Getting lost in Traverse City Michigan
Sun, 05/09/2010 - 12:06am
15 years
I've been visiting that area for 50 years. On my last visit I decided to take a computer-generated route to locate a relative in town. See the area around here: N44.740695°
I was on US 31 going south, and turned off into a 4-lane drive, which became a 2-lane paved road, which became a 2-lane gravel road, which became a two-track grassy road, which ended blocked by a large tree that someone had felled to do away with this shortcut once & for all. Even Google Earth indicates the route 'should be there', but 'taint so. Even so, this short adventure was fun.
Me Too
I'm having a hard time locating...
"The Farmhouse Near Where the Old Oak Tree Used To Be"
The Wizard of Ahhhhhhhs - Earned my Windmill 4/12/2010
You've got problems, I get lost and have a hard time finding my way in my own house.....and it ain't no 30 room mansion either.