Updating 765T Map Database
Tue, 12/01/2009 - 3:47pm
14 years
Hi all!!!!
Another "newbee" here. We recently purchased a 765T.
GPS works great......so far.
Driving around with it showed that an update to the map database is necessary. One shopping center we went to wasn't on the chart even though the stores have been there for 4+ years. Last night I installed the download manager and update programs on our PC. Downloaded the new maps, all 2GB of it, but the download was not clean. Has errors and won't open. File type says it's a .lnk file which I know is not correct.
How do I download a clean copy?
Should the antivirus be off?
You should be able to go to
You should be able to go to mygarmin.com and be able to d/l the update again. You should have several chances of d/l the same file for your unit. I had to three times since I initially attempted to install it from my laptop and didn't quite work so I decided to do it from my desktop and it worked flawlessly..
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Update Worked This Time
Downloaded just fine and quickly installed, no errors.