Mazda Dealers - USA

onestep's picture

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Last updated 03/03/2013

Raw file: Mazda-USA.gpx (565.17 KB)

Mazda Dealers in USA.

This is the start of a POI file of all the USA Mazda dealers.

The current contents are all fifty states merged into this one file.

This file will be updated often as I have time, and get updates from the members. I will be working on standardizing the file formatt and syntax.

Please send me your contributions.

See also

Change History

  • MaddPerson - Dec 9, 2021
    2 BMP's

  • onestep - Mar 3, 2013
    After a 4 year delay I finally found the time to do a complete overhaul. If you find any errors please submit them to me.