Made in America
16 years
|, Inc. have great pride in knowing the American worker is the most productive worker in the world. Americans produce many of the high quality products found in the world today. However, in too many cases these products are never seen on the shelves of the "big box stores" or even your "mom and pop shops." We as consumers have listened and heard people complain about "nothing is made in America anymore" and/or "do you carry any American Made Products," and odds are you probably said it yourself. Well, guess what? This is all going to change.
I don't have a thing to do with this company, other than being an American. Do your part and at least take the time to check this site out, and guarantee your toddler won't get Poisoned by playing with their toys.
made where?
I don't really believe you will find any complex item is entirely made and assembled in the United States. The compressors in your GE and Frigidaire refrigerators are Japanese. The engine block in your Ford is Asian, and the odds are that your computer, GPS and cell phone were assembled in Korea, Singapore, or Mexico.
I wonder if the little American lapel flags are made here.
nuvi 785 nuvi 350, nuvi 270, GTM 20, jag in dash, mercedes in dash.
Made Where
You are so right. Many things are not what they may seem.
Honda Accord
The Honda accord is made in Ohio and a couple years ago they had a higher USA parts content than most GM cars...but even then they are not 100%
Dave_ Nuvi 660 , 760,1490LMT Wooster, Ohio
I don't care...
I don't care where an item is made - if it suits my purpose, is sufficient quality, is cost competitive and still fits my budget and needs, then I MAY buy it. This says absolutely nothing about loyalty to my country, compassion for my fellow citizens (neighborhood, town, state, country or world) or whether my choices are better or worse than those of anyone else.
non-native nutmegger
then just keep buying and watch the USA go down the tubes.
I happen to live in Cleveland, and Ford has an engine plant here, remember the 351 Cleveland? guess where it was made and I mean completely.
Yup Cleveland thats where, not China,Mexico or Japan.
Cleveland Engine Plant No. 1 opened in 1951 as Ford’s first engine plant in Ohio. Since then it has produced more than 35 million engines including 24.3 million engines in the famous 302 and 5.0-liter V-8 family. In 2004, Ford invested $350 million into the plant for redesign and installation of an all-new assembly line as well as block, crankshaft and cylinder head machining lines.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
I don't care where an item is made - if it suits my purpose, is sufficient quality, is cost competitive and still fits my budget and needs, then I MAY buy it. This says absolutely nothing about loyalty to my country, compassion for my fellow citizens (neighborhood, town, state, country or world) or whether my choices are better or worse than those of anyone else.
I couldn't have said it better myself
nuvi 785 nuvi 350, nuvi 270, GTM 20, jag in dash, mercedes in dash.