Recommendation for StreetPilot...
Sun, 04/01/2007 - 8:18pm
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![]() 17 years
Hey! I just stumbled here from Google as I was looking for some POIs and recommendations for what GPS to buy.
I am in the market for a car GPS in the next month or two when I move down to California. I've read lots of reviews on different units. I don't have the budget to spend an arm and a leg, so keep that in mind.
I am thinking about the c330. Think it's worth the upgrade to the unit that does text-to-speech? (c340)
I can get the c330 for $285 and the c340 for $399, by doing just a simple search on NewEgg.
Street Pilot C340
Do a search on I bought my C340 for $366, free shipping.
if your going to spend $399
if your going to spend $399 on a gps unit I would consider the nuvi 350 price at amazon about $400. The nuvi has the newest gps chip the sirf. Which can pick up gps signal better the the chip in the streetpilot C3X0 series. Practically speaking The nuvi 350 may work in places where the C3X0 series cannot. Like the C340 the nuvi 350 can speak street names.
Or the c530 for $300 at Staples
if your going to spend $399 on a gps unit I would consider the nuvi 350 price at amazon about $400. The nuvi has the newest gps chip the sirf. Which can pick up gps signal better the the chip in the streetpilot C3X0 series. Practically speaking The nuvi 350 may work in places where the C3X0 series cannot. Like the C340 the nuvi 350 can speak street names.
-530 has same chipset as above
-530 has better screen then c3xx (better anti-glare)
-530 can have TTS with correct firmware
-530 can have custom POIs on SD card, c3xx can't.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Link... happen to have a link? I can't find it on
I believe that it is at the
I believe that it is at the store only. I wasnt able to find it either.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Garmin c340
Bought mine from for $369 a month ago. It is now online @ $304.40 with freeFedEx delivery. Amazon has the unit @ $319.99
Don't hesitate, it is a great unit and love the announcing of the streets.
Alan-Garmin c340
Garmin c340
I agree.....the announcing of the street name vs turn in 500 feet sounds much better...
On your mark, Get set.....wait a we can GO.... (Garmin c340)
Dark, Remember that you can
Remember that you can modify the c5xx to have TTS. However, also remember that you won't be able to do any firmwire updates (although that isn't 100% confirmed) past 5.4.
I believe that the non TTS voice is clearer and crisper. However, I do like the TTS voice over the standard non-TTS voice, esp. in heavy traffic and unfamiliar teritory.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Thanks for all your help guys/gals. Once I move down and get settled, I'll grab myself one.
Reviews is another place for gps reviews.
I tried the C320. It was nice. But went for the Nuvi 350 with all it's features. TTS is a real plus.
HarveyS - Nuvi 350
Yeah, agreed, TTS is really
Yeah, agreed, TTS is really the only thing that I wanted on a higher model. The bluetooth and mp3 capabilities wasn't an interest for me.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
I just checked WalMart
Walmart has Garmin StreetPilot i3 Auto GPS for $197.00. You can check their site and compare units.
It appears to have the same features as my C340 but runs on batteries. the C340 uses USB charger and/or a car charger.
I really depend on the test to speech. I think you might regret not getting that feature. It's not all ways easy to look at the map while your driving. Sometimes the glare can obstruct the screen view so the voice is a great feature to have.
Good luck!
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.
I checked Walmart stores and
I checked Walmart stores and it really seem that Walmart doesn't carry GPS in store, mainly online. Has anyone seen GPSs in a walmart store?
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
ever time we go there we
ever time we go there we check out that area and they are always there. depends on the store
Well I wish that our
Well I wish that our walmarts around here had them. Oh well, I have one now and love it. I try to not look at them in stores, cause I know that I will want to upgrade
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
My omission....
I neglected to put in my post that I checked Walmart's online store.
Some Walmart's are set up to have your online order sent to their retail location.
Either way, if you don't like the unit you have a store to return it to without having to mail it back.
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.
Has anyone seen GPSs in a walmart store?
That's where I got mine. In their electronics section - they had a small display right next to the cash register, and a display case in the vicinity of their MP3 player offerings.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Walmart carries the GPS but
Walmart carries the GPS but only one brand. In my walmart, they cater to the c330 and all others are online like you stated.
On your mark, Get set.....wait a we can GO.... (Garmin c340)
Walmart pricing
The Walmart close to home had the Nuvi 350 at the store. But they charged more for it than the on-line price. Said it was each stores discretion to decide on the price.
Went to Best-buys and bought it with price-matching.
HarveyS - Nuvi 350
Worth the additional cost. Text to speech calls out street names and keeps me from rubber necking for street signs. A real plus for me
I have the garmin c530 and I am verry happy with it and the cost is around $365 from a place called Abes of Maine.
love my c530
love my c530
Me too
I love my c530 as well, including the TTS. Sorta wished that it had bluetooth, but that is extra money I can't/won't spend.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Have had the C330 for about a year - LOVE it ! Recently posted on another thread my experiences with trips etc. It's in Recent Posts folder under "C340 experience" even tho I have a C330 . Good Luck - mine has been GREAT !
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !
I love my c530 as well, including the TTS. Sorta wished that it had bluetooth, but that is extra money I can't/won't spend.
What is the benefit to having Bluetooth? Sounds like another added useless function.
If you want to go even lower
If you want to go even lower in price and have robust GPS unit check out the StreetPilot i5.
I use the bluetooth w/phone
I love my c530 as well, including the TTS. Sorta wished that it had bluetooth, but that is extra money I can't/won't spend.
What is the benefit to having Bluetooth? Sounds like another added useless function.
Comes in quite handy answering phone calls while driving. Basically the gpsr when paired with a bluetooth capable phone is a hands free device. When my phone is on and I turn on my c550, they "find" each other and that's that.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
I just got my C340 for just $236 on Ebay and i luv it works gud had no problem
What is the benefit to having Bluetooth? Sounds like another added useless function.
Here's what Bluetooth does for me.
Pairing my phone with my GPSr allow the the music and nav prompts to be stopped when I get a call.
And I get an alert (visual and audible) on the GPSr that I have an incoming call. Very useful when I have the music turned up a tad loud in my car.
By pairing the headset to the GPSr and the phone to the GPSr at the same time allows the GPSr to handle the calls. This gives me handsfree without having to look at or press buttons on the phone itself. Very useful while driving.
I also use in with my helmet headset while on my bike.
I have a C530 and am very happy with it. My impression is that the C5xx is the latest technology - brighter display and much more sensitive receiver. It is currently going for $310 at
I haven't heard a unit with TTS and am not sure I really miss it. You can see the upcoming street names at a gance on the display.
Good luck!
I would love it so that i
I would love it so that i could pair my headset and phone to it and have it cut off the voice prompts when on the phone as well as see who is calling without opening my phone. I think that it can do that.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
C550 model
Hubby has this model and it does all that. Very good feature.
On your mark, Get set.....wait a we can GO.... (Garmin c340)
I think it is the best GPS on the market
I own a Garmin C550 and I think it is the best GPS on the market. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong!
Ham radio Operator W9WOW. Using Garmin Streetpilot C550. Mac G5 Duo with Mac OS 10.4.10
Looks good...
Looks like an amazing unit, but a bit outta my price range. =(
MSN direct?
I own a Garmin C550 and I think it is the best GPS on the market. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong!
I love the MSN direct functionality of the Nuvi 680 and C580, but a bit outside of the 300-400 range.
I just bought the Garmin C530.Had the C330 prior to that for about 4 days and found that what they were saying about the display wash out in bright sun was true. Something I could't live with, so I starter looking around. Found the C530 for the same price.Display is great in bright sun, plus it has a stronger receiver for the satelites. I always thought love was a strong word for an inanimate objet-"I love my car, etc", but I do love this thing
Yes, I found the 530 for
Yes, I found the 530 for less then the 330 actually, that is the reason I went for it, originally I was getting the330
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
I love my c330
I would recommend the StreetPilot c330. I am also moving to California pretty soon, and I also drive a lot for business and so far so good. It's pretty cheap on
Just keep in mind that Califonia has a law against having things suctioned on the windshield, but it includes a circular disc that you can stick to your dashboard that the suction will stick to.
Good luck with your move and with making your decision
I live in CA and if you keep
I live in CA and if you keep the unit tucked down on the lower left of the window so the unit sits on the dash, I don't think they will bug you about it.
It puts it in about the same basic location as it would be if you used the dash mount anyway. I just don't like the idea of sticking stuff to my dash...
They have yet to bug me about it anyway...
BD • Nuvi 360 • Mac User
Good call...
Yah, not sure if I wanna stick it to my dash either. I saw one mounted somewhere (maybe on this site) with a sticky pad?
Will CSP actually pull you
Will CSP actually pull you for windsheild mounts? or do they jut ticket you when they stop you for something else?
It doesn't really matter, I am sure that it isn't a moving violation, or is it?
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Consider the c530
I have the c530. has it for about $325. If I had to choose a brighter screen vs. text to speech, I would go with the best and brightest screen. Yesterday I was at a store that had the c340 and c530 on display next to each other. I compared the brightness of the screens. The c530 is much brighter and easier to read with less glare. At only 60% brightness the c530 was equal to the c340 at 100% brightness. There is a huge difference in the quality of the two screens. On a bright sunny day that becomes very important.
Also, with the c530 you get the state of the art SIRF Star High Sensitivity receiver which almost never looses a signal.
Here is a comparison chart
Garmin Nuvi 750 & c530 with RT's vol. mod., Vulcan Nomad