For those considering a Garmin handheld versus Integrated GPS


At least with regard to my vehicle, if you are considering a vehicle with GPS make sure you are happy with how it operates before you decide on it. I have been using my integrated navigation but have been unable to find a 'hack' for it to allow me to fiddle while driving.

I like to personally, click on the GPS when driving or have my wife navigate. However, I am unable to search for a new destination or look for POIs without having to stop in my integrated GPS. With the Garmin, I could take it off of safe mode and push away.

The major advantage I see with the integrated GPS is that it acquires the satellite instantaneously whereas the Garmin has a lag time.

The major advantage of my Garmin was the traffic feature (not entirely reliable, mind you) but it was an option. There are vehicles that have traffic integrated with GPS such as Acura, BMW and Nissan, if that is a consideration.

Garmin Nuvi 660;Garmin GPS III+ (Biking, Hiking); Toyota Camry Hybrid with Navigation

Integrated GPS.....

Are you saying there is no way to take off safe mode for these types of navigational devices? If that's the case, that sucks. What if when you load in a destination but then you decide you want to make a stop along the way. You have to pull over to make that change happen?

On your mark, Get set.....wait a we can GO.... (Garmin c340)


At least for the Toyota Nav, I have not figured out a way outside of 'reauthoring the Dual Density DVD' or pulling out a fuse to disable it.

I have to stop or pull over to load a destination whereas on the Nuvi, I have all the power to switch on the fly.

Garmin Nuvi 660;Garmin GPS III+ (Biking, Hiking); Toyota Camry Hybrid with Navigation


no fun there at all.

On your mark, Get set.....wait a we can GO.... (Garmin c340)


Now why do you think they {Toyota} do that?

660, v3.80

Integrated vs. handheld

titaniummd wrote:

At least with regard to my vehicle, if you are considering a vehicle with GPS make sure you are happy with how it operates before you decide on it. I have been using my integrated navigation but have been unable to find a 'hack' for it to allow me to fiddle while driving.

I like to personally, click on the GPS when driving or have my wife navigate. However, I am unable to search for a new destination or look for POIs without having to stop in my integrated GPS. With the Garmin, I could take it off of safe mode and push away.

The major advantage I see with the integrated GPS is that it acquires the satellite instantaneously whereas the Garmin has a lag time.

The major advantage of my Garmin was the traffic feature (not entirely reliable, mind you) but it was an option. There are vehicles that have traffic integrated with GPS such as Acura, BMW and Nissan, if that is a consideration.

I ordered my bimmer (2007 X3) without the integrated one. Here are the reasons:

  1. Cost -- the integrated is $2000, which does not make sense, since it is not more than my Garmin 350. Someone will argue about the board computer... yadda... yadda... Big deal... I like conservative driving...razz
  2. Firmware upgrades -- you can not upgrade the integrated one or at least not as often as the handheld.
  3. Attached -- the integrated is attached to your one vehicle. What if you have a bike and want to use it or even a bicycle?
  4. Add-ons -- in most of the cases you can not put add-ons on your integrated one. I can attach other stuff to the Garmin nuvi 350 and also add memory, use it as an MP3 player (though I have a CD/MP3 player in the car).

I bet someone here in this forum will find some more reasons. I am willing to sacrifice the lag vs. the versatility, but again this is me only.

The only things you regret in life are the chances you never take.

There is a way to Hack the

There is a way to Hack the Toyota. We have a 2006 Sienna limited with a factory navigation system and i found a way to disable the "SAFE" mode so you have access to everything while driving. If interested let me know.

Garmin 660; Nintendo DS soft carry case, YM, rd1chaos, Blackberry PIN 30154995, way too many gadgets to list here.

Correct me if I am wrong,

Correct me if I am wrong, but with intergrated ones, you can't load custom POIs, correct?

Also, for $2000, you can get the best GPSr out there and still have enough left over for a very nice Radar Detector :-}

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Adding POI to Integrated Systems

asianfire wrote:

Correct me if I am wrong, but with intergrated ones, you can't load custom POIs, correct?

Also, for $2000, you can get the best GPSr out there and still have enough left over for a very nice Radar Detector :-}

I do not know how to do that (or if it is possible)smile

Garmin 660; Nintendo DS soft carry case, YM, rd1chaos, Blackberry PIN 30154995, way too many gadgets to list here.

Please, tell me about the Hack!

crupp wrote:

There is a way to Hack the Toyota. We have a 2006 Sienna limited with a factory navigation system and i found a way to disable the "SAFE" mode so you have access to everything while driving. If interested let me know.

Please tell. It has been inconvenient to have to search for locations only when stopped.

I may have to get another Garmin Nuvi 680...

Garmin Nuvi 660;Garmin GPS III+ (Biking, Hiking); Toyota Camry Hybrid with Navigation

Toyota Nav override instructions

titaniummd wrote:
crupp wrote:

There is a way to Hack the Toyota. We have a 2006 Sienna limited with a factory navigation system and i found a way to disable the "SAFE" mode so you have access to everything while driving. If interested let me know.

