Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area

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Last updated 06/08/2009

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Includes 1 location in the following area:

  • United States: OR

Name: Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area

Western Oregon near Florence, Reedsport and Coos Bay
The Three Main Dune areas: Florence, Winchester Bay & Coos Bay

For nearly fifty miles, from the mouth of the Siuslaw, to Cape Blanco at Coos Bay, the largest area of dunes in the country lies between the Pacific Ocean and the Coast Mountains. In places, the dunes extend 2.5 miles inland, and some are as high as 500 feet. In 1972, 32,186 acres of dunes, forest, streams, and lakes were set aside as the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.

The dunes are found south of Florence and north of the neighboring communities of Coos Bay, Charleston and North Bend. The Siuslaw River marks the northern boundary of the dunes, at Florence. The Umpqua River flows into Winchester Bay and the ocean, at the town of Reedsport, halfway along the stretch of dunes.

You'll find the recreation area headquarters and information center located west of Highway 101, in Reedsport.

U.S. Highway 101, the coastal highway leading north from California, provides the main link to the National Recreation Area trails, viewpoints, campgrounds, and other facilities.

South of Florence, the mountains move inland. The dunes lie along the coast, with the estuaries of three major river valleys connected by two long stretches of sand. This 40 miles of dunescape is made accessible at many points along Highway 101.

Three main off-highway vehicle riding areas have been set aside to provide riders with a variety of experiences. There are sand roads and designated rides between South Jetty to the Siltcoos River (Florence Area), small areas with the highest and most dramatic dunes in Umpqua Riding area (Winchester Bay), and large areas with varied riding opportunities between Spinreel and Horsfall (Coos Bay/North Bend).

Climate - Coastal weather is characterized by continually changing moods; a winter day may bring a violent rain storm yet the following day may be clear, calm, and sunny. Summer fog is common and temperatures remain mild year-round.

Elevation - 0 - 500 ft.

The Oregon dunes National Recreation Area extends along the Oregon coast from Florence to Coos Bay. Nearly the entire district can be accessed from Highway 101.

OHV Staging Areas - Day Use:
Goose Pasture OHV Staging Area


Horsfall Beach

Horsfall OHV Staging Area

Siltcoos Beach

South Jetty OHV Staging area


Umpqua Beach #2

Umpqua Beach #3

DECIBEL LIMIT for Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area is 93 decibels.
Increased OHV use and the popularity of aftermarket mufflers means more noise. Noise buffers are located between residential and recreational riding areas, and are closed to motorized travel. As defined by state and federal law, vehicle sound is measured by a decibel meter positioned 20 inches and 45 degrees from the exhaust outlet. Have your vehicle checked! Forest personnel are equipped to provide sound checks. Vehicles operating over 93db are subject to citation.
RED or ORANGE FLAGS (8”x 12”) must be displayed 9 feet above the ground on all vehicles when riding at the Oregon Dunes NRA.
OPERATORS of Class I and Class III ATVs that are younger than 18 must wear a helmet approved by the Department of Transportation. Children under 18 years of age may operate a Class I ATV if they possess a valid driver’s license or hold a Class I ATV operator permit; or they are accompanied by a person at least 18 years old who has either a valid driver’s license, or a valid Class I operator’s permit. Unlicensed Class III motorcycle operators must be accompanied by a licensed or permitted operator, and have attended a Class III safety training class. However, children seven years and younger may not operate a motorcycle on public lands. Unlicensed children cannot operate a Class II vehicle (dune buggy, full-size 4x4).
LIGHTS must be used in limited visibility (before sunrise, after sunset, or when you cannot see clearly ahead for 100 feet).
WORKING BRAKES are required on all vehicles.
WINDSHIELD WIPERS are required to operate on any vehicle equipped with a windshield.
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, SEATS, AND SEAT BELTS FOR ALL PASSENGERS must be available in dune buggies and full-size vehicles.
Alcohol is prohibited in the dunes
Other Information:
ODNRA OHV Sound Limit = 93 decibel