Tom Tom turns on automatically


A few days ago my Tom Tom One 3rd Ed. turned on while just resting on a counter in the kitchen. I did a internet search and found this is a common occurance. Anyone here had this happen? I suspect it may be related to exposure to strong electromagnetic fields - mine was near the back of a TV set when it popped on. I have put it in a cabinet away from all EMF sources and will see if that keeps it off.

When Shutting Down

Sometimes when I turn my GO 930 off, especially when it has been connected to the car battery, it will restart after a few minutes.

Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go

I just wish I could get my

I just wish I could get my 930 to turn on when the car turns on and turn off when the car turns off.

Back on topic. I could not say what it is, but unless it happens more than once I would call it a fluke.

Hi, If it turns on while you


If it turns on while you just turned it off, you must check if the next files are in your root of you TT.
bton runclean ttsoff nogfixdel
If not, the files could be in the config folder.
Replace them to your root.

This probably works.

Sometimes it works to remove the sound it wil play after shutting down the TT. Just remove the sound from memory.


Sounds Interesting

What do those files do Chris?

Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go

Thanks for the repiles

Thanks for the replies. It has not done an auto-start again and I think it had something to do with the EMF from the TV set. If it does it again I will try the file adjustments.

TomTom turns on Automatically

About once every week or two, my TomTom One 3rd edition turns on automatically. Normally, I keep this plugged in in a corner of my basement. This area is not close to any other electronic device so I'm sure there is no interference. It also did it while it wasn't plugged in and completely drained the battery which is why I now keep it plugged in all the time. I guess it's complaining about not being used enough!

did it again

My Tom Tom did the auto turn on again - twice in the last month - both times in the console of the car. So I will next try werfje's suggestion above.

Mine Too...

Let me know how it works.

Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go


Well, this problem continues. I have learned that it is software related and only occurs with the newer versions of the firmware - so if you are using an older version it may be a good idea to NOT update. Also, the unit turns itself back on exactly a week after it was last powered down - to the minute. So if you use your Tom Tom at least once a week, you will never have this problem.

I have not noticed it lately

Mine has not been coming on by itself (at least as far as I know) lately. On the other hand, I think my battery is getting does not seem to hold a charge as long as it use to. Not really an issue for me, because I rarely use it on battery power, but still a little disappointing.

Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go

tom tom 3rd

Strange i got one myself and i've have never notice this before, it almost seems impossible for the device to turn itself on, i can see it resetting itself while on or plug in but not turning itself on while completely turn off. very weird.

Who really made these?

Were these units built by Tom Tom or Cyberdyne Systems? mrgreen

Tom Tom comes on by itself

I have recently purchased a Tom Tom XL....and the damm things comes on every week by itself. I made the mistake of down-loading my older Tom Tom 3 (which NEVER came on by itself, and held it's battery life well while not being used,) but now that I have down-loaded it with the same version of the XL, it too comes on once a week too!!! Have spent countless hrs with Tom Tom to try to "fix" the problem. Have heard it all from them. Try this--try that. Not a happy camper. Why not fix it on YOUR end Tom Tom so that when we do our daily down-loads, we can down-load the "FIX" from your Tom Tom Home it is obvious it is in the soft-ware of the newer 7 down-load version. HELP !!!!

Still Doing It

My GO930 still turns itself on if I leave it connected. Otherwise, the battery only lasts a few seconds so while it still turns on, it goes off right away. razz

I THINK it has something to do with the fact that when you turn it off by pressing the power button, you are really only putting it in a sleep mode, not completely powering it off.

Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go


werfje wrote:

If it turns on while you just turned it off, you must check if the next files are in your root of you TT.
bton runclean ttsoff nogfixdel

These 4 files will be present only if the device has an ILLEGAL NAVCORE!!!!!


Did not find those files on my TT. Based on tendriver's comment, I didn't expect too either.

Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go