Please tell. It has been inconvenient to have to search for locations only when stopped.

I may have to get another Garmin Nuvi 680...

NP. On your Toyota Nav. Press the menu button to the left of the screen, then press the volume button in that screen, now press the top left hand corner of the screen, then press bottom left hand corner of the screen, top left hand corner again and the bottom left again. This will bring up the service screen, in that screen press the overide button and hold for 3 secs. (or until you hear a beep), once you release the button it will change color. You are done. You now can change stuff while operating your vehicle (use with caution). Everytime you turn the power off to the vehicle you will need to run through this process. Let me know if you have any problems and I"ll see if i can walk you through it.

***I do not know what any of that other stuff in that service menu does***, so I wouldn't mess with it.

Garmin 660; Nintendo DS soft carry case, YM, rd1chaos, Blackberry PIN 30154995, way too many gadgets to list here.

An integrated GPS is not

An integrated GPS is not meant to be used by a second person. In a well designed interior, the screen is even slightly tilted towards the driver. That's probably why they do not make disable safety readily available.


I have found a thread to 'fix' it. I need dual density DVD disks. I will try it out and see how it works. I miss fiddling with the garmin 660 on the road.

Garmin Nuvi 660;Garmin GPS III+ (Biking, Hiking); Toyota Camry Hybrid with Navigation

Garmin is better

I just bought a new car and decided to buy a handheld GPS, and i can honestly say it was the smartest thing i have done in a long time. the price difference was $5,000, but the Garmin was only $500. i saved $4,500 and was able to buy an HDTV. so a handheld gives you more freedom and you can have great side benefits if you buy it.

Here's the fix that I found. TCH navigation 6.1

Please do not try this if you are not familiar with how to operate a computer. This may void your warranty so be careful. Try at your own risk. Do not operate while trying to drive your car.

To summarize here is what I did:

1) With the 6.1 disk in the drive, highlight/select all and copy the files.
2) Copy to a folder marked TCH, for example. The copy the file into the TCH folder from this link:
3) Using Image Burn, build an image by selecting Mode->Build
4) Then using Image burn, click Mode->write
5) Use a Double layer DVD 8.4 GB for your image
6) Access the fuse box and unplug the fuse, Radio #1 and wait 3-5 minutes
7) When you start the car, the Navigation will reload and reset.
8) Then follow the link below:

Garmin Nuvi 660;Garmin GPS III+ (Biking, Hiking); Toyota Camry Hybrid with Navigation

Garmin Handheld vs Integrated GPS

Also many of us have more than one vehicle and a handheld allows us to move the gps from one vehicle to the other vehicle. When we travel by plane somewhere we can also bring our handheld along to be used in rental vehicles. For me the portability of a handheld makes it more useful than an integrated gps.


Garmin Handheld vs Integrated GPS

I think they do it for safety



petlaur wrote:

Also many of us have more than one vehicle and a handheld allows us to move the gps from one vehicle to the other vehicle. When we travel by plane somewhere we can also bring our handheld along to be used in rental vehicles. For me the portability of a handheld makes it more useful than an integrated gps.

Very true. I have a GPS for the mountain bike and the portable one that my wife uses and when we take another car.

The GPS just happened to be included in the car.

It is a big plus for a portable - esp. for just walking around.

My only thing that I do not like is the mount and the overhanging cable.

Garmin Nuvi 660;Garmin GPS III+ (Biking, Hiking); Toyota Camry Hybrid with Navigation

since we're on this topic,

since we're on this topic, are any vehicles with integrated GPS system able to do custom POI, e.g. the red light cameras? i've always wondered about that.

Integrated systems

Given that they are DVD operated, it is unlikely. I can update data through Bluetooth for the Phone only.

That is the major advantage of handheld GPS units.

I have considered the 680....

Garmin Nuvi 660;Garmin GPS III+ (Biking, Hiking); Toyota Camry Hybrid with Navigation

Some few more.. 5. Plan

Some few more..

5. Plan tomorrow's trip using the GPS from your desk or sofa.
6. Find where the car is parked!
7. Use same GPS on different cars.


\/iger6____________ nuvi 350 on board.

It's in SAFE mode to keep

It's in SAFE mode to keep driver's from "huge" distraction of entering new way-points.

They should have sensor (such as a scale) on the passenger seat to detect if a passenger is present. Then turn the SAFE mode off by itself, perhaps.


Could you explain this one:

6. Find where the car is parked!

Would love to hear how this would work, can you share examples?

Houston TX

Finding car

DJKM wrote:

Could you explain this one:

6. Find where the car is parked!

Would love to hear how this would work, can you share examples?

Houston TX

When you leave your car, set the current position as a favorite. Although you cannot use the GO TO, as there are no roads, if you look at the map, you will see where your car is located compared to where you are at all times.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

Yeap, I do it all the time!

