Tue, 04/17/2007 - 9:16am
17 years
Really don't know if I'm in the right spot??
Recently d'ld free Mapsource from Garmin. When I run it I get the following " No mapsource data found." I have the C530 hooked up to the computer. Is this "free" file a stand alone program or do I need something else. I have an email into Garmin requesting a MapSource CD as mentioned somewhere here.
Mapsource on web is update
Really don't know if I'm in the right spot??
Recently d'ld free Mapsource from Garmin. When I run it I get the following " No mapsource data found." I have the C530 hooked up to the computer. Is this "free" file a stand alone program or do I need something else. I have an email into Garmin requesting a MapSource CD as mentioned somewhere here.
Mapsource on the web is an update version. You need to have the maps which are included with some GPSr units that don't have all of the maps (so you use Mapsource to upload them as needed), but not with those units that have the complete map set. When you get the Mapsource product from Garmin, you will have Mapsource and the Maps. You will need your unlock code (included with your c530 purchase) to unlock City Navigator Maps.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Re: MapSource
Really don't know if I'm in the right spot??
Recently d'ld free Mapsource from Garmin. When I run it I get the following " No mapsource data found." I have the C530 hooked up to the computer. Is this "free" file a stand alone program or do I need something else. I have an email into Garmin requesting a MapSource CD as mentioned somewhere here.
You need to purchase and install MapSource from Garmin. By the way, you can find it on ebay much cheaper than the retail price.
Mapsource availability
You need to purchase and install MapSource from Garmin. By the way, you can find it on ebay much cheaper than the retail price.
In most cases, if you have a GPSr with all the maps preloaded (came without Mapsource) you can get the copy free of charge from Garmin. Generally explain that you want to move waypoints into and out of your GPSr. Do a search on this site for Mapsource for more discussion threads.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
How Frequently to Update MapSource
How often should one update their maps for the GPS.
I have a StreetPilot i5 with Maps as of April 2006.
Should I update every couple of years? Is there a recommended approach?
You need to purchase and install MapSource from Garmin. By the way, you can find it on ebay much cheaper than the retail price.
In most cases, if you have a GPSr with all the maps preloaded (came without Mapsource) you can get the copy free of charge from Garmin. Generally explain that you want to move waypoints into and out of your GPSr. Do a search on this site for Mapsource for more discussion threads.
Frequency for Map updates
How often should one update their maps for the GPS.
I have a StreetPilot i5 with Maps as of April 2006.
Should I update every couple of years? Is there a recommended approach?
You probably have the most current maps. Just like any other maps, it depends on how well they are working out for you. If you don't have a lot of new roads in your area, or the areas you travel to, you can probably wait. In my area there are a lot of new highways going in and also new developments. When the next version comes out (Sept?) I will go on the website and see if the areas I need have been updated. Depending on the answer, I will decide whether to purchase that version. Probably get one this year and then skip a year.
Remember when we had paper maps! How often did you change out your maps. I used the state maps for several years. If I bought a local atlas and the roads in the area had changed, or I ran into situations where roads I was looking for were not on the map, I would buy a new atlas.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource