more than I can remember.
Another favorite is "Todd, flip a U E" instead of "Make a U-turn."
And lastly, "Tod, you've arrive at"
Really freaks folks out the first time they hear my GPS talk to me, using my name.
Kinda makes me feel like Karen is sitting right beside me ... of course, my wife would have to move to the back seat ... but if Karen shows up, well, all bets are off.
Garmin 205, 260W, 1450LMT, 2460LMT, HEREwego for iPhone ... all still mapping strong.
is now "laying in new course" on my Nuvi.
___________________ Garmin 2455, 855, Oregon 550t
No limits!
This has given me an idea or three, but do the substitutions need to be "dictionary" words or will other spellings work phonetically?
You can type whatever you want. You can also make intentional typo to improve the speech.
For example (not a real one!), if "speech" is not pronounced correctly, you can try to type "speach". If it is phonetically right, it should sound right.
Made my ex laugh!
I changed recalculating to: You want to listen to me or hear your girlfriend nag about asking for directions from someone!
Or: If you like the way your going, then turn me off.
There are others for all kind of things. It's nice to change them around.
"it's time to go, you waiting for Christmas... proceed to..."
-- Eddie Garmin Nuvi 765T
I changed recalculating to:
"(my name), you missed the freaking turn! OK fine. Do it your way."
Karen has an attitude when the GPS recalculates now.
nuvi 1690 with ecoRoute HD, SP2610 (retired), Edge 305, Forerunner 405
This is neat, I have to try
This is neat, I have to try it.
Thanks for the tips.
Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM
Come on, MORE neat tips like these...
while i figure out where the dickens I'll find the voice to go with it... Oh boy
Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)
I use Dr. Nightmare... It
I use Dr. Nightmare... It works very well for my motorhome. I love his random sayings like "Did you hear something?" or "Don't pay any attention to that noise in the trunk" or even "Have you seen my pet spider?". You never know when or what he is going to say.
Rick Long Las Vegas, NV Garmin 855
I've gamerised mine, using quips that sound more Bladrunner/Animeish
lost satellite reception -> smog to thick to receive
recalculating -> altering flightpath
Cool idea. I made mine into the Star Trek's computer voice. Together with the custom POI sounds it feels like a Trek ship. OK, I'm a Star Trek geek
(yes, my "vehicle" is the Enterprise-E)
Garmin nuvi 1300LM with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 200W with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 260W with 4GB SD card r.i.p.
Changed "recalculating"
Karen tells me "You naughty boy, you're not listening" when I stray off course.
Not Alone
the wife didn't like that really nice sounding Australian gal calling me "honey" or "sweetheart".
You're not alone. The first time my wife heard my GPS call me by name I got the 'furry eyeball' and "getting a little personal aren't we?" That's bridespeak for "change it, NOW!"
Nuvi 760 & 660, Streetpilot, GPS III, GPS 10X
Member of another list secretly replaced recalculating with something very insulting and very, very vulgar on his wifes unit. She didn't discover it until she had a business colleague in the car with her. I think she's still staying at her mothers place.
A few changes
I've changed a few words/phrases to "clean up" things, like "traffic circle" instead of "roundabout" and rather than "make a U-turn" it tells me "turn around, turn around".
The two changes that first time passengers enjoy the most - when the initial route is plotted, it says "OK Moose, let's go" and when I miss a turn, I'm told to "Try to pay attention next time!"
The Moose Is Loose! nuvi 760
This is getting good !
I'll also recommend not playing dirty tricks on other people's devices. Not only can it create embarrassment, but you never know what might come back your way.
Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)
Any thoughts about this working on the 3790? I'm wondering of the additional phrases added for resonse to voice commands would make it incompatible, or if those are in a separate file.
Garmin Etrex Vista, Streetpilot 2610, GPSMap 60Csx, Nüvi 750, Colorado 400t, Nüvi 3790t
I do not see why it would not work. For sure the speech reconition engine do not use the same phrases as the speech engine. Just try it. If there is any problem, just put the original voice file back and this will erase any change you have made with TTSVoiceEditor.
Best regards,
Thanks. I'm just getting off
Thanks. I'm just getting off work now so will try it when I get home, just thought maybe someone else already had. I'll let you know so you can add it to your list.
Garmin Etrex Vista, Streetpilot 2610, GPSMap 60Csx, Nüvi 750, Colorado 400t, Nüvi 3790t
Well, the couple of things I tried here (simulating route) seemed to work just fine on the 3790. I'll give it a real test on the way to work tomorrow.
Garmin Etrex Vista, Streetpilot 2610, GPSMap 60Csx, Nüvi 750, Colorado 400t, Nüvi 3790t
My choice
On the wife's 760...
recalculating became- Robin, you're not listening
Jeff...... Nuvi 2460, Nuvi 2595
She musta loved it !
On the wife's 760...
recalculating became- Robin, you're not listening
How did your cereals taste this fine morning , then ?
Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)
Dr nightmare voice files
I use Dr. Nightmare... It works very well for my motorhome. I love his random sayings like "Did you hear something?" or "Don't pay any attention to that noise in the trunk" or even "Have you seen my pet spider?". You never know when or what he is going to say.
If I install Dr Nightmare voice files, does it overwrite the existing voice files? Can I choose to use it from time to time, and will the unit return to normal when not using it?
Tight lines
My Recalculating has
My Recalculating has become:
"Next time, Larry, listen to me" Just like the wife.
My cemetery alert, set for every cemetery in the US is:
"Larry, there are some dead people ahead"
"As life runs on, the road grows strange with faces new - and near the end. The milestones into headstones change, Neath every one a friend." - James Russell Lowell Garmin StreetPilot C330, Garmin NUVI 765T, Garmin DriveSmart 60LMT
If I install Dr Nightmare voice files, does it overwrite the existing voice files? Can I choose to use it from time to time, and will the unit return to normal when not using it?
It will show up in the same list that all of your default voices are in. You can switch back any time you like. Check out the other ones there too, Squirrely, Elfred and Yeti (which I love but can't really be used for navigation unless you want to look at the screen a lot).
Garmin Etrex Vista, Streetpilot 2610, GPSMap 60Csx, Nüvi 750, Colorado 400t, Nüvi 3790t
My recalculating is "You big
My recalculating is "You big dummy!" That's actually a code phrase for much worse language when the kids are around. My 7yr old cracks up when Karen calls me a big dummy.
I changed recalculating by deleting the word. That way it doesn't interrupt my music with useless (to me) information.
Zumo 550 & Zumo 665 My alarm clock is sunshine on chrome.
Come on, you can do better than that !
I thought this thread was about funny replacements - at least I was hoping it was...
Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)
Tried changing just some of the numbers but they don't work (at least where I expected them to). I wanted mixed english and spanish. Turn left in seven point cinco miles
Garmin Etrex Vista, Streetpilot 2610, GPSMap 60Csx, Nüvi 750, Colorado 400t, Nüvi 3790t
to "Wrong turn idiot"
Drive to highlighted route to " get in sit down and shut up"