Yeap, I do it all the time!

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -


How often do you park your car and can't remember where you parked it? Bread crumbs work also.
And Titanium has a button on his key fob that will locate his car for him.

As far as bypassing safe modes: I am also a motorcycle rider and would like your UNDIVIDED ATTENTION when your behind the wheel.

If you are:
-holding a conversation
-messing with your GPS
-looking in your briefcase
-fixing yourself up
-reading a newspaper or a book
-tapping on your laptop

then I don't have your attention and neither does anyone else for that matter.

Do these things at a red light or pull over.

Radio = front seat
All other forms of entertainment = back seat:)

I'm stepping off my soapbox now.

660, v3.80

where the car is parket

There is also another way.

--- I've not the nuvi with me now, so I'll write a draft and I'll confirm tomorrow (sorry) ---

Just close the antenna before leave the car and then shutdown the nuvi.

When you have to search the car:
- Leave the antenna closed (don't unfold the antenna!!)
- Switch on the Nuvi
- go to where to
- go to coordinates
- hit save

then you can fold out the antenna and you can select where to - my location and it's done!

(suggestion: use off road option)

I hope is clear, anyway I'll forward the correct procedure tomorrow.


\/iger6____________ nuvi 350 on board.

I don't need a GPS to find

I don't need a GPS to find my car.

Using the GPS is useful for my wife to plug in addresses while we are moving.

I only mess with checking on instantaneous gas MPG data to improve gas mileage on the Hybrid. The integrated GPS is too involved to safely manipulate while driving in DC Metro traffic.

Garmin Nuvi 660;Garmin GPS III+ (Biking, Hiking); Toyota Camry Hybrid with Navigation

Handheld vs Integrated

Getting back on topic; I've read:

1. Can't load POIs into integrated GPSs
2. Can't turn safe mode off on integrated GPSs
3. Integrated GPSs are expensive

I have an integrated Garmin GPS and it has an SD slot for updating and installing POIs.

It's also easy to turn off the safe mode, so I can careen down the street while fiddling with the screen if I so choose (and sometimes I do).

Expensive? I could have bought half a dozen Nuvi 350s and passed them out to all my friends for the price I paid for the integrated unit... BUT...

My integrated GPS also allows me to have back-up, and forward facing cameras so I can park REAL close to other cars. So close, and so offhandedly, onlookers who don't realize I'm looking at video images of surrounding bumpers, think I'm some sort of a parking god. The screen is HUGE, so I can actually see what's on it. I can add custom screen information with the house address I'm currently passing, speed, time and distance to turn, next street I'm approaching, plus the map, all on the screen, all at the same time.

A few weeks ago, I picked up a Nuvi 350 for my wife's car and to take with us on vacation (rental cars). I think it's much better than the integrated Garmin in many ways, including a very understandable Aussie voice that the integrated unit doesn't offer (She's easier to understand, with the exception of the abreviated word "Drive". She keeps telling me to "turn right on Willow Doctor"). The fact that the Nuvi is so perfectly portable, is enough to make it the best "first choice" for a GPS unit even if price wasn't a factor.

On the down side, reading the Nuvi's screen can be a bit difficult at times, and attempting to target that tiny screen with your finger while driving is downright death defying. I spend a lot more time with my eyes off the road, trying to read the Nuvi's small screen than I do with the bigger unit. Of course, I'd look pretty silly trying to stuff the KNA G510 into my pocket, so I guess I'd have to call it a draw.



Here's the fix that I found. TCH navigation 6.1

What brand of DVD did you use? I saw another post saying the Office Depot brand would not work. I've tried the Circuit CIty brand and they don't seem to work either.

Handheld vs Integrated

For my use, a handheld is much more functional than new integrated systems. Companies working hard against us to ELIMINATE workarounds for in-motion use. Understandable when you look at the adjacent driver text-messaging while underway. BAD CONCEPT.

Issue would be size of screen. All other factors win for Handheld/Portable system. GARMIN NUVI systems are very easy to use and adapt. All screen sizes are available ($ is the only issue). Check out the NUVI 700 series for larger screen - still 1/3 the price of the integrated GPSs.

Nuvi 350 is EXCELLENT for domestic use. Using one since it originally came out.

If travelling to Europe, the Nuvi 370 will handle all. Language choices are great, same as 350. Not available on integrated systems. Bluetooth capability.

Integrated systems will not allow use of keypad when in motion (without complicated software of hardware bypasses), but proper setup prior to use will allow use of one-touch buttons for some functions.

I WOULD NOT BUY another integrated system - rather have the portability for rental car use (easy to carry on aircraft) and overseas use, as well as the adaptability for downloads. Language choice actually is a nice feature to end the boredom. Bluetooth is a great feature on the NUVI 370, but requires a Bluetooth compatible phone (check as all Bluetooth phones do not work).

A H Barbour Marshall, Virginia, USA