Stop at least 3 seconds at the stop sign and stop at least 6 seconds against red light when making the right turn!!!!


Better read this message very carefully. This is for real.
Some of my friends got fined for around $500. There are a lot of cameras on the intersections ready to get you.
Beware of the last 2 lines at the bottom.
This is a quite serious matter: local governments are robbing the drivers like crazy, you make a right turn at the intersection while the traffic light is red, you make the turn without a full and complete stop, you will be treated as “running the red light” - $480 fine. Now more cameras are installed at intersections, if the camera catches you, you will receive not just ticket, along with photos and a short video clip, you have no chance to deny it. Be very careful!!
**Red Light Camera Locations You Might Want To Know

San Gabriel Valley
San Gabriel & Walnut South
San Gabriel & Foothill
Atlantic & Garvey
Fremount & Valley
Garfield & Pomona (Hwy 60)
Garfield & Via Campo ( Hwy 60)
Garvey & Rosemead
Santa Anita & Lower Azusa
Peck & Ramona
North Montebello & Paramount
Hacienda Heights
Grand & Amar (in Walnut)
Grand & La Puente (in Walnut)
Colima & Larkvarne (west of Fullerton)
Colima & Fullerton
Colima & Batson
Studerbaker & 183
Sturderbaker & South
Los Alamitos & Katella
Gridley & South ( Cerritos Mall)
Norwalk & Viarna St(between 195 and Del Amo)
Bloomfield & Hwy 91
Bloomfield & 183 st
Bloomfield & Cerritos
Bloomfield & Katella
Telegraph & Colima
Carmenita & Leftingwell
Carmenita & Alondra
Carmenita & Alondra
Walker & La Palma
Orange County
Valley View & Chapman
Valley View & Lampson
Beach and Warner
Beach and Edinger
Beach and Garfield
Newland & Trask
Magnolia & Orangethorpe
Magnolia & Acadia
Magnolia & Trask
Brookhurst & Orangewood
Brookhurst & Chapman
Brookhurst & Trask
Euclid & Acacia (north of Garden Grove Blvd)
Euclid & Bolsa
Harbor & North Berkeley
Harbor & Chapman
Harbor & Orangethorpe
Harbor and Chapman
Harbor and Trask
Harbor & Westminster
Harbor & Bolsa
Harbor & MacFadden
Harbor and Warner
Harbor & South Coast ( north of 405)
Harbor and Gisler ( south of 405)

POI Files

I'm first time to use GPS, I don't know about that, so you guys have any file can share???
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After you are an active

After you are an active member you can download the red light and speed cameras here.

What type of GPS do you have? this is very useful if you need help. An easy way to include it its to add the type in your signature.

John B - Garmin 765T

Good, I'm tired of all these

Good, I'm tired of all these people rolling through the reds to turn right. If they did not try to beat you through intersection it would not be so bad. I find myself having to slow down to avoid rearending them.

Sorry but

davidlee168 wrote:

Better read this message very carefully. This is for real.

This is a quite serious matter: local governments are robbing the drivers like crazy, you make a right turn at the intersection while the traffic light is red, you make the turn without a full and complete stop, you will be treated as “running the red light” - $480 fine.

UHmmm, May because you are running the red light if you roll through it!

So is it the local government robbing the people or is it their own ignorance for not obeying the laws?

As far as sharing camera files goes, we don't share those files here, you can get them one or two ways, pay for them or earn them. I recommend you pay for one year to help keep the lights on here at the POI Factory since server time is not free, then be contributing member there out after that. I don't live in your area, but I can with almost certainty say that what you reported is already in the files. You can however help yourself to a large amount of other files here

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

Right on Red

We do not even turn right on red at the camera lights. On several occasions I have seen the camera flash even when I thought the driver turning right on red came to a complete stop. Why risk the chance and have to deal with the courts?

i know what you said, i just

i know what you said, i just to tell you guys what happened, i think someone still don't know yet, until they get tick in the same case, right ??

by the way i send it to cvs too.

I'm first time to use GPS, I don't know about that, so you guys have any file can share???

i show all you guys to see

i show all you guys to see it, i don't want anyone lost $$$, just when you driving be careful when you make right turn before red light,

i will be commmen, best turn is full stop 6 sec,,,,,

I'm first time to use GPS, I don't know about that, so you guys have any file can share???

