Video Tutorials project....
Thu, 10/29/2009 - 10:51am
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![]() 18 years
I have decided that I am going to start making video tutorials for the site.
Here is what I need from you guys....
Advice on equipment and software and also guidance on production tips.
So if you are experienced with making screen casts and tutorials please help me out.
I really like the idea of using Camtasia Studio 6 but I have not made the investment yet.
I wanted to make sure I am heading in the right direction first.
Thanks for all of your advice ahead of time.
Miss POI - coming soon to video;)
Sounds great!
Sounds like a great project. The most common complaint I have about a lot of the "home-brew" videos and tutorials is poor sound quality. I suggest you invest in a couple of good microphones, one a lavaliere or clip-on, the other capable of mounting to a mic stand. The Shure M58 as a stand mic has been a standard for more than 30 years for good reason, it's an excellent choice - but there are others out there that are every bit as good.
As to the video equipment and editing, I would suggest you talk to some small-scale users of equipment and get recommendations of a local shop. Go there and tell them what you are planning and give them your budget. See what they can put together.
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
Sounds like another good reason to have found this site. Thanks for all your efforts to keep this site one of the best
nuvi 2597LMT
My favorite Video producing/editing software is by CyberLink – called Power Director. It’s loaded with extras, has the capability of producing professional looking videos, and the learning curve is easy. And I believe now that CyberLink even has programs to produce High Definition/Blue Ray which I think are even backward compatible.
Another possibility might be to ask members to produce and post downloadable “How To” Power Point (PPT) presentations which could be updated as changes and conditions warrant. Almost everyone at least has the ability to read PowerPoint files, even if they don’t have the ability to produce them. Of course there would have to be an authentication process to insure accuracy and completeness. Or maybe even a combination of Video/PPT “How To” resources?
Can’t wait to see you on video!
Stay Safe, Sane, Sober & Solvent!
This project is about to get going full speed.
Just wanted to update the group on the project. I purchased a blue snowball microphone last night along with the Camtasia Studio 6 Screencast software.
I am really excited about getting this project started. I think that having video tutorials will help new members learn how to use their devices.
I will be going through the FAQ section of the site and covering all the bases.
First video will be on how to download files from the site to your computer and then to your GPS. I will cover both Garmin and Tom Tom units.
I will continue to announce what I am making as I make them.
Miss POI
Video Tutorials Project....
This sounds like a good welcome project.
Thanks for starting it.
guy-----C320>nuvi 200>Nuvi 255W
Video Tutorials
Just wanted to update the group on the project. I purchased a blue snowball microphone last night along with the Camtasia Studio 6 Screencast software.
I am really excited about getting this project started. I think that having video tutorials will help new members learn how to use their devices.
I will be going through the FAQ section of the site and covering all the bases.
First video will be on how to download files from the site to your computer and then to your GPS. I will cover both Garmin and Tom Tom units.
I will continue to announce what I am making as I make them.
Miss POI
I can just picture Mr. POI going over the budget and questioning the expenditure of $4.000.00 Dollars per month for supplies i.e; clothes to wear while video-taping Tutorials.
Being ALL I can be for HIM! Jesus. Kenwood DNX9980HD Garmin 885t
Looking forward to it
I am not into video creativity, but just wanted to say, I am looking forward to the videos. This website has been so perfect for so long, I guess with the vids, it will be even more perfecter (I know, bad english). 98% of everything GPS that I know, I learned right here. Why should anyone go anywhere else!
Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.
Making Videos
Don't know much about the software you purchased. I have been making a lot of DVD's lately from an HD Video camera using Photoshop Premiere Elements 7.0. The one thing I have noticed is if you are doing HD type stuff, and the video is over about 30 minutes, the software has problems with memory. Other software products have had the same problem. No matter how much memory you have, XP can only address 3GB and even the new Windows 7 can only address 4GB when in 32 bit. I have found if I am not working in HD, my old 2GB Dell works well. If I'm doing HD then my newer dual processor, faster hard drive, better video board, more memory works much better than my old system.
Looking forward to seeing the VIDs. This site rocks.
Larry - Nuvi 680, Nuvi 1690, Nuvi 2797LMT
Miss POI:
We’re all rooting for you and anxiously awaiting the release of your first production. We know it’ll be great!
Stay Safe, Sane, Sober & Solvent!
Making video
I have been working on personal videos for quite a while. Since I am a tightwad I always do it as cheap as possible.
I use Windows Movie Maker - seems to work pretty well for me. I currently use a Sony digital 8 camera ties right in on a fire wire port - capture and edit with the Movie Maker. Not allot of bells and whistles with Movie Maker but, you can save the video in a number of different sizes.
There are a few videos on youtube I made - but, nothing special - mostly just raw video.
I have a hi-def Sony Camera, and live in Boise. But I have no patience on editing video.
Good luck on your project.
If you ain't got pictures, I wasn't there.
Project Update
I am going to be working on this project this week. My goal is to get the high priority video tutorials up by Thanksgiving.
My Software came in last week and I have had a chance to play with it a bit.
Miss POI