Hot Springs in Washington (GPX)

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Last updated 04/04/2010

Raw file: WA-Hot-Springs.gpx (3.33 KB)

Hot springs in Washington, 90 °F or warmer. Taken from Website of the US Dept of Commerce/NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC (last updated Sept. 8, 2006). Includes springs on developed and undeveloped sites, as well as public and private land holdings.

While many of these are easily accessible by car, there are no guarantees that a listed hot spring will be accessible to the public and some will undoubtedly be on private lands. Always obtain permission from the owner before entering private property.

Many hot springs are fragile and ecologically sensitive. Some can provide perfect living conditions for infectious bacteria. DO NOT enter any spring unless you know that this is permitted and it is safe to do so!