What's the source for that timing rule

davidlee168 wrote:

Stop at least 3 seconds at the stop sign and stop at least 6 seconds against red light when making the right turn!!!!

Beware of the last 2 lines at the bottom....

I understand the need to stop completely, but where does the specific 3 and 6 seconds timing information come from? Is it your recommendation? Is it an official rule somewhere? Is it based on your particular knowledge of how the cameras react?

Also, what did you mean by "Beware of the last 2 lines at the bottom"? Of what?

State laws vary......

jale wrote:

I understand the need to stop completely, but where does the specific 3 and 6 seconds timing information come from?

Assuming his figures are correct for California, they certainly do NOT apply everywhere.

In Illinois I think a "full and complete" stop is defined as 2 seconds without the wheels turning. I've sometimes wondered if they were locked in a skid if that would count ??
Maybe it's changed now; that was a LONG time ago.

Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X

Better read this message

davidlee168 wrote:

Better read this message very carefully. This is for real.
Some of my friends got fined for around $500. There are a lot of cameras on the intersections ready to get you.

Thanks for the information

Nuvi 2595LMT


ka1167 wrote:

I've sometimes wondered if they were locked in a skid if that would count ??
Maybe it's changed now; that was a LONG time ago.

Once you tires are no longer rolling when you are moving, you've technically lost control of your vehicle and can be cited for that too. (The same for breaking traction and spinning your tires when you accelerate.)

BTW davidlee168, a rolling right on red has always been considered "running the light" so it is no surprise that they are issuing tickets for it.

As for the timing your stop, I thought it was a rule of thumb and I've always heard three seconds.

Drivesmart 66, Nuvi 2595LMT (Died), Nuvi 1490T (Died), Nuvi 260 (Died), GPSMAP 195

Yeah, I got tagged for

Yeah, I got tagged for "failing to stop at a red light" when making a right turn. Nothing was coming, and I had slowed down (no complete stop admittedly). The camera picked it up, and I was sent a ticket. In southern California, what I did is common, and usually, cops won't even bother to pull you over.


bloodbath wrote:

Yeah, I got tagged for "failing to stop at a red light" when making a right turn. Nothing was coming, and I had slowed down (no complete stop admittedly). The camera picked it up, and I was sent a ticket. In southern California, what I did is common, and usually, cops won't even bother to pull you over.

I don't know of a law anywhere that says you can go through a red light without stopping...that is why the lights are red...I am tired of people trying to beat me when I have a green light and they just roll through the red without stopping. Hope they catch as many as possible...

Bobby....Garmin 2450LM


I hope they catch them all.....a red light means stop not slow down and go....

Bobby....Garmin 2450LM

On a similar note...

farrissr wrote:

I hope they catch them all.....a red light means stop not slow down and go....

Watched a city police officer write about 10 tickets the other day for failure to stop at a STOP SIGN. It was at an entrance to a shopping center and people were in so much of a hurry to either get in or get out they would run the stop. It wasn't only right turns either - it was left turns as well.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

i got an email on this

i got an email on this too... was a forward and just ignored it.

i use garmin c320

i use garmin c320

I'm first time to use GPS, I don't know about that, so you guys have any file can share???

i think Beware of the last 2

i think Beware of the last 2 lines at the bottom meaning is about when you right turn you should be keep right line is better than you keep right line @ that moment....

I'm first time to use GPS, I don't know about that, so you guys have any file can share???

i agree with you not

i agree with you not specific 3 and 6 seconds timing information come from ??but for safty stop 6 sec I feel more safe, expect you go to your city police to ask them for detail.....but may be waste your time,,,, so that is all my ideas....

I'm first time to use GPS, I don't know about that, so you guys have any file can share???


ka1167 wrote:

Once you tires are no longer rolling when you are moving, you've technically lost control of your vehicle and can be cited for that too. (The same for breaking traction and spinning your tires when you accelerate.)

It seems a miracle that dont go to jail every weekend!!

GPS owner and purchaser of new tires every 8-12 months.
mrgreen razz

Nuvi 350 Born Oct 07 - Nuvi 660 Unit #2 (re)Born Sept 08 - Nuvi 360(Gift to 'the chick' yet maintained by myself) Born July 08

Say what?

davidlee168 wrote:

i think Beware of the last 2 lines at the bottom meaning is about when you right turn you should be keep right line is better than you keep right line @ that moment....

Care to rephrase that?

