Distracted Driving Legislation in Alberta
Mon, 04/19/2010 - 6:02pm
16 years
The provincial government in Alberta is proposing a broad "distracted driving" law.
The legislation would not only prohibit the use of handheld communication devices while driving, but also other activities such as personal grooming and even eating. The issuance of tickets would be at the discretion of the police officer.
This sounds like the government is codifying what constitutes "due care and attention".
A Good idea
Sadly, as common sense has given way to common idiocy, this is needed all over NA. Too many think it's a right to speed, put on makeup, eat, play with the cell, or other such stuff while hurtling down the road at high speed.
Now, if the police will (or are able) just enforce it!
Fact: At 60 mph, you're traveling at 87.85 feet per second. At 100 kph, it's 91 feet per second. Add in a reaction time of 1.5 seconds for a good driver.
I'm sure you'll all get the point!
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Distracted driving
The provincial government in Alberta is proposing a broad "distracted driving" law.
The legislation would not only prohibit the use of handheld communication devices while driving, but also other activities such as personal grooming and even eating. The issuance of tickets would be at the discretion of the police officer.
This sounds like the government is codifying what constitutes "due care and attention".
They better not try to stop us from drinking our Tim's coffee while driving. , but still a good law, even though we still have some idiots here in Ontario that claim they didn't know about the law, when they got pulled over.
All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush
Well put
Fact: At 60 mph, you're traveling at 87.85 feet per second.
As we used to say in work "close enough for government business."
Your point is well made.
nuvi 855. Life is not fair. I don't care who told you it is.
IMO another silly law that
IMO another silly law that won't fix the problem of bad drivers plus cops *most likely* won't enforce it anyways.
the new buzzword
The new buzz word is "Distracted Driving." It replaces "Cell Phone" and "failure to signal" in the lexicon of nannies. The next push will be to include it under "Homeland Security."
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
Remember when the buzz phrase was "crowding the driver"?
nuvi 855. Life is not fair. I don't care who told you it is.