Unable to open WebUpdater
Tue, 05/18/2010 - 11:22am
17 years
I need help! This morning I can't open my WebUpdater, it prompted "unable to create a temporary folder to extract to." The same goes for my POILoader and USBDrive. I have Window Vista, using WinZip Self-Extractor. Please help. Thanks! ( I have no problem before )
User Account
I need help! This morning I can't open my WebUpdater, it prompted "unable to create a temporary folder to extract to." The same goes for my POILoader and USBDrive. I have Window Vista, using WinZip Self-Extractor. Please help. Thanks! ( I have no problem before )
Did you create a user account that lacks permissions to create files?
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
I don't know
I need help! This morning I can't open my WebUpdater, it prompted "unable to create a temporary folder to extract to." The same goes for my POILoader and USBDrive. I have Window Vista, using WinZip Self-Extractor. Please help. Thanks! ( I have no problem before )
Did you create a user account that lacks permissions to create files?
I am not sure, please tell me how can I find out and how to correct it? I was fine just 2 days ago. I never changed anything...
are you sure...
...that you aren't double clicking the original installation file, instead of the webupdater app?
— (Garmin nuvi 765T) — "people who say money can't buy happiness, don't know where to shop"
Sorry that's not my forte any more. I got left behind in that arena around WINDOWS 95.
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
I agree
...that you aren't double clicking the original installation file, instead of the webupdater app?
Peter, instead of double-clicking something on your desktop, what happens if you click:
I deleted my old WebUpdater, and reinstall it. It's working fine now, but I when I try do the same to the POILoader and USBDiver..I still can't open them..