See it all the time

We have so many doing the rolling right turn on red. As said above, when you have the green and someone does one of those you always have to slow down. I say the more tickets for that the better.


Drivers are so paranoid about these cameras now that nobody wants to make a right on red turn. No traffic coming and they just sit there with their blinker on waiting for the light to change.

don't go

shadesofgrey wrote:

Drivers are so paranoid about these cameras now that nobody wants to make a right on red turn. No traffic coming and they just sit there with their blinker on waiting for the light to change.

I have heard so many stories about false tickets, I will not turn on red in Davenport IA.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

Red Light Cameras - LA and Orange county

How do I get the latest CA state Redlight camera file?


Big Brother!

Big Brother is always watching!
obey the traffic laws and no one will have anything to worry about!
doesn't hurt having the poi on your gps either just as a reminder!


quizzer25 wrote:

How do I get the latest CA state Redlight camera file?


If you're in a hurry, go here and pay the fee:

If not in a hurry, perform some activity (like replying in the forums) for a few weeks to earn your windmill, then go to the above link and get the file at no cost.

Red Light Cameras - LA and Orange county

I'm hoping to update the garmin unit with the latest POI files.

Still in my second week though.

Thanks Craig. I will do.

Thanks Craig. I will do.

Turning right on red

Buddy of mine got a big buck ticket for turning right on red. He now stops at the light and waits for it to turn green before turning, even though all the cars behind him are honking. I think I am going to do the same thing.





Good law, bad law, good cop, bad cop

I believe there is considerable evidence that small cities in urban areas are on "the take" and depend on quota tickets for their budget. Some cities in the St. Louis metro are being sued about this. There are also a lot of drivers who have no regard for the safety of others by disregarding traffic signals.

In general, I believe that traffic cameras promote greed in small municipalities when they should be used as safety enforcement devices. It is unlikely this will get better in the foreseeable future.


Traffic Laws

I think all traffic laws should be treated as guidance only. No need to obey them if you think it's safe to ignore them.

Red Lights: Why stop if you don't have to?. Just go if you can make it.
Stop signs: Treat them as yield signs.
Speed limits: If you can do a higher speed safely, just do it.

Lane discipline is for fools. I'll drive in any lane I want to. If I want to overtake, when the markings prohibit it, why shouldn't I?

We all know the laws are just money makers for the governments and have nothing to do with safety. twisted

nuvi 855. Life is not fair. I don't care who told you it is.

Big cities like that red light camera cash too

rvOutrider wrote:

I believe there is considerable evidence that small cities in urban areas are on "the take" and depend on quota tickets for their budget. Some cities in the St. Louis metro are being sued about this. There are also a lot of drivers who have no regard for the safety of others by disregarding traffic signals.

In general, I believe that traffic cameras promote greed in small municipalities when they should be used as safety enforcement devices. It is unlikely this will get better in the foreseeable future.

Chicago takes in almost $70 million a year from red light cameras.

Until morale improves the beatings will continue

red light camera

i am thinking about joining, but do the red light cameras include East coast?
Like PA, NJ, De?


grozecki wrote:

i am thinking about joining, but do the red light cameras include East coast?
Like PA, NJ, De?

The single poi red light camera (RLC) file covers the entire USA and some, if not all, of Canada.

For what it's worth, NJ got rid of RLC's a couple months ago. I haven't heard anything in the news that says they brought them back.


. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .

I used to be steadfast

I used to be steadfast against cameras, but with more and more drivers treating traffic laws as traffic suggestions, the cameras are needed. If everyone or nearly everyone obeyed traffic laws the cameras would be gone. If you don't like cameras like I don't then STOP at stop signs and right turn on red AFTER STOP.

when walking my dog

sunsetrunner wrote:

I used to be steadfast against cameras, but with more and more drivers treating traffic laws as traffic suggestions, the cameras are needed. If everyone or nearly everyone obeyed traffic laws the cameras would be gone. If you don't like cameras like I don't then STOP at stop signs and right turn on red AFTER STOP.

I observe people completely blowing the stop signs, ignoring the PD warning signs (of course) saying fine. Once in a blue moon someone is pulled over.

Then, there are yield to peds crosswalks and pylons which actually get knocked down by vehicles.

There will always be a wild wild west attitude by some, the "catch me if you can." Then the car one day strikes a pedestrian and the person is so sorry.

