Garmin map update for new purchased GPS


Hi everyone,

I just received my GPS model Nuvi 755T. Bought it through mail order. This GPS have the map version 2010.10

If I register my GPS on website, do they allow you to update my map version to 2010.30 for free? I heard somewhere they have a 30 days guarantee for you to get the latest map updates. If this is true, is the web the only way to get the map updates or can I request them to send the updates on DVD?

Another question, through the map update using the web, does it also update the junction view and 3d buildings files?

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving

You are eligible for the map update.

You are eligible for the nuMaps guarantee and can upgrade to the current 2010.30 version. I think you must do this via web download, but you can always call Garmin and see if they will send a DVD. Junction view updates are distributed as part of map updates, although to be honest I have seen little evidence that any significant changes or additions have occurred in the past year. I am not sure about 3d buildings, but assume they are also part of the map updates.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

60 days

You have 60 days from the first time the unit aquires satellites to do a free, one time update. The latest is 2010.30 released November 19th(?) I believe.

You will have to register to get the free update, and you'll need to download the Garmin Communicator SW as well.

When updating with the Communicator, your firmware, and software, will be updated as well. That would include any junction views, and 3D buildings.

Hope that helps you out.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Thank you everyone for the

Thank you everyone for the quick replies.

Mapfile file is huge

One other point to ponder is that the map file is huge (more than 1 gigabite). Don’t try to download unless you have high speed internet.

2.5 gb is the file

mbegly wrote:

One other point to ponder is that the map file is huge (more than 1 gigabite). Don’t try to download unless you have high speed internet.

Val - Nuvi 785t and Streetpilot C340