People are really just

People are really just rolling through too much now a days. It really can become a problem especially near schools.

Sometimes... Just Sometimes...

farrissr wrote:

I hope they catch them all.....a red light means stop not slow down and go....

Sometime there might be a circumstance or situation in which running or not stopping at a red light just might be the best alternative there is. I know I was in one myself... and because of it I wasn't hurt or injured.


I'm not really lost.... just temporarily misplaced!

Under The Cirtcumstances...

shadesofgrey wrote:

Drivers are so paranoid about these cameras now that nobody wants to make a right on red turn. No traffic coming and they just sit there with their blinker on waiting for the light to change.

Can you blame them..!..?


I'm not really lost.... just temporarily misplaced!


Nuvi1300WTGPS wrote:
farrissr wrote:

I hope they catch them all.....a red light means stop not slow down and go....

Sometime there might be a circumstance or situation in which running or not stopping at a red light just might be the best alternative there is. I know I was in one myself... and because of it I wasn't hurt or injured.


Just how many times in all the years you have been driving did you have to do this? The rare exception is no excuse for stating the rule is inherently wrong.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Re-Read What I Said...

Box Car wrote:
Nuvi1300WTGPS wrote:
farrissr wrote:

I hope they catch them all.....a red light means stop not slow down and go....

Sometime there might be a circumstance or situation in which running or not stopping at a red light just might be the best alternative there is. I know I was in one myself... and because of it I wasn't hurt or injured.


Just how many times in all the years you have been driving did you have to do this? The rare exception is no excuse for stating the rule is inherently wrong.

Box Car...

Where did I state anywhere in my post that the rule was (as you put it), INHERENTLY wrong? Please note that I used the words "a circumstance" and "a situation" (which used the way I did), can/and is interpreted as be "singular".


I'm not really lost.... just temporarily misplaced!


Nuvi1300WTGPS wrote:
Box Car wrote:

Just how many times in all the years you have been driving did you have to do this? The rare exception is no excuse for stating the rule is inherently wrong.

Box Car...

Where did I state anywhere in my post that the rule was (as you put it), INHERENTLY wrong? Please note that I used the words "a circumstance" and "a situation" (which used the way I did), can/and is interpreted as be "singular".


Every time you bring up this point, which is about every 6 weeks, we all state there are times when a strict adherence to the law may put a person at risk. However your stance that the only purpose for traffic cameras is to fleece the general public rather than impose a penalty on those that do not come to a stop before entering an intersection.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Handle says it all!!!!!

Not2Bright wrote:

I think all traffic laws should be treated as guidance only. No need to obey them if you think it's safe to ignore them.

Red Lights: Why stop if you don't have to?. Just go if you can make it.
Stop signs: Treat them as yield signs.
Speed limits: If you can do a higher speed safely, just do it.

Lane discipline is for fools. I'll drive in any lane I want to. If I want to overtake, when the markings prohibit it, why shouldn't I?

We all know the laws are just money makers for the governments and have nothing to do with safety. twisted

Not2Bright, a cop should be following you everywhere, they'd fill a ticket book in no time!!!!

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

Downloading RLC file

I just downloaded the CSV file to my desktop and planning to upload it to my Garmin.

Is there a link to step by step instructions for the download?
Will it also automatically download the audio signals when approaching the photo enforced intersection?


When I was a young driver...

…there was no "turn right on red after a full stop." We all waited for the green light. But that's when gas was 25¢ a gallon--and you got Green Stamps too.

Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav

Do the two-step

quizzer25 wrote:

I just downloaded the CSV file to my desktop and planning to upload it to my Garmin.

Is there a link to step by step instructions for the download?
Will it also automatically download the audio signals when approaching the photo enforced intersection?


By starting here:

Illiterate? Write for free help.


hurlbutt wrote:

Good, I'm tired of all these people rolling through the reds to turn right. If they did not try to beat you through intersection it would not be so bad. I find myself having to slow down to avoid rearending them.

Are we supposed to guess where these intersections are? I know of a Garfield in SoCal.

Agreed. The worst is the people who honk at pedestrians who are legally crossing--I don't lose any sleep about $480 fines to them.




Box Car wrote:
quizzer25 wrote:

I just downloaded the CSV file to my desktop and planning to upload it to my Garmin.

Is there a link to step by step instructions for the download?
Will it also automatically download the audio signals when approaching the photo enforced intersection?


By starting here:


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